26 July 2006, 10:30
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Towing a rowing boat
Hi, does anyone have any advice for towing a rowing boat? I'm guard-boating for a rowing race and need to tow the boat to and from the venue in open sea. Its a 10m long boat, but pretty light. Last time I towed it it weaved about all over the place over 10kts. Its a 30 mile trip so I would really like to be able to tow at more like 20kts.
26 July 2006, 10:39
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It would probably benefit from a rudder. That way, with someone sitting in it, they can steer it so it stays right behind you.
An oar lashed on to its transom should work, but 20knts sounds fast enough to me!
26 July 2006, 10:44
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what is the rowing boat constructed from?
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
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Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
26 July 2006, 10:46
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Don't fancy that.  It sounds like a pilot gig. I've towed sailing dinghies which will dive around at speed also. The only advice I can give is to keep it on a longish tow line to keep it out of the worst of the wake and perhaps have a couple of people back aft to try and get the forward section of keel up. This way it might do as you (the tow boat) wants rather than do it's own thing. Having someone on the tiller would also be good.
26 July 2006, 10:50
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tie a bucket to a length of rope and tow that behind the rowing boat, that should reduce the weaving. The boatman at my yacht club did this when a load of RS k6's lost their rudders in a race last year.
26 July 2006, 10:52
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Don't fancy that.  It sounds like a pilot gig. I've towed sailing dinghies which will dive around at speed also. The only advice I can give is to keep it on a longish tow line to keep it out of the worst of the wake and perhaps have a couple of people back aft to try and get the forward section of keel up. This way it might do as you (the tow boat) wants rather than do it's own thing. Having someone on the tiller would also be good. 
yep I would agree with Mollers above, execpt that if it is 30 miles surely it would be quicker, easier and less risk to the rowing boat if you towed by road.
26 July 2006, 11:08
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Thanks for the replies. I can't tow by road because its Carteret to Guernsey!
Its GRP.
The boat does have a rudder, so I guess fixing that might help and last time they attached a fender with some chain as a drogue, but it didn't seem to do much.
I guess being such a long narrow boat causes it to wander like that. I can't see anyone wanting to sit in it whilst being towed..
26 July 2006, 11:25
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A bucket or a bundle of rope can work wonders, it is worth playing around with it because depending on where you tie the bucket will have an effect on where the rowing boat sits. Des
26 July 2006, 11:37
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It also depends on where you attach the tow rope - on the boat and your rib. If you have a strong A frame attach the rope as high as you can and as low as you can on the boat to be towed - think of it a bit like wakeboarding!!!
26 July 2006, 11:45
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I used to tow a lot of sculling boats (mainly singles and quads) when I used to drive rescue boats for a rowing club three times a week. The best way to do it is along side the towing boat. However your talking about open sea not a nice calm river so behind is probably best. I assume its a coastal boat not a river one....
You'll find that if you can get two people to sit in it with a blade each it will go in a nice straight line as they will be able to steer and balance it with their blades.
26 July 2006, 11:54
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Originally Posted by slimtim
tie a bucket to a length of rope and tow that behind the rowing boat, that should reduce the weaving. The boatman at my yacht club did this when a load of RS k6's lost their rudders in a race last year.
One of the things to watch when you use a sea anchor on a boat being towed ( or multiple boats astern) is to be aware of the load being carried through the boat between tow rope and sea anchor attachment points, as for a fragile racing boat that could cause damage.
26 July 2006, 12:29
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Hi, I'm also guard-boating for this race!
I was wondering what people's thoughts are on using a couple of poles, maybe about 3m long each, and using those to tow the boat.
Each pole would have a bolt-through eyelet at each end.
Then I could use carabiners to attach one end of each pole to the towing eye of my boat, and attach both other ends to the rowing boat's towing eye.
See attached dodgy diagram.
Because the linkages are fairly loose, it allows the towed boat a bit of pitch and roll, but at the same time, keeps it directly behind the towing boat.
Any thoughts?!
26 July 2006, 12:41
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Originally Posted by SimonCampbell
Any thoughts?!
dat luks a grayt iydea. gow forr itt.
s.p. i cann sel yew a cuvver an sum syde pannuls forr a hoptimakks 200 wen yew gett bakk
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
26 July 2006, 12:44
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Hi Simon
I think it would damage the towed boat. If it twists too much there's loads of strain transfered to the towing eye in the bow. It also means the boat will be right in the wake.
I'd certainly practice first before setting off!!
26 July 2006, 12:55
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Originally Posted by codprawn
It also depends on where you attach the tow rope - on the boat and your rib. If you have a strong A frame attach the rope as high as you can and as low as you can on the boat to be towed - think of it a bit like wakeboarding!!!
....and you have actually done this?
26 July 2006, 14:21
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A ski bridle does the same thing. Not sure about those poles bangin' about.
26 July 2006, 18:02
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I have towed Celtic Longboats before down at our local yacht club (google search comes up with this http://www.madocyachtclub.co.uk/page9.html for info) and they do not like planing. What we have found is that they're very stable upto a point, then they try to plane, and consequently try and go into a capsize. To stop it weaving all over the place, have someone sat in the back on the rudder and it's fine upto around 8knots.
Personally, I'd never try and tow anything like that at 20knots, since any minor adjustment could result in a capsize, and you wouldn't have time to slow down and recover it before it goes over.
I have seen Pembs Watersports towing a line of around 6 or 7 toppers on the plane before now and it does look very good without anyone in the boats, although they do not look at all stable.
As annoying and frustrating as it may be for a rib, you may be stuck with a sedate 6 or 7knots for the journey I'm afraid
26 July 2006, 19:03
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As I recall, longer boats (kayaks, canoes, etc; should apply to your job as well) benefit from being towed so as to bring the bow of the tow up. Puts the stern in the water, causing it to track better (though I'm not sure what it'll do at 20 kts...)
On something like a canoe or kayak, having something like a large loop placed around the bow, with the splice under the keel is a good setup. Don't know if your racing boat will handle that, but if you're towing, you're going to have to anchor the towline somewhere...
26 July 2006, 19:09
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If they like rowing, let the hard men row it there as well. Have a good nights sleep and meet up with them the next day.
26 July 2006, 21:36
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I towed one of these last year to Sark. I couldn't get the rib onto the plane without risk of the rowing boat capsizing. I looked at others and they all seemed to have much longer tow ropes than me and were able to go full pelt. My advice would be to go for as long a tow line as poss.
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