Well I for one missed the thread!
One part tell me that licences and the like are good.
The other part of me tell me that we should not be bound ny too many rules in life.
The RULES devil always gets a boos when I see prats with no life jackets/kill cords/radio/flares or IDEA.
The NO RULES devil gets a boost when I see the opposite.
Trouble is the prats out number the others,
I suspect when we have finished with hunting/fishing and the country side, normal sensible people will be hammerd due to the prat like behaviour of week end boaters who have no concept of the cost of a rescue and the damage a prop can do when a boat goes out of control.
I say, shout at the prats, make them look the fools they are.
Don't go looking for bad weather, it will find you soon enough!