Tube Cover
Hi all, Im looking at making a skirt or some kind of cover that will keep the sun off my tubes, I have a full cover that fits over the whole boat, and I recently got a new console cover, My only problem is that the full boat cover was bought off the shelf and I find that in high winds it blows off the boat (even when tied down it flaps alot) I was wondering if anyone has every seen a cover that just fits over the tubes, I was down my tubes after every trip and have been putting my console cover on, I just hate leaving my boat with the tubes exposed to the sun, if there was something that i could quickly put over the tubes to prevent them fading it would be great, I have had a few ideas but as funds are limited so thats all they are at the moment, ideas would be very welcome and photos would be better again. I am hoping to get my hands on some material and "test" a few of my ideas and see what happens. Thanks
Andrew O'Riordan