21 April 2009, 16:24
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 15
Total Rib Novice with some Qs!
I am about to purchase my first rib and I have some questions:
- What licence(s) do I need to use the boat in UK waters? (solent etc)
- What licence(s) do I need to use the boat in Spanish waters? (I have access to a house with a mooring in Spain)
- What licence(s) do I need to use Rivers in UK?
The boat in question is a 2003 Valiant 5.7m with a 115 Mercury 4 Stroke. Hardly used.
- What is the value of this boat?
- Anything to check in particular?
Insurance - any recommended sites/companies?
SSR - should I register the boat with the SSR? If so whats the process?
Many thanks for any advice.
Great site BTW.
21 April 2009, 17:03
Country: UK - England
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I will try to answer some of your questions, you don't need a license to own or operate a boat used for pleasure in the UK but its highly recommended to do some formal training in fact a coastal RYA PowerBoat L2 can be use to get you an ICC which is recognized internationally. For the Spanish question I hope one of the forum members will give you a better answer.
There are loads of threads on insurance so if run a search there will be more than a few answers for you.
Hope this helps
21 April 2009, 21:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Oakham
Boat name: Blue Wave
Make: XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 115
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Posts: 135
There are a few threads relating to Spain with this I think being the most recent http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?t=29198 hope this helps.
21 April 2009, 21:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Oakham
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Posts: 135
22 April 2009, 09:05
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As others have said, you don't (sadly) need any form of qualification to use the boat at sea. However, you also ask about inland waterways, and here it is slightly different. On canals or any other navigation managed by British Waterways, you will need a sticker for the boat, and need to have passed a safety inspection if you're on the water for more than 30 days. Check the BW website for further details.
The Thames is managed by Port of London Authority (tidal) and Environment Agency (fluvial). Again, details of appropriate schemes on the websites.
You do need a licence for a VHF radio, both for the operator and the radio. For operator, do a one day course via the RYA ( www.rya.org.uk) and for the radio, apply online to Ofcom, which is free.
For SSR registration, it is advantageous if using the boat abroad. Go to https://mcanet.mcga.gov.uk/ssr/ssr/ for further info.
Loads of insurers about, but check very carefully any foreign usage limits.
22 April 2009, 14:24
Country: UK - England
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 15
Brilliant thanks for your help.
23 April 2009, 15:02
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by gemca
- What licence(s) do I need to use the boat in Spanish waters? (I have access to a house with a mooring in Spain)
Whereabouts in Spain? My experience has been that a) the authorities are more interested in big boats than little ones, and b) they get more excited about paperwork in the south than the north. However, sod's law they'll do what they are quite entitled to do and ask you for your papers. If you take the advice from others here and do your powerboat level 2, it would be quite a good idea to get an International Certificate of Competence as well. Join the RYA and get it for free when you present your L2 certificate. The school where you do your L2 should be able to help you with the forms, and would probably do a quick CEVNI test for you as well just in case you want to use the Inland Waterways in Europe sometime
25 April 2009, 08:47
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 15
Costa Brava, about 60 miles up the coast from Barcelona.
Ive booked the L2 powerboat course for next week, I think that will include the ICC as well.
Going out on the rib today for its first trial.
25 April 2009, 09:30
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If you have the option Gemca do the PB2 on your Rib.
25 April 2009, 14:14
Country: UK - Scotland
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Engine: Outboards
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Posts: 632
Originally Posted by gemca
Costa Brava, about 60 miles up the coast from Barcelona.
Ive booked the L2 powerboat course for next week, I think that will include the ICC as well.
Going out on the rib today for its first trial.
Hope it all goes well for you. I'm working in Barcelona next week (Port Forum), and I'll get an update on how interested in paperwork they are around there these days. I'll post a note on this site
25 April 2009, 17:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Oakham
Boat name: Blue Wave
Make: XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 115
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 135
Where exactly will you be in Spain as if you are 60mls north of Barcelona then you wont be that far from where we are based when down there? I have a little more time now and could put together a longer reply if it helps.
Interestingly, and by coincidence, a few days ago I had a chatter to an old friend of mine who used to sail with me out there and now lives further south. He would certainly confirm that officialdom can be much more assertive where he is and suspects that the very laid back attitude I have enjoyed for more than 20 years is likely to come to an end.
26 April 2009, 20:16
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 15
They didnt give me the option of doing it on my rib, but I dont see why I couldnt??? Might take it down there in the morning.
