28 July 2008, 17:31
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To wave or not to wave!
I like to think of myself as a friendly sort of person, but I find that half of all sailing boat skippers (sweeping statement) I pass, never look up and respond to my gesture of camaraderie. After all, were all out to enjoy ourselves in one way or another.
I wonder if these same skippers would be so up their own arse when in need of assistance. There spoilt this thread with my bad language.
Have we gained a reputation or what! or are there always a small minority of jerks at the helm?
28 July 2008, 17:46
Country: UK - England
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I think that the vast majority of people out there are enjoying themselves and are having a fun time whether at three or thirty knots. There are idiots in hard boats AND in ribs who carve up sailing boats, deliberately or in ignorance, and that doesn't help with relationships.
I do however wave. If they want to ignore it, fine. I hope it makes them feel good.
BUT you have hit the nail on the head, it will be a different attitude when they are being blown onto Brambles Bank with a line around the prop and no wind!
Let's keep our friendly attitude and try to convert then!
28 July 2008, 18:08
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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I thinks there's an inbred resentment amongst some skippers. And I'm sure it's worse in the busier larger ports. I tend to find smaller harbours have friendlier sailors, something to do with there being less pressure and they are more genuine in their reason to be there to enjoy the water.
28 July 2008, 18:56
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I find that if you continue to wave more and more they eventually wave back just to shut you up.
All these years in sales means I have a fairly thick skin when it comes to rejection.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
28 July 2008, 21:21
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I generally find that you can get an acknowledgement for a wave. Everytime if you send one over their Stern
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28 July 2008, 21:32
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Sailors don't like motor-boaters. Just the way it is.
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28 July 2008, 21:33
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I always wave if possible, just to be friendly, but on a busy weekend in the Solent you'd end up with a sore arm!
I sometimes just get the Smaller Nashers to wave, and they usually get a reply.
Mr Halliday and Mr 7 tell me its much more fun to dip your flag to anything from the 'Grey Funnel line'.
I look forward to seeing how this thread progresses.
The 'wave issue' pops up in the motorcycle press quite often, its usually the Brand new sports bike riders and 'weekend warrior' Harley riders that get the flack for not waving.
28 July 2008, 21:52
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Originally Posted by Nasher
I always wave if possible, just to be friendly, but on a busy weekend in the Solent you'd end up with a sore arm!
I sometimes just get the Smaller Nashers to wave, and they usually get a reply.
We get so little traffic we always wave - they always wave back. A couple of years back, The World was in town (see below - stock pic) so we motored out in our wee 6m RIB for a gawk, all eight of us. We sat motionless, awed, as she slid up the Foyle past us and then....
The passengers (tenents) started waving at us! So we made with the waving back thing. Lesson learned, keep up the waving.
28 July 2008, 21:56
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore
Sailors don't like motor-boaters. Just the way it is.
Why's that then?
28 July 2008, 21:57
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Over here waves is to all mariners, RIBbers, hardboaters, kayaking, sailing boaters, fishing vessels small and big and ferries, it is comming even on our gravel roads waving is essential, although not so common on our tarmac roads anymore.
To me it is a good habit.... and show good manners
28 July 2008, 22:04
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I recon a higher proportion of sailors wave during the winter for some reson, perhaps it's nice not to be the only one on the water.
Looks Slow but is Fast
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28 July 2008, 22:45
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Originally Posted by willk
The passengers (tenents) started waving at us! So we made with the waving back thing. Lesson learned, keep up the waving.
I have a bit the same problem here... There's a couple of good sized tour boats, and a 300 car ferry... Many of the crew are friends, so I toss them a wave and end up waving to 900 people...
Occasionally the tour boats pass us when we're just hanging out on some island running the dogs and having a pint and all the tourists start waving and taking pictures...
I keep hoping that they will toss a few coins for we "natives" to dive for... it would help pay my increasingly exorbitant fuel bill!
28 July 2008, 23:14
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think most boaters wave or even just hold a hand up to say ok but its like any other form of group theres always some that have the snob attitude . unless they cant see very well and if thats an excuse its a bad one as the number one rule of the sea is keeping a proper look out .any how in our part of the north sea if you dont gesture back you will probly get moon ed, though not in the winter.
29 July 2008, 05:10
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We always wave and 99 % of the time get a wave back, reading some of the above posts it would seem that some ribbers also have an us and them attitude
We have sailed and ribbed in many areas of the UK and alot of the "attitude" is closer to home than you may think or like
29 July 2008, 08:08
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I'm with Jim on this. I've never been ignored or snubbed by anyone and I spend most of my time in the Solent, where most of the "snobbery" is rife.
I think it depends on what you are doing, how you are behaving etc. We tend to have l/j on and the boat looks smart enough so we don't look like hooligans.
Oddest moment was when someone in a sailing chose to sail out almost to the fringes of the North Channel off of LOTS to mouth off at us for towing a ringo around before tacking and sailing all the way back in again. He had a small child in the boat, no bouyancy aids or l/j on, probably no handheld or flares etc and he'd chosen to come out to the edge of a shipping lane to remonstrate with us (and we were to seaward of the recognised skiing/towing markers!).
29 July 2008, 09:25
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"Hypocracy; I just cant stand it in other people!"
I wave to people when out and also use the Land Rover 4 fingers off the wheel wave, usually only to other Defender drivers.
New boat is here, very happy!
29 July 2008, 10:56
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Landrover wave.
Hee Hee, dont bother waving at me, I only wave back at series 1 or 2 landrovers. If i waved at every landrover on my way to work i would get a very sore hand. I pass through eastnor and the landrover factory lot are usually coming the other way! Hundereds of them!
29 July 2008, 11:06
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to wave or not to wave
This is a subject close to my heart,I find that most people respond with a wave back but there are the few that simply don`t look, or worse they stare staight through you! with the latter I find a simple 180 degree turn of the wrist,drop 2 fingers leaving the index and second finger in place and slightly parted. It does`nt change anything but it makes me feel better. Some people are just so rude!
29 July 2008, 11:12
Country: UK - England
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Make: osprey vipermax
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Posts: 92
to wave or not to wave
 This is a subject close to my heart,I find that most people respond with a wave back but there are the few that simply don`t look, or worse they stare staight through you! with the latter I find a simple 180 degree turn of the wrist,drop 2 fingers leaving the index and second finger in place and slightly parted. It does`nt change anything but it makes me feel better. Some people are just so rude!
29 July 2008, 11:25
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Originally Posted by humper
..... simple 180 degree turn of the wrist,drop 2 fingers leaving the index and second finger in place and slightly parted. It does`nt change anything but it makes me feel better. ...
…and thereby reinforcing their prejudice or stereotyping of Rib drivers. Very helpful.
Originally Posted by humper
Some people are just so rude!
You don't say?
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