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Old 15 December 2000, 18:53   #1
Country: Germany
Town: Rellingen, Germany
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 8
Tornado or Ribtec ??

I own a Bombard-Explorer WB 420 RIB with a 40hp Yamaha (without steering system). It goes very fast - but not even in rough seas...
I often make the trip from Hamburg to the Iland Helgoland (one way about 90 nautical miles, 35 miles over the Northsea).
I want a new small deep-V-RIB (max. 4,60m length/trailer-garage-storage!).
Which one would be better? The Tornado 4.5 or the Ribtec 455 ?

Jörg Winterfeldt
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Old 15 December 2000, 22:14   #2
Country: Ireland
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Hi Joerg ,

I don't think that there is much to choose between the two .

However ..........., as a quite experienced Professional ribster / Powerboater , I would seriously doubt the safety of using such a small craft operating alone on voyages such as this .

Please don't just think of your own or your crew's safety but also the safety of those Professional Rescuers who may have to place their own lives at risk in coming to your aid if some thing goes wrong in such a small craft .

We in Ireland have already , in the last 12 months , lost 4 colleagues ( two of whom were also good friends / buddies )after their Helicopter crashed while returning from the rescue of a small ill equipped craft operating in poor conditions off our own coast .

In my opinion ,solo voyages of this nature in such waters should only be undertaken in a well equipped craft of at least 5.5 M

Best wishes ,

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Old 17 December 2000, 15:35   #3
Country: Germany
Town: Rellingen, Germany
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 8
Hey Stuart,
on the way from Hamburg to Cuxhaven I run on the Elbe - the beach is about 300 feet away (not too much for a 4.5 RIB ?!?).
And before starting from Cuxhaven to Helgoland (35 miles) I check the weather again. I need about 75 min. for the trip - most of time I see the coast. I´ve equipped the boat very well with everything.
You wouldn´t believe, how many displacement-steel-motoryachts between 20 and 27 feet makes the trip. They need between five and seven hours and have no chance to reach the harbour when the weather changes. That´s dangerous in my opinion.

Jörg Winterfeldt
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Old 17 December 2000, 20:28   #4
Country: Ireland
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Boat name: Ally Cat
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Length: 6m +
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Posts: 333
Hi Jorg ,

It's not the river sections ( to which a craft of this size is ideally suited ) but the 40 miles of open sea between Cruxhaven and Helgoland ( even if it is on a fairly busy shipping lane.All of these little craft are fine while you have no problems and have the weather and a bit of luck on your side . What I would suggest that you plan for ( just in case ) is a worst picture scenario . That is why I would consider a 5.5 meter craft to be the minimum that I would like under me on such a trip .

All I am saying ( and without starting an argument ! ) is that my friendly , personal opinion , as a Professional RIB user ,is that I would consider such a voyage , travelling solo in such a small craft to be bordering on the irresponsible .

Best wishes ,


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Old 09 January 2001, 18:04   #5
Country: Netherlands
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go for the tornado
dryer ride
better hull for waves
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Old 20 March 2001, 20:44   #6
Country: Sweden
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Join Date: Mar 2001
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Go for the Tonado! I have a 5,8m and a Merc 135 Hk it´s the best boat I ever had!

[This message has been edited by mercix (edited 20 March 2001).]
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