01 July 2003, 20:11
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
TORNADO 5.3 meter '95.. how long will it/fabric last ?
Hi Guys,
Thinking of buying a Tornado 5.3 meter from 1995..
Bit worried about the durability (seams etc.) of the polythuerane fabric it is
made from..
If the boat is currently in good condition > how much 'lifetime' can I expect ?
(or much buy a 'younger one ?)
they are asking € 6000 including a 60hp mariner (also '95) good price ?
any information (also other experiences with this type of RIB) very welcome
thanks in advance !!
grtz. Mervyn
01 July 2003, 20:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Hissing Sid
Make: Ross Smith Cobra
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200HP Optimax
MMSI: 235038046
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 3,804
My tornado is 1990 or there abouts, and the fabric reached the end of it's useful life in 2001. I do think the boat was a little neglected mind!
01 July 2003, 20:36
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
hi jimz
thanks for the feedback..
did not understand completely what you meant with
'the boat was a little neglected mind' ?
and, did you use it in salt waters a lot ? (or does'nt that make a difference with this type of fabric ?)
any tips what to watch ( signs of worn..) for when i am going to view to boat
hope youre still online !
grt. mervyn
01 July 2003, 20:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
It is always very difficult to give opinions on RIBs based on age alone. Often the way the boat has been cared for (or not) is more relevant than its age.
If the boat has been looked after then I would expect it to have at least a few years' worth of use left in it. If it has been neglected then the tubes may well be right atthe end of their useful life.
The same goes for the engine. If it has been looked after it will probably keep going for many years to come, if not it may be next to useless.
Assuming that the boat and engine are in reasonable condition, then the price seems OK. How you assess the condition is up to you! Bear in mind that RIBs can always be retubed which could potentially give you a RIB as good as new at a relatively low cost.
01 July 2003, 20:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Hissing Sid
Make: Ross Smith Cobra
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200HP Optimax
MMSI: 235038046
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 3,804
What I meant by 'a little neglected' is that the previous owner did not rinse down after use or cover the boat at all. Hence the rib looked alittle sad when I acquired it, and the tubes were well and truly dead!
Beware of a RIB which the seller says he has deflated for storage, insist on seeing it fully inflated for a good period of time and ensure it maintains pressure in all the chambers. These tubes are known to go a little 'porous' for want of a better word. Check to see the seams are all in good order and there are no excessive repairs on them or anywhere on the tubes.
01 July 2003, 20:40
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
thanks john..
..for your reply..
another question > does it make a difference for the fabric if the boat is used in salt or fresh water ? I expect it to be used in freshwater..
grtz. Mervyn
01 July 2003, 20:49
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
All clear now ! , tnx, do you still own a tornado ? ( and how is your experience with it ?)
grt. Mervyn
01 July 2003, 21:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Hissing Sid
Make: Ross Smith Cobra
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200HP Optimax
MMSI: 235038046
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 3,804
Great boat ,handles well and is big enough for 7-8 people. I used to use a larger 5.8m (I think) which belonged to a diving club and had a yammie 90hp. ,that was even better than the one I have now but also a bit more expensive!
02 July 2003, 06:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Portchester, Hants.
Length: no boat
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 584
Tornado Rib
Hi Mervin,
I bought a Humber 5.3 Attaque with a Mariner 90Hp 2stroke back in November.
The boat is of simalar design & size to the Torando, I checked the serial number with Humber and the boat was made in 1990. Did the same with the Engine made in 2000 but only comissioned in late 2001 with less than 50 hours on it.
This was all backed up by invoices by the previous owner, I paid 6k for this outfit and it came with a bunked galvanised trailer.
The tubes have faded with age 13 years old, but there are no leaks and I can live with colour of the tubes (2 tone orange). All the seams are still ok. Hull is still in good condition apart from star grazing in some areas no structural/stress damage. The boat has been well cared for by previous owners.
I had no problems in buying this outfit and paying this price. It seems Secound hand Ribs hold there value and as has already been said it is condition of outfit not age. so don't let that put you off.
The only problem I have had since buying my boat was when returning from Devon to Portsmouth. A wheel bearing went on the trailer and I lost a wheel in the middle of Salisbury.
I had checked the bearings for play but it still went. Unless the owner can provide a reciept on when the bearings were last changed. I would negotiate getting them changed before you move it if you intend to tow a long distance to home.
Hope this helps
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