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Old 05 December 2011, 13:39   #1
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Trade Section

Bit of a survey here would prefer it as a poll though.

Question to you all .
Who uses/supports /reads the Trade and Special offers page
Is there a better way of advertising on ribnet?
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 05 December 2011, 14:06   #2
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As someone who advertises in the trade section, I too would be interested to know the answer to this question.

I can say though that we have certainly sold boats as a result of advertising on RIBnet and have taken customers on at the Dry Stack who saw it on RIBnet.
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Old 05 December 2011, 14:09   #3
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If you mean the directory last time I checked it was out of date and still listed Gemini the dodgy outfit who do retubes.
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Old 05 December 2011, 14:24   #4
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I'd guess that the best way to promote your business on RIBnet is to take an active past in the various goings on and how tos, but to remain fairly neutral on the "social" scene. Peter4sale seems to have cracked it, biffer too. I feel that active participation for RIB builders is probably a bad idea.

Unless you're a young blonde lady with a good avatar photo...
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Old 05 December 2011, 14:39   #5
tim griffin's Avatar
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
I'd guess that the best way to promote your business on RIBnet is to take an active past in the various goings on and how tos,
Join date September 2003 so been around for awhile now.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 05 December 2011, 14:50   #6
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Originally Posted by tim griffin View Post
Join date September 2003 so been around for awhile now.
I am aware of that.

What I was trying to say was that I haven't even glanced at the Trade Directory, and I'm very nosy. I know the businesses by what they say on the forum. So I know that Peter has many pots on the boil, biffer can fix anything, Doug gets mentioned in every training thread and poor Jace gets dragged into every Ribcraft bun fight going.

I remember you too. Something about the Channel Islands maybe?
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Old 05 December 2011, 14:55   #7
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Originally Posted by willk View Post

I remember you too. Something about the Channel Islands maybe?
Yes I have run two trips there via ribnet but not this year as too busy.
Tim Griffin
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Old 05 December 2011, 15:13   #8
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Tim, I would guess you are referring to the Trade Announcements / Offers Section (Trade announcements and special offers - RIBnet Forums) rather than the directory (RIBnet directory).

I think there are a number of reasons why it is quite nice to "keep it separate" rather than encouraging you simply to post your deals on the main forums. Not least of which is that random other people can't reply (publically) to your posts and get into a discussion/argument or other trade members saying "we will match that" etc.

From a user perspective I don't really notice which forum people have posted in and mostly 'browse' using the 'new posts' link at the top, so see everything. I know this is a popular approach - but I don't know how many will miss or avoid threads which are in that section. I suspect being 'blatant' about it being a deal is better than putting it in the main forums and p*s*i*g people off with a constant sales stream.

As with all forum threads a carefully worded title may be key to getting people to read on. E.g. I notice your last post in that area only got very few views (and it was a couple of weeks ago) whereas some of your previous posts have racked up "average" views for that section. The difference might be the specificity of the title. However if you look at the 'popular' threads in terms of views they seem to have the 'discount' 'deal' or 'special offer' clear in the title. You need to do more that run a course - you need to present it as a "bargain". Of course views may not = bookings.

Posting ads here even if they don't get many bookings directly can still help by raising your profile in Google. There are some key things to do though which will help Google know that Tim Griffin training is THE place to go for training... ...a quick look at your last couple of announcements suggest you are not making the most of this.

In terms of other advertising I guess there are a couple of things you can do:

(1) Be in everyones' face by changing your signature to promote your latest offering.
(2) Pay for google adwords to get on the banner ads.

However, Willk is probably right, my first port of call for some expertise or equipment would probably be someone who ads to the community (not suggesting you dont) rather than someone who only logs in to post ads, or who always seems to be promoting themselves. Either way though there are a lot of training schools around and you need to be "known" to get business.
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Old 05 December 2011, 16:17   #9
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Thanks Polwart some good points made but not looking for extra business as busy enough.
Just interested in who looks at the trade announcement and special offers your a clever chap can you not set the question as a poll
So it can be voted on without revealing your self.
Only had 4 replies so early day's yet.
Cheers Tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 05 December 2011, 16:40   #10
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Tim, Polls are disabled on because the admin team don't like them. I don't have the power to over ride that. If there is a really compelling reason for a poll then one of the real Admins (JK, Andy R, Janet H) could set it up for you. However, since life is rarely about simple yes and no's and its clear that half the respondents thought you were talking about the directory not the trade announcements forum I'm not sure you can get any useful info from a poll.

You already have a pretty good indicator of thread interest from the "views" on the forum page. As far as I know: (i) this number is the total number of visits to that page, including guests, search engine spiders, and registered users. (ii) if someone goes back to the same thread twice then it counts that as two visits. (iii) the number is not immediately updated but is refreshed every 30 mins or so (to save server resources).

Whilst there are obvious drawbacks to that form of counting there is the distinct advantage over a "poll" that the stats are counted whether anyone can be bothered or not. If you really wanted to see if your ads were generating interest you could use Google Analytics (or other tracking package) to see where the traffic to your site was coming from.
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Old 05 December 2011, 18:15   #11
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Originally Posted by tim griffin View Post
Bit of a survey here would prefer it as a poll though.

