29 July 2009, 15:24
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Laker
I know this is an elderly thread but I am considering a Valiant 570 - are you still pleased with the boat?
Yes .. very much so .. the construction quality/finish is very good.. the tubes seem larger than normal in diameter and fitted with relief valves and although it is not such a deep V hull as I have had in the past, I am constantly surprised at how well it runs out at sea for such a short boat. Its fitted with a bow locker which I have lined with conveyor belt rubber and filled with my anchors and chains, and this may have a lot to do with the balance. Also the underdeck fuel tank is just forward of midships, and although I'm only using this with a 90 .. 135 would be better, as the tubes extend beyond the transom more that some RIBS I have seen , it will easily have the flotation to take the weight, and it is rated to 135 in any event. Also I have my AUX mounted up front with the powerhead just behind the bow locker ..If you drive hard, it flies very straight on a take off with a perfect landing too
Must say... its restored my faith in Ribbing 
Piccy here
29 July 2009, 15:30
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 90
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Heres another at rest for you, you can see how nice it sits on the water just afloat awaiting recovery
02 November 2012, 11:07
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We have been contacted by the new owners of Northcraft who are concerned that the original title of this thread was "dramatic and incorrect" although they concede that "it is clear the transom did require some remedial works to ensure it was brought to a satisfactory standard".
At their request I have amended the thread title and made a couple of minor edits to some posts.
I trust that this will mean that they feel able to stop threatening RIBnet with legal action, and wish them all the best with their new venture.
03 November 2012, 19:53
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Who owns Northcraft now?
04 November 2012, 00:56
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
We have been contacted by the new owners of Northcraft who are concerned that the original title of this thread was "dramatic and incorrect" although they concede that "it is clear the transom did require some remedial works to ensure it was brought to a satisfactory standard".
At their request I have amended the thread title and made a couple of minor edits to some posts.
I trust that this will mean that they feel able to stop threatening RIBnet with legal action, and wish them all the best with their new venture.
Whilst I apreciate your position John .. there was nothing over dramatic or incorrect about anything in the thread ! it was all fact ... clearly I should have taken the original company to court .. but after what Ive just read it would have been good money after bad.. I too hope the new venture succeeds in building good seaworthy boats .. but it will take some convincing on my part to believe it after that effort ?
I still have two independant surveyors reports on the issue .. so dont feel you have to just take my word for it
so who ever you are new owners .. dont f*ck up like this and treat your customers like shit ? and you might do OK .. its a basic point of customer service
05 November 2012, 21:20
Country: UK - England
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re northcraft boats
Northcraft has moved to new premises, they have become a real contender with their new offering.
new factory, website and a stock of very good quality ribs. welldone. northcraft
RIB manufacture, repairs and re-tube | Northcraft Rigid Inflatables
06 November 2012, 19:35
Country: UK - England
Town: hull
Boat name: searover
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Posts: 1
hi sorry to hear of your problem with your boat, I felt compelled to reply as I have owned 4 Northcrafts over 15 years and have found all of them to be built so strong that I find it unbielevable that yours failed. Northcraft have been building RIBs (commercially and pleasure) for well over 25 years. I would always buy from them as mine have stood the tests of time.
06 November 2012, 22:05
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by ribtec searover
hi sorry to hear of your problem with your boat, I felt compelled to reply as I have owned 4 Northcrafts over 15 years and have found all of them to be built so strong that I find it unbielevable that yours failed.
Welcome to Ribnet. Interesting first post. I don't think there is any dispute that there was transom damage to this boat; with Brand loyalty like that you'll fit in well on RIBnet though.
Northcraft have been building RIBs (commercially and pleasure) for well over 25 years. I would always buy from them as mine have stood the tests of time.
From your profile I assume you don't own a Northcraft at the moment though?
06 November 2012, 22:16
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Originally Posted by ribtec searover
hi sorry to hear of your problem with your boat, I felt compelled to reply as I have owned 4 Northcrafts over 15 years and have found all of them to be built so strong that I find it unbielevable that yours failed. Northcraft have been building RIBs (commercially and pleasure) for well over 25 years. I would always buy from them as mine have stood the tests of time.
4 boats in 15 years why is that then if they are so good.
07 November 2012, 00:08
RIBnet admin team
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Amazing how this thread hadn't been replied to in 3 years 'til someone threatened legal action.
Where's the 'shot themselves in the foot' smiley?
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07 November 2012, 14:09
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Originally Posted by mick
4 boats in 15 years why is that then if they are so good.
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
07 November 2012, 14:39
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Where's the 'shot themselves in the foot' smiley?

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
07 November 2012, 15:29
Country: Finland
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Amazing how this thread hadn't been replied to in 3 years 'til someone threatened legal action.
Where's the 'shot themselves in the foot' smiley?

That's a good one  . Might be that they make good RIB's but not sure if their PR
department is up to date...Many better ways this issue could have been addressed.
No smiley but this will do:
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
07 November 2012, 15:38
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To revive an old thread by threatening legal action is a very interesting marketing tactic! If the new owners of the company wanted to address the negative comments they should have posted with how they are different from the previous owners, steps they have taken to address the transom issue and affirm their commitment to customer service. Hassling the admin of the forum does not seem like a very intelligent choice as it does not inspire much trust or faith.
Nice to see that while Ribnet has chosen to edit some of the more emotional statements the thread and the factual statements regarding this boat have not been edited or deleted. One more reason Ribnet is the forum of choice!
07 November 2012, 16:55
Country: UK - England
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Ribnet features well in search engines... I imagine Northcraft have some SEO going on as part of marketing / relaunch etc and this thread featured rather high on googles list.
Right now google "northcraft ribs" and its No 5 on the list
07 November 2012, 17:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth
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Surely when they bought in they did so on a warts and all basis, so shouldn't be able to alter the course of history!
07 November 2012, 17:34
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
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Posts: 2,837
Yer, like Kelson says
Originally Posted by kelson
If the new owners of the company wanted to address the negative comments they should have posted with how they are different from the previous owners, steps they have taken to address the transom issue and affirm their commitment to customer service.
Surely the new northcraft are reading... come on guys
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