I took the new rib out on Sat, and all was fine, except the front of the thing is too high. When it comes on the plane I had to sit up on my tool box, but when travelling at low speeds, I had to stand. That was on my own. When my mate (110kg) sat right at the front of the boat, it was much better, but still a touch high. Therefore, my question to you is this? What should I use as ballast? Or should I install a seat/petrol tank arrangment further forward than the steering console? And the compartment right at the front of the boat - whats the best thing to use in here as ballast. I was thinking sand bags, although due to the size of the compartment, I doubt I would fit many in. Advice is much appreciated as this was the 1 and only problem on an otherwise brilliant maiden rib voyage.
BTW - the rib is a Valiant 5.7m with Mariner 115bhp outboard.
26 April 2009, 20:18
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 15
Originally Posted by Jon.esp
Where exactly will you be in Spain as if you are 60mls north of Barcelona then you wont be that far from where we are based when down there? I have a little more time now and could put together a longer reply if it helps.
Interestingly, and by coincidence, a few days ago I had a chatter to an old friend of mine who used to sail with me out there and now lives further south. He would certainly confirm that officialdom can be much more assertive where he is and suspects that the very laid back attitude I have enjoyed for more than 20 years is likely to come to an end.
Any posts/advice will be taken on board.
What I intend on doing is to keep laminated copies of the vital docs on the boat at all times.
27 April 2009, 12:07
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by gemca
And the compartment right at the front of the boat - whats the best thing to use in here as ballast. I was thinking sand bags, although due to the size of the compartment, I doubt I would fit many in.
What you appear to be describing is an anchor locker  Make sure you have a good length of chain attached to it. I've seen folks try anchoring without chain on the hook and the entertainment value was quite high
Dust creation specialist
28 April 2009, 09:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Oakham
Boat name: Blue Wave
Make: XS
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 115
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 135
Authorities in Spain
You can do no more than take your various paperwork mentioned above with you and if things remain unchanged there I doubt if you will have any problems.
There are perhaps a few local issues that it may be helpful for you to be aware of.
In Empuriabrava there have been some upset over the Club Nautic who manage the harbour and are attempting to raise dues from berthholders. They had been threatening to prevent boats not showing discs (proof of payment) from using the harbour but there has been considerable backlash and I believe a legal challenge to their right to do so. Last summer I spoke briefly to a local Spanish Solicitor who owns her own boat and mooring and she was adamant that this should be stopped. I was there only 3 weeks ago when there was no sign of any such enforcement. You say you have the use of a property and mooring which sort of implies it is not yours so it might be an idea to check with owner to see if they can give you advice on this.
In the harbour itself you will see the Vigilante in small ribs patrolling. They are there to try and prevent speeding etc by blowing whistles at people and also act as harbourmasters directing larger yachts to visitors moorings. It may be these chaps who are going to attempt to enforce the payment of the Club Nautic dues but I don’t know. It is quite likely that you will use their slip or crane to launch and recover and they may collar you that way. Who knows.
You are most likely to cruise up to and beyond Cabo de Creus. Once you get beyond Cadaques and Portligat there are lots of tiny little coves to snorkel in. However most of the area is part of natural parks which have various restrictions. There are inserts on Local charts showing the boundaries and outlining the restrictions and no doubt almanacs and pilot books of the area will also report the official position. For example Posidonia seaweed is protected so you shouldn’t drop your hook into it, not that you would want to do that anyway. There are also speed limits and restrictions on jetski use. But as ever it isn’t quite that clear as I understand that a couple of years ago several boats were fined (I am not sure who by) for picking up moorings put down by a hotel / restaurant. As far as I can tell the mooring are still there and used.
You mention that you are new to boating or sailing but if I am teaching a grandmother to suck eggs I apologise. The weather conditions can be very localised and in the summer it is quite normal for a strong sea breeze to blow into the bay of Rosas by mid afternoon. Also in the mornings a thick sea mist can on occasion come down quite quickly. Conditions however out by Cabo de Creus can be very different although don’t be put off as there are as previously mentioned some lovely coves to explore.
If you have just done your PB2 then no doubt you will have had various safety aspects drilled into you. I suspect you will find it quite a shock once you are out there as in general the attitude seems to be that Col Regs are for other people and rumour had it that the local lifejacket salesman drowned him self in despair as he hadn’t sold a single jacket in 10yrs.
Lastly it can get very crowded out there in the summer season although I was out there a few weeks back and for 4 days saw nothing but a couple of trawlers and a work boat tending the fish farms.
Hope this helps
30 April 2009, 22:34
Country: UK - England
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 15
Thanks all very useful info.
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