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Old 14 June 2022, 18:07   #1
Country: UK - England
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Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 1
Towing from sub4m rib

Hello, I enjoy watersports and wakeboarding behind our 3.5m rib even if there isn't much of a wake. Last summer I just used a tow bridle from the two U bolts on the transom but when edging hard to the outside of the boat, the rope rubs the engine and I am concerned with the forces this puts on the engine mounts. I think this is because such a narrow transom on a small rib limits how far out you can have the bridle from the engine. I have been considering many options such as A frames, ski tow posts etc and have designed a little solution. An a frame puts the tow point very high when allowing space for the engine to tilt up which could unsettle such a small boat and a conventional tow post would take up too much space in a small boat. From this I considered this console redesign, giving enough space for 2 to sit as well as a tow point integrated into the backrest. The bracing for this is a 300x400mm footprint within the console which would be fixed down with 292i and self tappers hence giving a large surface area across the whole console. I would also incorporate two brace bars running back to the transom to further support just as most ski tow posts have. I was just looking for peoples advice on whether this would be strong enough to pull a wakeboard as well as has anyone towed from a point higher than the transom on a small boat? Did it become unsettled?

My thinking was the tow point can be much lower with a post than an A frame with the rope just sitting only 10cm over the cowling rather than 40+cm like an a frame.

Made from 44.5mm square section aluminium, 3.2mm wall thickness and welded.

Look forward to your advice and criticism, cheers
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Name:	Console tow point_LI.jpg
Views:	66
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ID:	140874   Click image for larger version

Name:	tow frame.PNG
Views:	61
Size:	28.7 KB
ID:	140875  
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Old 14 June 2022, 19:15   #2
Country: UK - England
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 696
Moving the pivot more to the centre of the boat along with raising it surely significantly increases the risk of flipping the boat? Plus the floor is not likely designed to withstand the level of leverage that could be exerted on it and would crack or rip out?

If it weren't for the slight issue of not being able to raise the motor, I'd be inclined to fabricate a stainless steel hoop for the transom?

Maybe you could if the hoop were separate from the bracket plates and pinned in when wanted? The pins could even be a designed shear point? But that wouldn't alleviate the vertical stresses, just the lateral.
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Old 14 June 2022, 20:02   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: N. Devon
Boat name: (Not Another) Nutkin
Make: Highfield
Length: 6m +
Engine: Outboard, Honda 135
MMSI: 232036183
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,058
On my 3.83 I used to rig a tow bridle around the whole boat, so in effect was pushing the bridle rather then pulling.

Worked a treat and really spread the load.

Bude Dive Club -
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