24 June 2014, 12:50
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Originally Posted by SteveHall
engine off with key .
I'd recommend that you change to switching the engine off with the kill cord as this tests the system. I can see no reason that this should not be standard procedure. As I explained, the kill cord is not a fault tolerant system and so testing it every time the boat is used is appropriate.
All the best
24 June 2014, 15:04
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Only issue i have seen with that is that if the key can be removed while the ignition is still on you can return to a flat battery, so that way they are sure the ignition is off.
Goes without saying kill cord tests are part of pre-start checks.
I guess you could spend hours with the pros and cons of each procedure but as long as the knowledge is being shared and enforced the end result is what we all want.
24 June 2014, 15:26
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Originally Posted by Starovich
Agree 100% hence my killcords are semi permanently attached to my LJ, i cant leave the helm with the engine running. there is a spare on the Mrs LJ and a spare attached to the back of the helm seat.
I like that idea. Mine has to attach to leg as killswitch is below dash about knee level.
24 June 2014, 15:31
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Originally Posted by boristhebold
I like that idea. Mine has to attach to leg as killswitch is below dash about knee level.
My kill switch is below knee level too. Seems to work for me.
24 June 2014, 15:45
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Very sad incident, they were experienced just a momentary issue of forgetting to re attach the cord combined with full throttle and a hard turn combined with a boat that potentially had issues when operated like that in terms of healing over and then slipping and then catching.
But what ever we say about this incident as a good example of why to wear a kill cord the message does not get out and sink in to the majority of sunny weather power boaters. Stong words maybe but truthfull just spend a couple of hours in Poole Harbour on a sunny weekend day or anywhere busy. Kids with legs dangling over bow, no life jackets and no kill cord. It is a shame.
Yesterday I was at mudeford in the early evening enjoying the weather and grabbing a bite to eat at a cafe there. Spotted a group of youngsters in a small hard powerboat doing about 10 knots, none had life jackets on and no kill cord, one chap was sitting on the deck of the hard bow on top, if he had fallen in I guess he would go straight under the prop.
Some people will never learn or simply dont want to.
24 June 2014, 16:46
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Originally Posted by dpround
I'd recommend that you change to switching the engine off with the kill cord as this tests the system. I can see no reason that this should not be standard procedure.
Its a habit which can have adverse results on modern diesel engines - it may be that to avoid doing it on a diesel the simplest option is not to go pulling the KC without too much thought even on a petrol.
24 June 2014, 18:10
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Mrs Milligan has been all over Radio Cornwall today. She has donated GBP250k to Cornwall air ambulance, their biggest ever single donation. Our new air ambulance helicopter will be named after Nick and Emily. The celebrity cycle ride from Cornwall to London taking place today hopes to raise another 500k which will be distributed in Cornwall, largely to the RNLI.
These people made a mistake, for which they have paid a dreadful price. Most of us are highly experienced boat users and would probably not have made the same mistake. That does not mean that any of us are immune to making mistakes in other areas of life. So let's not judge this particular incident and feel for this lady who has lost so much and now has the courage to do so much good. 
Just read this. Yes like others have said , well put Mollers.
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
25 June 2014, 11:32
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On my pb2 courses I constantly keep reinforcing 3 points:
1 wearing personal flotation
2 if the engine is running the killcord is round your leg
3 one hand for the wheel, one hand for the throttle
On day one they sometimes need constant reminding. By day two the students have formed a habit.
It does become second nature if taught from the beginning.
Chris Moody
Rib Tigga2 a Ribcraft 4.8 with a Honda BF50
26 June 2014, 14:04
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Well, I often test the killcord's effectiveness, but not intentionally. Quite often, I'll pull up to the dock, and yank the killcord while moving to handle dock lines. Valid hardware test, I suppose, but I always feel a little stupid afterward.
26 June 2014, 19:12
Country: UK - England
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I always test the killcord works as soon as the engine has warmed up. And I have on occasions had them not work and had to swap the boat over for a different one.
Chris Moody
Rib Tigga2 a Ribcraft 4.8 with a Honda BF50
06 July 2014, 12:58
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Having just read the full MIAB report the the first time, there is one word that leaps out of the findings, 'Inexperience'. You can't buy experience and you can't be taught it, it's just about putting in the hours and years.
