Originally Posted by shahid
and incidentally there's absolutely no movement whatsoever on the crack while lowering and raising both engines individually or simultaneously
Did you get somone to physically lift the leg by hand whilst you watched the split area to see if there was any movement ?
Originally Posted by shahid
does the design make sense?
No it doesnt to me .. for all it would have taken for the manufacturer to glass over the transom

I mean in the scheme of things it wouldn't have cost too much
However .. now that you found the other thread on the issue which I read from start to finish and was most informative, I think it must just be cosmetic right enough, although I am still staggered a manufacturer would leave a finish like that, particulary if there is any possible chance of water ingress which could have disasterous effects, particularly if it freezes.
On the other hand, on reflection .. maybe it was done that way to allow some flex, which is inevitable on any transom, and fine, as long as the knees to the hull base are strong enough .. and in this case actually avoids any alarming flex damage to brittle gel coats .. all IMHO ofcourse just looks a bit scary, and I agree with your concerns on your original post, but after reading the other thread, it certainly looks worse that it is, if indeed there is any fault at all ?
Did you get a response from Zodiac ?