Question to you all .
Who uses/supports /reads the Trade and Special offers page
Is there a better way of advertising on ribnet?
I do , I know for example Henshaws seems to have a fancy new web tool , Ribshop can do Tohatso stuff and Jon G can run everycourse all over the place .....

Have I read them all ? - nope - but any of use/interest would get read and mentally stored up. For example I have never done anything on the Island ( except visit pubs- were you in the folly yesterday?) , but if I or anyone I know wanted some Portsmouth /Cowes/ IOW based training your name is top of the list.

Likewise Soton= Doug
Pooleway - Paul G

All from a combo of posts & word of mouth.

Not sure if thats any help though

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Old 06 December 2011, 07:59   #12
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
Bit of a survey here would prefer it as a poll though.

Question to you all .
Who uses/supports /reads the Trade and Special offers page
Is there a better way of advertising on ribnet?
Back to the start. Never read the trade section and the best way to advertise on RIBnet is to do a good job. The guys on here will do the advertising for you

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Old 06 December 2011, 18:38   #13
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I check ribnet daily on my phone but im afraid I check trade adverts once a month, not sure what the solution is.

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Old 07 December 2011, 08:03   #14
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I wont deal with people who only post to get business or draw attention to them websites, I am keen however to support active members of the Ribnet community.

I tend not to read the trade directory but if I didn't know where to get what I wanted I'd have a look

when it comes to training I'm usually a Cash buyer so a special offer is always of interest providing I'm happy with the source of the offer. eg 20 year old's with 'vast amounts of knowledge and experience' tend not to get my training money!

Right now I'm having trouble getting the big square hatches in black so a special offer /listing in the trade directory would have been good. I had a look through the directory and realised I could get them from Ribshop simples
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Old 07 December 2011, 08:43   #15
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I wont deal with people who only post to get business or draw attention to them websites, I am keen however to support active members of the Ribnet community.

I tend not to read the trade directory but if I didn't know where to get what I wanted I'd have a look

when it comes to training I'm usually a Cash buyer so a special offer is always of interest providing I'm happy with the source of the offer. eg 20 year old's with 'vast amounts of knowledge and experience' tend not to get my training money!

Right now I'm having trouble getting the big square hatches in black so a special offer /listing in the trade directory would have been good. I had a look through the directory and realised I could get them from Ribshop simples
Stu. Does that mean you are not going to buy the hatch from ribshop as they only post to get business
Ribshop like myself offer a good service to the ribnetters and to us we have recognised an opportunity That doesn't make us bad trade people or ribnetters for that matter. The knowledge that we have we give to you guys freely without any thought of financial gain. If we get a little bit of work out of it that's good too

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Old 07 December 2011, 10:23   #16
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
when it comes to training I'm usually a Cash buyer so a special offer is always of interest providing I'm happy with the source of the offer. eg 20 year old's with 'vast amounts of knowledge and experience' tend not to get my training money!
Out of interest why would you not use 20 year olds with vast amounts of knowledge and experience?
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Old 07 December 2011, 12:11   #17
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Originally Posted by PeterM View Post

Have I read them all ? - nope - but any of use/interest would get read and mentally stored up. For example I have never done anything on the Island ( except visit pubs- were you in the folly yesterday?) , but if I or anyone I know wanted some Portsmouth /Cowes/ IOW based training your name is top of the list.

Likewise Soton= Doug
Pooleway - Paul G

All from a combo of posts & word of mouth.

Not sure if thats any help though

Hi Pete
Thanks for the reply and your input I am trying to see what the average ribnetter reads and how they use it , think from yours and others most go to Today's posts rather than seek out the adverts in Trades and Special offers almost none use the trade directory me included but ,location is high up there,along with word of mouth and offers, along with experience and quality of service.Think I tick all the boxes mentioned or would like to think I did.
So all good research from my point of view and some useful pointers from the likes of Polwart .

Re the Folly do was working this year though did get a glimpse of some arriving , so could not come , went last year though and had a nice time Andy and the gang do make everyone feel welcome and put on some good grub.

Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 07 December 2011, 14:29   #18
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I look for stuff when I need it. Probably go into those sections once every third solstice. As Pol / Will say, the ribnet shops in my head are the ones who post & have the "ad" as the sign-off.

Kind of like subliminal advertising......
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Old 07 December 2011, 15:29   #19
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I think your post more than supports my comments, you don't even have a signature pointing at a website . If you look in the commercial section you will see plenty of posters whos contributions are only there to get the website noticed.

If I am correct then Ribshop only post offering to sell somrthing in response to a question asking where something can be sourced from, I dont see anything wrong with that

Ribochet I'm presuming your tounge was firmly in your cheek but if it wasn't then Ill reply tp tou

Anyway those were and still are my personal views and very little can happen that will change em
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Old 07 December 2011, 16:59   #20
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i've got a website? nobody told me, seriously, i haven't updated that for over a year and to be fair i'm quite shameful how i tout for work sometimes but thats business i'm afraid
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