16 October 2006, 07:20
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If you are really stuck....
....do what I did. I left the boat at the bottom of the slip and fixed a strong rope to the front of the trailer and tied it to the front towing eye on my Dad's van at the very top of the slip where the surface was good. I reversed the van (emulating a rear wheel drive with very low gearing) and got the boat recovered no problem. When the boat is on the level just untie the ropes and hitch on as normal.
Although I'm not advocating towing the boat home backwards.....
16 October 2006, 08:10
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If the Police, Highways Officer etc stop you now they will be most interested in your license (all though they will prob check everything else). Anyone passing their test after 1st of January 1997 is only allowed to tow a MAM (Max Authorized Mass) of 750Kg. So that is everything. Anymore than that and you need to take a separate license B+E. The prob with this is if you are caught worst case you will loose your license as well as a BIG Fine. The Police etc have been lax on it it to give people time etc, but as of New Years eve 06, its all hands to the Weigh Bridge!
Oh and one thing they are hot on is lighting boards, people have this thing about putting them on A Frames. They have to be (I think) a max of 1 meter off the ground so on the a frame is illegal.
16 October 2006, 11:31
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Get a compressor
My wife bought me a handy little compressor that plugs into the cig lighter (or the little socket for the icebox in the boot on my incredibly gadgety CRV Honda).
Perfect for low pressure starts and checking the trailer tyres have correct psi.
My all up weight is only around 500Kg, but I did have a moment recovering this year when CRV started gently moving backwards towards the briny as I was lashing the boat on to the trailer.
Frantic dive for the door and foot on brake saved disaster. Slip was wet and a bit green.
About £20 for the compressor from one of those 'Xmas present' catalogues you get through the door.
Tax is paid by mortals
16 October 2006, 14:27
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Your welcome Pat.
I kinda cheat nowaday's as I use a 3/4 ton 4wd Chevy. Suburban. ( makes a L Rover look like a piss ant as a tow vehicle, just for Codders benifit) However, when going into rough areas I carry a compressed air tank in the back to blow the tires back up. Have only had to use it once when stuck in soft sand. I also always carry two 18" wide x 3ft. long strips of old carpet. Tuck those under the wheels and you are on your way. I HATE BEING STUCK. 
That Surburban is more in line with what I need, pretty much the consumate towing vehicle, ride, comfort, power, and let us not forget... TRACTION!
The Blazer will have to do for now, or at least until I have a larger garage...
16 October 2006, 15:20
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 85
Originally Posted by pathalla
let us not forget... TRACTION!....
Torque and Transmission choice.
Transmission choice is crucial too. An old-fashioned automatic has a torque converter, which multiplies available torque by 1.7 times. Tranmission 'stall speed' comes after the turbo is providing good boost, at 2200rpm, so it is a good towcar.
It compares suprisingly well to my old BMW with large straight-6 (730i). That was a rubbish tow car! It had the right ingredients, but was a manual and had a very high ratio diff, to ensure even spacing of all the gears to 150mph. As a result, it offered very little torque at the rear wheels.
16 October 2006, 16:10
RIBnet admin team
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^^ that's why a front bumper mounted towbar is useful-reverse is usually a lower gear than 1st (not much help on a RWD BMW tho-and it'd look awful!)
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18 October 2006, 13:28
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Originally Posted by Bluestreak
Oh and one thing they are hot on is lighting boards, people have this thing about putting them on A Frames. They have to be (I think) a max of 1 meter off the ground so on the a frame is illegal.
Unfortunately a lightboard must be attached to the trailer and not the load. Thats why trailers have the bars that come out of the back. A frame is a better idea but its just not legal!
I've towed a variety of Ribs behind small cars and had no problems. Planning is the key.
