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Old 19 April 2023, 20:52   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: poole
Make: flatacraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: 55hp yamaha
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 27
Thoughts on this Zodiac

Hi All

I am thinking of parting with my old 5m Flatacraft + 75etec, it still does what i need but its pretty rough and i think my family thinks we look more like pirates than light weight leisure cruisers!....
Any way, ive been looking at this....

My worries are that it will not be Hypalon tubes but PVC, so it could be near the end of its expected life span, although it looks like its in good condition from the photos.

Also, the price, I've seen a couple of red ones with a different layout, with a jockey seat, for £1000-£1500 less.
I personally don't like the jockey seat layout and prefer this bench seat set up.
Do you think it would be unreasonable to offer £8000!

What are peoples views on these boats? have you got or had one? would you recommend one?

If you know the area, i tend to launch the boat in Poole harbour, stay in the harbour, go to Wareham quay or nip around to Studland with occasional fishing on or around Poole patch, it will not get heavy use and probably will not get used for towing toys.
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Old 20 April 2023, 19:23   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Brum
Boat name: UTV
Make: Bombard Aerotec
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MMSI: 235933026
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I have owned a zodiac Pro 7. One thing to consider is the Hull had a very shallow v on it and tended to slam over any decent waves, this made it quite a wet boat to be in.

Nice cruising area, one of my favourites.
Big waves, small boat ;)
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Old 21 April 2023, 08:58   #3
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Had a Zodiac Pro 7-man. Loved that boat, but as mentioned, shallow hull so will slap a bit when the wind gets up. Still very capable. Not sure what the trailer is, but I used to haul on an Indespension trailer - and it towed well.

Regards PVC tubes, it's uses slide-on rail system, so if you plan to purchase, I'd take it off to check tube sponsons and where the rail connects. Also useful for cleaning. In terms of lifespan, depends if the boat has been under cover. If it has, no reason the tubes won't do 20 years.

Zodiac fibreglass certainly on console is prone to cracking. Primarily superficial, but something to cast your eye over.

Location of battery is odd. That's near the splash-well, personally I'd move that to the console, but it could be there's maybe a fuel tank in there. You should be able to store 25 litres in the bench seat too.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 21 April 2023, 21:37   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: poole
Make: flatacraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: 55hp yamaha
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 27
Thank you for the replies, interesting about the slide on rails system, i will need to google this as it is new to me!
It is including VAT.....i think, i am going to have to check now you have mentioned it!
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Old 22 April 2023, 20:25   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Brum
Boat name: UTV
Make: Bombard Aerotec
Length: 3m +
Engine: 2 stroke 25hp
MMSI: 235933026
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 748
Mine had small signs of wear at the back where the tubes met the transom, you may have to deflate them to get into inspect
Big waves, small boat ;)
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