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Old 07 December 2011, 17:23   #21
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Originally Posted by biffer
i've got a website?
Yep, it's got a really good vid taken by a nut job in a microlight and a nice blue rib wizzing about. There's an old boy in a yellow tubed cabin rib aswell..........

Dont worry We still love ya mate!!!
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Old 07 December 2011, 17:34   #22
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post

Ribochet I'm presuming your tounge was firmly in your cheek but if it wasn't then Ill reply tp tou

Anyway those were and still are my personal views and very little can happen that will change em
No it was a serious question – I have trained a number of RYA Powerboat and PWC Instructors aged between 16 and 20 who would run rings round a lot of “older PBI’s that I have met on my travels. This in terms of personal driving skills, technical knowledge and experience.
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Old 07 December 2011, 21:02   #23
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How many of them ran rings aroun you?
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
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Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 07 December 2011, 22:06   #24
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
How many of them ran rings aroun you?
Oh dear dear don't throw all the toys out
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Old 07 December 2011, 22:52   #25
Country: UK - Wales
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Strange answer to what was a valid question in an attempt to justify my original statement! if you don't want to answer it then fair enough!

The point I was trying to make was how many of these Wunderkids had more knowledge, experience or ability than you the poweboat trainer, if any

I'm presuming that like most people you have gained Knowledge and experience as you got older so Im nuy world a twenty year old claiming to have a vast amount amount of knowledge and experience. I have to as what level of knowledge they would have at twenty five would it be vast, vast + mega vast or just very good (which would do me just fine)

Also anybody claiming to have a Vast amount of knowledge and experience surely is letting their ego geting the better of common sense

Sirely you get experience over time and at twenty you havent had a vast amount of it, knowledge I accept you can gain by study but not experience

Like I said they aint getting my money but thats a personal view

Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
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Old 08 December 2011, 07:00   #26
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I got to say I've worked with some youngsters that are natural boat guys. Please keep in mind that in one event in Portland there are probably 400 boats with drivers and I've done more than a few of these events each year for about five years. So I've met a lot. Some guys are good and grounded others are not but experience can only come by spending time doing it. A 20 year old guy has at best been learning for three years. I'm still learning now after 35 years in a boat. I'm squarely in the age corner on this one but I will still go the extra mile for a good youngster as someone did for me

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Old 08 December 2011, 09:17   #27
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Age and maturity are two very differnet things.

There's a reason car insurance for young people is humungous. Nos has the statistics on his side, Ribochet has seen the small (apparently - if you believe the insurance co's) percentage who don't fall into the big youthful bucket of exuberance.
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Old 08 December 2011, 09:32   #28
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
eg 20 year old's with 'vast amounts of knowledge and experience' tend not to get my training money!

That is a conditional statement it says if young + vast amounts of experience then don't buy cos it sets off my BS sensor

It does not preclude 20 year olds and it dies not preclude people with a vast amount of knowledge and experience.

I get all my first aid training from one of the least interpersonaaly skilled men I know, he even tries to humiliate me in fromt of the other students. On the plus side he has served thirty years as a State Registered Paramedic, has saved countless lives, been awarded the top honour that Vocation has and can answer all my questions, I would deem that a vast amount of knowledge and experience but he aint twenty. Its my money and my choice.

When I ran a training School we used to use a young instructor whom I thought was very good and I truly liked (and still do) I would expect he's a bit better 5 years on but he was good enough then
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
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Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 08 December 2011, 10:37   #29
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Sorry Rogue Wave - my apology - I misinterpreted your previous reply .

From your last reply it is clear we are on the same wavelength .
I fully agree with you that a lot young Instructors can lack certain experience especially in a commercial sense but then just because an Instructor is older does not automatically make them any better and as you know all PBI’s must have at least 5 years experience or one year full-time. As I said I do know a few young Instructors that can hold there own against most mature Level 2 PBI’s but of course would start to stuggle against seasoned Advanced PBI’s. I also totally agree with Biffer, I am of a similar vintage and continually learning is one of the things what I enjoy most about what we do

One of the best things about the RYA Powerboat Scheme in the UK is the wide choice of Recognised Reaching Centres available - from Commercial Centres to Sailing Clubs and it is the competition for your hard earned money that helps maintains the high standard across most RTC's, so fair play to you for making sure it is well spent. The only point I wanted to make to the wider community was not to judge a book by its cover – age or indeed experience does not automatically make a good Instructor. As you said communication skills and the interpersonal relationship between the client and the Instructor is crucial and a lot of young Instructors excel in this

To support my case here is a brief CV of one such young Instructor:
Over 4,000 nautical miles, offshore, coastal and inland including helming around Cape Wrath during the last RIB circumnavigation of Scotland
Some of the Powerboats driven to date
3.7m Hondawave 10hp 4.0m Avon 40hp 4.7m Avon 65hp
4.9m Valiant 50hp 5.2m Valiant 75hp 5.5m Humber 50hp
5.5m XS RIB 70hp 5.5m XS RIB 60hp 6.1m Avon 75hp
6.5m Delta twin 100hp 6.5m Redbay twin 90hp
7.4m Redbay twin 115hp 7.7m Delta twin 115hp
10.5m Redbay twin 300hp 11m Redbay Cabin twin 315hp
Botnia Targa 35 twin 350hp
RYA Powerboat related qualifications include
Level 2 Powerboat Instructor Dinghy Instructor
PWC Proficiency Safety Boat
Sea Survival Basic Navigation and Safety
VHF Radio 1st Aid

Present age 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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