So far I've done;
VW Golf 1.9tdi (130 bhp) 2wd and a 6.7m Delta c/w single 140hp OMC
VW Golf 1.9tdi (130 bhp) 2wd and a 5.5m Humber c/w Single 150 Merc Opti
VW Golf 1.9tdi (130 bhp) 2wd and 6m Ribtec c/w twin 60hp Yamahas
Audi A3 2.0tdi (146bhp) 2wd and a 6m Ribtec c/w single 135 Merc Opti
Audi A6 2.0tdi (180bhp) estate 2wd and a 6m Ribtec c/w single 135 Merc Opti
Audi A4 2.5tdi (180bhp) 2wd and a 6m Ribtec c/w single 135 Merc Opti
Audi A4 2.0tdi (180bhp) 2wd and a 6m Ribtec c/w single 135 Merc Opti
My TDI's tow a rib up a slipway better than any landie will when a bit of rope is used! You actually have more power!
Plus you can drive in comfort to and from the launch site which lets face it never really has been a landies strong point!!!
I have only ever been stuck once but if I'd been bothered to unload the boat and trailer I would have made it out. Instead a tractor did the deed!
Drop me a PM if you want any advice.
18 October 2006, 13:44
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by CJL
My TDI's tow a rib up a slipway better than any landie will when a bit of rope is used! You actually have more power!
Absolutely no chance on gods green earth. As someone who's pulled more than my fair share of fwd and small 4wd cars/suvs etc. out of slippery situations using the torque and (when necessary) low ratio gearbox available in my "school run" 4x4 I am afraid I cannot believe you've written this. If you genuinely believe this then it is only a matter of time before you come knocking on the doors of a 4x4 owner to get you out of trouble.
You are absolutely right when you say that planning is important and you have clearly planned exceptionally well up to date. Please keep planning well as there are many (very appropriately named) slipways ready to catch you out with fwd only, long rope or not.
18 October 2006, 15:06
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Originally Posted by Lostboy
If you genuinely believe this then it is only a matter of time before you come knocking on the doors of a 4x4 owner to get you out of trouble.
Or knocking on the door of Audi for a Quattro spec would fix the problem.
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
18 October 2006, 15:22
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Originally Posted by CJL
.....My TDI's tow a rib up a slipway better than any landie will when a bit of rope is used! You actually have more power!
What has power got to do with it? Popular misconception. A 750 horsepower racecar would lose the battle with an 80 HP tractor every time. Torque.. multiplied by low gearing and good traction is what you need…
What does my Leyland Daf turn out in terms of HP.. 130 ish?.. want to play tug of war with any of those cars you have listed?
18 October 2006, 15:31
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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I had to tow my Prosport Diesel 6.5 Mt from Exmouth to Heysham for the ferry with my Audi 80 Diesel Estate
It was a nightmare the boat wagged the Audi all the way and proved the car to be gutless on even the small hills.
The biggest joke was trying to pull the rib out on the slip at Exmouth, took about 8000 miles off the tyres. So with a 1500 Kg rib think 4x4 or rear wheel drive
Now pull the boat with a 2.8 Pajero SWB and never need to use low box.
Have Fun
18 October 2006, 16:03
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Originally Posted by Jono
What has power got to do with it? Popular misconception. A 750 horsepower racecar would lose the battle with an 80 HP tractor every time. Torque.. multiplied by low gearing and good traction is what you need…
What does my Leyland Daf turn out in terms of HP.. 130 ish?.. want to play tug of war with any of those cars you have listed? 
Agree entirely Jono, but what I think CJL is trying to say is why put up with a 4x4 the whole time when a decent car can manage. A car is a compromise on the slip way -there is no doubt a 4x4 is the best tool for the job, but do you tow your rib to Sainsburys? Do you tow your RIB daily? Some may tow their RIB several times a week in which case a 4x4 may be worth it, however if you only have one car im not sure I would want that to be a Discovery or similar. Drove a Disco 300tdi I think (pre TD5) the other day and it may have tourque for the slip way, gutless on the road, the owner gets the perfect towcar for the once in a blue moon he takes the RIB out, the rest of the time he has to drive around a dog.
18 October 2006, 18:02
RIBnet admin team
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A good 4x4 isn't a dog-you've just got to drive it like a 4x4 and relax. It's not going to handle so why make a knob out of yourself when you try and make it?
I drive my 4x4 everywhere.
