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Old 24 July 2009, 22:30   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex
Make: Walker Bay Genesis
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15HP Mariner 2s
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 10
towing with RIB on Trailer....outboard on or off?

I will be taking my 2.9m Walker Bay Genesis about 6 miles each way to the coast by indespension vario trailer. The 15hp outboard (37kg) is clamped on the RIB. Would it be advisable to remove it and put it in the boot of the car, or is it safe to keep it attached to the RIB whilst towing......

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Old 24 July 2009, 22:52   #2
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watch your skeg height on the road (speed bumps etc). If you need to tow with the engine up (most people do) then the built in tilt bracker is usually pretty poor and not only at risk of bending but can "jump" when you go over a bump and drop the engine - so lower the engine onto wood or something to stop it falling. I then ratchet strap mine to stop it bouncing around.

Personally a 37 kg engine I would leave on the transom of a RIB. Putting it in the car is going to be a PITA. Lifting it on the transom is going to be a PITA. Getting oil out the cylinders (if its a 4str and you lie it down on the wrong side) is going to be a PITA. Getting oil/fuel out the boot carpet if it spills is going to be a PITA.

Mine is bolted and screwed on with clamps. The clamps are then locked together so they can't come loose (accidentally, maliciously, or by casual thieves).

So for a 6 mile trip I would definitely say leave it on the boat.
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Old 25 July 2009, 20:07   #3
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A 6 mile trip wouldn't really be worth worrying about - leave it on. Possibly worth putting a bungee or two from the engine down to the trailer so it doesn't bounce too much if you go over a pot hole.
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