Right, I left the Rib with Scott and he did what he could. He replaced three patches, one of which was leaking quite a bit on the port side. He mentioned that there are some patches where the cones meet the main tubes on each side and they are a bit of a mess, patches over patches sort of thing. He didn't even want to take them off in case he couldn't sort them. As they were minor leaks we've left them as they are.
His general prognosis was, it's an old boat who has had a hard life so not really worth spending big money on. This was my thought also as we only wanted to keep this RIB for a year as a starter boat and then move on to something bigger and more powerful next springtime if funds allow.
I put the boat back in he water last Friday but had to go away for a few days, I returned today and check on it, the tubes are a little soggy on both sides but nothing major - a lot better than they were. So I'm happy.
there was a large volume of water in the boat though thanks to all this rain and the mysterious leak. I'm going to get the boat out of the water on Friday and bring it home. I will then take off the transom drain plugs and stuff, reseal them and refit, if that doesn't help then I'll fit new ones. It will also give me time to asses an automatic bilge pump install which should sort things out, once and for all.