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18 October 2006, 18:25
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Originally Posted by ADS
Agree entirely Jono, but what I think CJL is trying to say is why put up with a 4x4 the whole time when a decent car can manage. A car is a compromise on the slip way -there is no doubt a 4x4 is the best tool for the job, but do you tow your rib to Sainsburys? Do you tow your RIB daily? Some may tow their RIB several times a week in which case a 4x4 may be worth it, however if you only have one car im not sure I would want that to be a Discovery or similar. Drove a Disco 300tdi I think (pre TD5) the other day and it may have tourque for the slip way, gutless on the road, the owner gets the perfect towcar for the once in a blue moon he takes the RIB out, the rest of the time he has to drive around a dog.
Er not really. Why have monsterously large, slow 4x4, be the target of 4x4 nazis, be hated by Ken Livingston(not necessarily a bad thing!!), and uncomfortable (landies only!) when a car, with a bit of rope manages just as well?
Plus a 4x4 costs more to buy new normally. Its not necessary.
I had a perfect comparison 24months or so back at Weymouth and Portland SA. My friend had a Landie 110 Diesel (Not the td5 engine the older one) and I was in my golf. I tied the trailer to my car and let the trailer run down the slip and stayed parked on the flat. He backed his landie and trailer down the slip way. At this point i had a 6.7m Delta and he was pulling out a 6m Tornado. My golf pulled the Delta out soooo much easier than the landie.
My point - I didn't need the traction, torque, tyres, low ratio, diff locks or the 4x4. I coped easily even when paired against the best 4x4xfar!
Now I am sure that a 10m with 4x 250hp engines needs a 4x4/articulated truck but the bottom line is, most boat owners in the leisure market up to 6.5m market don't need a 4x4 at all.
Go on.....you know you want to rant back at me!!
18 October 2006, 18:41
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
A good 4x4 isn't a dog-you've just got to drive it like a 4x4 and relax. It's not going to handle so why make a knob out of yourself when you try and make it?
I drive my 4x4 everywhere. 
I understand that, but what happens when you need to overtake someone, pull out of a nasty junction etc. Discovery 300tdi 17.2 0-60!!! I rest my case.
18 October 2006, 18:58
Country: UK - Wales
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I can't imagine a 110 ever struggling with a 6m RIB - mine will pull a 3.5 ton 9m RIB no probs - it will also tow a 5 ton dumper up a 1 in 3 - I know cos I have!!!
As to sluggish my 300tdi WAS until I tweaked it a bit.
Comparing an old 300tdi is a bit unfair anyway - try driving a V8 or a more modern diesel Range Rover or Discovery 3 - VERY easy to drive everywhere. In fact even more relaxing than most normal cars as you sit in far more comfort!!!
18 October 2006, 19:12
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I can't imagine a 110 ever struggling with a 6m RIB - mine will pull a 3.5 ton 9m RIB no probs - it will also tow a 5 ton dumper up a 1 in 3 - I know cos I have!!!
As to sluggish my 300tdi WAS until I tweaked it a bit.
Comparing an old 300tdi is a bit unfair anyway - try driving a V8 or a more modern diesel Range Rover or Discovery 3 - VERY easy to drive everywhere. In fact even more relaxing than most normal cars as you sit in far more comfort!!!
The new Landrover 2.7 TDI is a completely different propostition, I have driven a RR Sport auto and a Disco 3 Manual both fitted with this engine, and it was the Disco that impressed me most.
18 October 2006, 19:46
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by ADS
I understand that, but what happens when you need to overtake someone, pull out of a nasty junction etc. Discovery 300tdi 17.2 0-60!!! I rest my case.
I'll admit that's slow. My Isuzu does it in less than that.
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18 October 2006, 20:15
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I have towed lots of things with cars and 4X4s, and I agree with CJL. The comfort of a proper car is far better, plus when it is windy you don't get blown all over the road. The argument for the v8 landrover being quick is rubbish compared to a decent car (towing or not). The landrover is not designed for speed. I would however agree that for the slow maneuvering and the launching the 4X4 is better, I took one of my Volvos to the garage with the reversing engine mounting broken after reversing a boat a little to heavy for a car up a hill. The garage said they had never seen anyone manage to snap the reversing engine mounting before the bonnet held the engine in place.
18 October 2006, 20:24
Country: UK - Wales
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What about a V8 Dicovery or Range Rover then???
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