Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi
Who knows, you might have sold it for $9500 before you pick it up next week 
If that your final offer, SOLD! Let me know where you want it shipped.
I am really looking forward to picking up this boat. I've had a few Zodiac F470 boats and really enjoyed them. Back in my Navy days, we used 24' Willard diesel RHIBs (Navy speak for Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) that were a lot of fun. I currently have a RiverPro 18' Jetboat with a Merc 200 hp opti Sportjet. It will do 50mph in 3 inches of water. It is unmatched for catfishing on the Missouri River. It is a blast to drive but it is not so good out on the large lakes we have in the midwest. The Avon 5.4 would be perfect for the choppy water and big lakes so now all I have to do is convince my wife we really do need two boats. I guess if it doesn't sell, then I get to keep it. Hmmmm....