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Old 17 August 2016, 22:27   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Orpington and Lymington
Boat name: Charrnah
Make: 6.5m Ribeye
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 150
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 154
Time for a new rib

So after a few years of owning a 5.6 Avon adventurer -90hp 2 stroke Mercury mariner ( I think it's an older version)

I know they aren't well liked on here but for me as a first boat I learnt a lot in the past few years

The time has come to change it for something that copes better with a bit of chop (less slamming) I'm after a more comfortable ride!

Like the idea of parallel seating so that boating becomes more sociable (my Avon has a single jockey at the helm and two behind)

Quite like the looks of the ribeye a600 /a650 going to a brokers on the south coast in the morning to test them and see what they drive like.

Have a fairly healthy budget! Circa 25k

What's the general consensus on the ribeyes? Should I wait for the boat show? Never really been in this position before and want to make sure that the rib I buy is the right one for me!

Next conundrum is with storage I currently keep the Avon on the trailer but want to keep the new one either dry stacked or on a floating berth, ideally in Lymington however there is a two year waiting list for the dry stack which I am on so the question is do I anti fowl / copper coat and leave on the water or keep it on trailer till dry stack becomes free?

I did think of using dry stack in Southampton but feel I will use it nor if it's in Lymington!
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Old 19 August 2016, 07:10   #2
Country: UK - Wales
Town: N Wales Chester
Boat name: Mr Smith
Make: Humber
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 5,238
I wouldn't go new, just like cars you'll lose 10-20% the moment you turn the key. Let someone else do it!

Plus with boats, more than cars, people buy then don't use much for 2 seasons, then sell.

Try and buy an ex demo or a boat say 2yr old with engine still in warranty.

You could consider other decent brands then too. Ribcraft, are very popular and sellable on south coast.
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Old 19 August 2016, 08:05   #3
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
I went from the same 5.6 adventure to a 6.8 ribcraft and i dont think you will be dissapointed with the ride quality with a "uk" style rib.

With that said, i would avoid anti foul at all costs personally if you have the option.

You have a good budget so should be able to get into most ribs with that but it will not be new, need another 10k ish for that. As said above though the sensible way would be alike new one if you can find one.

I bought my 6.8 like new with 4 years warranty left and saved about 12k all in.
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Old 19 August 2016, 08:28   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: N. Devon
Boat name: (Not Another) Nutkin
Make: Highfield
Length: 6m +
Engine: Outboard, Honda 135
MMSI: 232036183
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,058
If you can't dry stack is a dock an option? I saw a few ribs on them at Lymington last week.

Bude Dive Club -
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Old 20 August 2016, 23:52   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Orpington and Lymington
Boat name: Charrnah
Make: 6.5m Ribeye
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 150
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 154
Thanks all for your private messages and replies on this thread - I have just put down a deposit on an a650 with Yamaha 150 collect it in two weeks! (Got plans for bank holiday weekend)

Have decided to dry stack at Southampton as couldn't get a berth in Lymington at all! Pontoon or in the dry stack (on the waiting list for that) the only option I had in Lymington was on trailer storage and I wanted to reduce the messing about to use it

Will see how it goes with the dry stack hopefully the travel to and from wont be too bad!

The drive from Lymington to Southampton dry stack is about 50mins to an hour! I think given the time it takes to prep - hitch up, take covers off, drive to slipway launch the boat then park the car trailer and walk back to the car - in the same amount of time I can drive to the dry stack and have the boat in the water waiting for me and not have to worry about launching and recovery!
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