I suppose in this case, having the cash to go from the equivalent of a Mondeo to a Maserati in one step exacerbated the situation. Most of us have worked our way up through many more steps.
I see boat users by the bucket full putting their loved one's lives in danger every time I go on the water. All of them oblivious to the dangers, kids and Girlfriends bouncing around upfront in bowriders, legs dangling through bow rails as they bounce over wake at WOT with a few ciders onboard.
It's not my job to be the Safety Officer in Fal Bay, but it's hard not to yell at everyone of them.
07 July 2014, 06:44
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Having just read the full MIAB report the the first time, there is one word that leaps out of the findings, 'Inexperience'. You can't buy experience and you can't be taught it, it's just about putting in the hours and years.
I suppose in this case, having the cash to go from the equivalent of a Mondeo to a Maserati in one step exacerbated the situation. Most of us have worked our way up through many more steps.
I see boat users by the bucket full putting their loved one's lives in danger every time I go on the water. All of them oblivious to the dangers, kids and Girlfriends bouncing around upfront in bowriders, legs dangling through bow rails as they bounce over wake at WOT with a few ciders onboard.
It's not my job to be the Safety Officer in Fal Bay, but it's hard not to yell at everyone of them. 
Steady on old boy, you nearly exposed your touch feely soft under belly for a mo then
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
07 July 2014, 08:00
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Having just read the full MIAB report the the first time, there is one word that leaps out of the findings, 'Inexperience'. You can't buy experience and you can't be taught it, it's just about putting in the hours and years.
I suppose in this case, having the cash to go from the equivalent of a Mondeo to a Maserati in one step exacerbated the situation. Most of us have worked our way up through many more steps.
I see boat users by the bucket full putting their loved one's lives in danger every time I go on the water. All of them oblivious to the dangers, kids and Girlfriends bouncing around upfront in bowriders, legs dangling through bow rails as they bounce over wake at WOT with a few ciders onboard.
It's not my job to be the Safety Officer in Fal Bay, but it's hard not to yell at everyone of them. 
Yep I do know what you mean!
Pretty much the same on any afternoon out from Lyme or WestBay in the Summer...no it's not our job to be the safety police.. And we've All made mistakes....
I do (usually) bite my lip....But I DO Chirp up when some knob I see is putting Kids in Danger!..And really don't give a Feck if I do ruffle feathers!
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
07 July 2014, 08:30
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Has anyone when testing the kill cord found it not to work ?
07 July 2014, 08:38
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Trimix
Has anyone when testing the kill cord found it not to work ?
Yes - On quite a few well used, older control boxes.
But this is why they should be tested each trip, and if anything isnt working it should be replaced / fixed.
07 July 2014, 12:38
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Tying the end off to the wheel when all is done is a good way to ensure to remember to put it on again. As at some point you'll need to turn the wheel to get going & hey presto there it is if you forget it, better than leaving it dangling.
Works for us anyway
07 July 2014, 15:18
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Trimix
Has anyone when testing the kill cord found it not to work ?
Yes, broken wire on a Merc Commander 2000 box.
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07 July 2014, 15:20
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Having just read the full MIAB report the the first time, there is one word that leaps out of the findings, 'Inexperience'. You can't buy experience and you can't be taught it, it's just about putting in the hours and years.
I suppose in this case, having the cash to go from the equivalent of a Mondeo to a Maserati in one step exacerbated the situation. Most of us have worked our way up through many more steps.
I see boat users by the bucket full putting their loved one's lives in danger every time I go on the water. All of them oblivious to the dangers, kids and Girlfriends bouncing around upfront in bowriders, legs dangling through bow rails as they bounce over wake at WOT with a few ciders onboard.
It's not my job to be the Safety Officer in Fal Bay, but it's hard not to yell at everyone of them. 
I agree- feel the same too. The trouble is, they don't see any danger in it, and they won't be told even if you do say something.
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11 November 2014, 18:18
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Interesting comments from the coroner "A coroner is calling for a review of training for speedboat users following the death of a father and daughter." ""They should consider making them compulsory."
BBC News - Cornwall speedboat deaths: Coroner call for training review
"The inquest heard the speedboat's manufacturer APV Marine had rejected a formal recommendation from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) to review the design of its hull."
11 November 2014, 18:46
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Coz the compulsory qualification would be the one the driver had.
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