10 September 2005, 21:20
Country: UK - England
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True stolen boat tale.
This thread will be of no consolation to those of you that have had boats nicked, but it is rather remarkable. I live in Famouth, in sleepy Cornwall and a few years ago a good mate of mine,John. Whom was vey boat experienced, bought an oldish ex- skirace Phantom 18 with a 235 Johnson on the back. The rig was good for a genuine 70mph. It was pretty scarey at those speeds, but anyway. We intended to race it at the St Austell bay annual OCR meet where they ran an "amateur" race, and set it up accordingly. During the pre-race trials we discovered that the top transom mounts were shot and as it was the Saturday before (race the next day)it was all over for us. We towed it up to the local outboard engineer, and dumped it outside. The engineer rang me a couple of days later to ask whether I'd moved the boat as John the owner worked in the Surrey/Hampshire area during the week and was away. I said no, and the upshot was that it had been stolen. After a lot of nashing of teeth it was dismissed as being bad luck as it was uninsured, John tried not to get too uptight about it. Anyway, about six months later some fellow car dealer mates of his,on a Thursday afternoon , asked him if he'd like to tow a small 14ft speedboat, with them down to Hayling Island and go for a run. John said OK, as the weather was good. As they were backing the boat down the slip, John looked across and there was his Phantom being launched behind an Izusu Trooper. This was months after it had been nicked and 200 miles away. He rang me shaking with nerves and asked what to do. I said ring the Police. He actually went up to three heavy looking guys that were launching the thing, and told them in no uncertain terms that it was his boat and they gave it back!!. The chances of him being in Hayling Island on that particular afternoon where 1000's to 1, but there you go.
11 September 2005, 00:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
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So what happened......The three guys decked him? Or did things work out OK in the end?
11 September 2005, 09:33
Country: Ireland
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dont end the story there ..... WHAT HAPPENED?????
11 September 2005, 10:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
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Originally Posted by TIM
dont end the story there ..... WHAT HAPPENED?????
Ok, calm down! I'd had a couple of glasses of wine and lost the "thread", so to speak. Anyway John's not the bravest, but he wasn't leaving without his boat. He wanders over and say's "Guys, you've got my boat". They start on with a load of crap that they bought it from a guy in Cornwall. John then points out every bit of work in great detail, that he'd ever done to the boat and say's " Ok, lets get the Police 'coz I ain't leaving without my boat." So the guy's started grinding on how they were gonna get the money back from the bloke in Cornwall that they supposedly bought it from. Then, gave it back! We knew the bloke that they were refering to, he's a thieving, drug dealer from Falmouth. They knew that it was nicked, they just took it to the wrong place at the wrong time. True story.
11 September 2005, 11:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
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Posts: 7,866
Seems strange that they just gave it back, perhaps they where involved some way?
If I'd bought a stolen boat in good faith that it was a genuine sale and had a guy just come upto me to say it was his stolen boat, I'd be the first one phoning the Police.
Glad it worked out though.
11 September 2005, 11:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
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Originally Posted by Hightower
Seems strange that they just gave it back, perhaps they where involved some way?
If I'd bought a stolen boat in good faith that it was a genuine sale and had a guy just come upto me to say it was his stolen boat, I'd be the first one phoning the Police.
Glad it worked out though.
They were involved we think,the Falmouth guy told them were it was.
11 September 2005, 13:24
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
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Great story Chris, dont think I would have gone up to them, let the boys in blue do the talking.
11 September 2005, 20:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
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Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by Shaggy
Great story Chris, dont think I would have gone up to them, let the boys in blue do the talking.
So how was Ireland Shag?..... And did Robbin' Curnow sort that coughin' OB of yours?
11 September 2005, 21:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
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Posts: 288
Oh that's ok then? Guy gets his boat back, no questioned asked. I love happy endings. Just a thought though - I suppose they will want another boat- I wonder how they will get it?
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
11 September 2005, 21:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
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Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by Noddy
Oh that's ok then? Guy gets his boat back, no questioned asked. I love happy endings. Just a thought though - I suppose they will want another boat- I wonder how they will get it?
