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Old 26 April 2017, 11:16   #101
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You'd struggle to fit a saddle support on my merc 115 4st. The area under the pivot isn't flat so any support would be quite a complex shape. I'll check the installation manual but I'm pretty sure it says there should be a gap at the top of the transom.

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Old 26 April 2017, 11:35   #102
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I think that the issues are on the 60 Phil, not heard of any failure on the bigger Etecs apart from racing boats. IMO the engines are designed to be lifted or lowered so should not need any support if raised. My supplier put a support between the gap for peace of mind and also as a backup if it broke a second time.
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Old 26 April 2017, 13:08   #103
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Surely a support under the bracket will do little anyway apart from as Kerny says hold the engine if the braket fails? The trim ram means that the pressure on the bracket during use is up and away from the transom
A packer would surely only help in the case of hitting an object which would push down onto the transom
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Old 26 April 2017, 16:44   #104
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After reading this thread here are my thoughts for what it is worth (not in any particular order).

  1. Evinrude contacted service agent and declined warranty - not surprised because they would be led by what they were told. Personally that would be the last time I used that agent.
  2. PD stated: - Originally Posted by Pikey Dave That price sounds stiff. I can't help but think that throughout this episode you have been taken for a ride & not necessarily by BRP. I've asked a couple of times where the info has been coming from regarding the denial of liability for the failure, directly from BRP or is it the dealers opinion? Still awaiting clarification on that one Any dealer worth his salt would be fighting your corner tooth & nail. BUT...a dealer gets minimal payment from BRP for carrying out warranty repairs, where you on the other hand are about to be stung for £2.5k for a full retail price repair. So you can see why a dealer might not be too keen to press your case. I would certainly be contacting BRP direct & kicking up a stink & also getting a second opinion from another dealer.
    Just IMO - If this is the case you can see why the agent would be very keen to push the blame on to you and not the engine - especially if they think the insurance will stand the bill!

  3. Was the agent told you would not have another Evinrude? If so has he seen you as a quick one off sale instead of a long term customer.
  4. They state you hit an underwater object because of the missing paint on the skeg and prop (whoever dreamt that one up has never used an outboard in the water IMO). If that was the case it should still be done under warranty because, either the break free mechanism was at fault because it did not release(designed to release the motor if striking an underwater object to save causing any expensive damage), or the bracket was at fault - they can't have it both ways.
I can understand your disappointment (especially missing your boating) but IMHO I cannot help but think the main problem for resolving this points at the agent.

Very pleased it is back together and resolved for you now.

I have used Evinrude for years and I have had fantastic service from the engines that is why I have watched this thread with interest.

Perhaps a link to this thread should be posted on the Evinrude FB page to get a comment direct from them, just a thought. At least it would let them realise (and possibly reply) there has been a lot watching how they deal with warranties.
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Old 26 April 2017, 17:02   #105
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Originally Posted by Bern Hanreck View Post
Like everybody else I'm glad the OP is sorted , BUT the phrase " not fit for purpose " keeps ringing in my ears .........

I find it hard to accept that a major corporate can get away with such a sub standard component on an otherwise respected engine.......
I know what you mean Ben.
To be honest and looking at all the evidence...I'm inclined to think there must/may well have been a period of sub-standard casting and or material in the manufacturing of these particular saddles....which could happen for a variety of reasons as it has,and does happen in the automotive industry from time to time.
That would account for the fact it only seems the 70hp model that has suffered so many failures and conversely ...why others are Largely OK...
This is also born out by the clearly visible void/defect visible on Kernys break....which again,I reiterate was sustained on a Calm day with no excessive loading at all.
All forms of mass production from all makers have glitches and problems when quality control's just a shame that BRP have shown such a Bad attitude to their customers...and back up!...on what are after all THEIR Almost NEW products!
How long a Warranty is on an engine isn't the point IMO..
Clearly The quality of the Warranty is!
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Old 26 April 2017, 17:36   #106
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Originally Posted by beamishken View Post
Surely a support under the bracket will do little anyway apart from as Kerny says hold the engine if the braket fails?
Sorry I should have worded it better.....
The support was fitted to give extra support and also that if it ever broke again then my dealer could say that everything had been done possible to avoid it from happening a second time .

p.s. At the time my dealer did have a job getting it done under warranty as the excuse by BRP was it had been abused or words to that effect. [emoji35]
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Old 26 April 2017, 17:40   #107
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I do like Seaflyer02's idea of posting a link to BRP's Facebook page 👍
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Old 26 April 2017, 18:29   #108
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this is the last email to agent from evinrude
the first warranty request on this stern bracket was approvedbased on a commercial decision . we gave the customer the benefit of the doubt.
you can always find similar defectfor any product or type of failure on internet but they dont mean thats a factory defect .
we can confirm there is no problem on this stern bracket and we evaluate this is a single case . they never had the bracket just pictures
they said as paint was missing off edge of propeller and bottom of skeg this was due to beaching and in owners manual it says this is misuse . this was from salvatore tomarchio assistant tecnical after sales representative at evinrude in belguim . he must be important as he has his name completley in capital letters . as far as i am concerned that matters over now i have it fixed but the only worry is if it happens again
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Old 26 April 2017, 18:51   #109
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i am crap on a computer tried putting it on there facebook page but i seemed to have just asked evinrude a question . if anyone knows how to and wants to do it please do
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Old 27 April 2017, 06:38   #110
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Originally Posted by northstar 4.80 View Post
does anyone ever think about reporting this issue to the evinrude product manager karl sandstrom ?
in the past, due to broken oil tanks on e-tec i2 and i3, distributor in Tr was behaving rude, i found the contact info of karl sandstrom from linkedin, and report the issue to him.
he was so interested about topic, i share photos with him.
after 1.5 year heard that distributor started to engine recals to change oil tank.
this is an interesting issue to be reported.
two stroke mike seems to be the one who work over the issue and has nice photos about the faillure . kerny also has the same experience.
please think about it
i agree with kerny and again repost my post. try to connect to product manager karl sandstorm. every company makes development due to the customer feedback.

as a mercury/mariner service, one point to be mentioned; for performance rigging applications you should have use a engine jack plate. it is almost a must !
ribs are behaving like kangaroo on waves and two strokes are vibrating animals. that is not a good combo man.

in the past i heard about a few same broken issues on optimax 150.
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Old 27 April 2017, 12:17   #111
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Instead of going to the UK dealer,go straight to the UK importer or Head Office who can then support the end user?
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