Launched at Bristol Marina today and everything went really well. Took her out through the lock and down to Avonmouth, poked our noses out into the choppy Bristol Channel.
The handling of the boat is superb, it heals over more than my previous Rib due to the tubes being a good few inches out of the water however this is not at all disconcerting it really feels just right.
With a full load of fuel (160Litres) and 3 up Got 40 knots against tide and wind and then 44 going with tide so averaged out at 42 knots. The 19" Viper is perfect giving 5500 RPM when trimmed out.
When out on the Channel it was as usual quite choppy however 30 knots felt totally secure and in fact I felt confident that I could take this at full chat without feeling too uncomfortable. When I think how draining it used to be going out in those conditions with Danny Boy.
All the electronics are fine the plotter is excellent although I may need to designate an afternoon to read the manual and site on the boat working out how to set everything up.
Need to move the Transducer up as it is throwing up loads of spray (transom mount) this might also be causing drag (so who knows maybe another knot

The ebay cover is OK although I had to hack the back end up a bit to get it round the aframe sides. Will need to tidy up when I can borrow mums sewing machine.
The Ultraflex steering uses the inner hole on the Etec steering arm meaning a very tight turning circle which when manouvering is excellent also making higher speed turns quite an adventure if you give it too much lock!!
So I am happy (very)!!
Anything I would do different.....
- Have Osprey mount a transducer in the hull when building.
Otherwise I can't fault anything.