These Guys were low life.If the full weight of the law had been thrown at them at the time. They'd be back doing what they know best now. Sad, but true.
11 September 2005, 21:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
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Posts: 288
Sounds like you know them personally? You are talking crap and you know it.
Next you will be saying the "old bill" are useless? Then we will be getting on to the "they will nick you for speeding but when it comes to nicking real villains they arent interested". Anyway I for one don't believe your story.
Prove me wrong and report it? Won't hold my breath.
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
11 September 2005, 21:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by Noddy
Sounds like you know them personally? You are talking crap and you know it.
Next you will be saying the "old bill" are useless? Then we will be getting on to the "they will nick you for speeding but when it comes to nicking real villains they arent interested". Anyway I for one don't believe your story.
Prove me wrong and report it? Won't hold my breath.
I don't give a toss whether you believe it or not! Why don't you put your helmet away and chill for crying out loud. If the force is full of uptight wankers like you, God help us all! Dear me!!
11 September 2005, 21:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
Make: FRib
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Engine: Suzuki 15hp 2/s
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 288
Could have bet my life I would have got an abusive reply from you. Truth hurts-lol. Point proven.
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
11 September 2005, 21:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
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Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by Noddy
Could have bet my life I would have got an abusive reply from you. Truth hurts-lol. Point proven.
Are you for real?!! Or are you some 11yo using his Dad's comp and log-on?!!
11 September 2005, 21:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
Make: FRib
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Engine: Suzuki 15hp 2/s
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 288
Keep digging M and keep drinking the stories will get better and better I'm sure-lol
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
11 September 2005, 22:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
OK, OK, nice one Noddy. You had me there old mate. I know that you're having a laugh, coz' nobody could possibly be that anal!! Well Done.
11 September 2005, 22:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
Make: FRib
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 15hp 2/s
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 288
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn - goodnight!
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
11 September 2005, 22:51
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
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Posts: 642
Jez .. Looks like I should have stayed in Ireland lol
Well I believe you Chris, stranger things have happened at sea
It was a very good trip thanks mate the surf could have been bigger though, manged to get a trip to Redbay boats in they got some great ribs up there.
Picked the Rib up at the weekend and went out from Mylor, first time over there nice spot, Alex was kindly waiting for me to launch but by the time we got out there he had to go so still didn’t meet
Anyway Ill be over your way again soon, really enjoyed the 40 min test trip fingers cross the outboard was ok.
You even got buoyage over there; we just have crab pot Dans shot all over the place
12 September 2005, 07:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by Shaggy
Jez .. Looks like I should have stayed in Ireland lol
Well I believe you Chris, stranger things have happened at sea
It was a very good trip thanks mate the surf could have been bigger though, manged to get a trip to Redbay boats in they got some great ribs up there.
Picked the Rib up at the weekend and went out from Mylor, first time over there nice spot, Alex was kindly waiting for me to launch but by the time we got out there he had to go so still didn’t meet
Anyway Ill be over your way again soon, really enjoyed the 40 min test trip fingers cross the outboard was ok.
You even got buoyage over there; we just have crab pot Dans shot all over the place
Was the nice spot just inside St. Anthony's lighthouse? It sounds like it with pot markers everywhere. Well that's " Mollulnan". We love it there. I've been going there since I was tiny, on the Old Man's boat or anything that floats. We tend to use the smaller right hand side these days as the main beach has gotton quite busy. More money, more boats.  As for the "Stolen Boat" tale, why the hell would I bother to make it up?!! Noddy's a sad puppy.
12 September 2005, 08:49
Country: Other
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Posts: 623
Hmmmm. You must admit, the "they just handed it back" tale is a tad tall, huh?
Then what, and they just said "thanks for not grassing us up mate" or some such criminal type phraseology and just left the scene empty handed? Got in their car and just drove off? Not worried about being ID'd or anything?
This story does streeeetch credibility a bit far, so I'll give it a 3/10 Veracity Rating - and that's generous.
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