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Old 18 May 2003, 18:45   #1
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Tube Polish/ Upholstery

1. Can anyone recommend a product that will bring the red colour of my tubes back to life. The boat has been standing (under cover) for some time and has acquired that chalky hue that boats seem to obtain with age. I have tried something by "Star Brite" but it is nothing more than the equivalent of car wax - as far as I can tell. Is there a marine equivalent of T-CUT?

2. The seat on my new old boat is u/s and needs recovering. Can anyone suggest a firm that will recover the seat if I posted it to them.

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Old 18 May 2003, 21:11   #2
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One of the rib manufacturers recommended Armoral. You can buy it from Halfords etc. I am going to try it on my tubes later this week. I will let you know. My tubes are 2 years old and have badly faded. OK it get used almost every day and is left afloat but is this normal?
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Old 18 May 2003, 23:58   #3
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Use nitro cellulose thinners. The cheapest way to buy it is 25 lt. drum for about £12 from the motorfactors. Sold as gun wash.

Do a search here and you'll find another thread where Alan Priddy recommends quarry tile sealer to keep the tubes protected.

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Old 19 May 2003, 06:25   #4
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Hi Jonathan

I use Polymarines - Tube Cleaner for cleaning and then Inflatable boat finish for Protecting and you've seen my tubes.

If you can't get it over there I can send you some.

How was the weeend? Did you get out?

Hope you got the fax OK.
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Old 19 May 2003, 07:52   #5
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Re: Polymarine

Originally posted by JAHNO
Hi Jonathan

I use Polymarines - Tube Cleaner
For anyone interested - Jahno is correct, this is the best stuff going to keep your tubes in pristine condition.
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Old 19 May 2003, 09:09   #6
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Tubes back

Hi All

To get the colour back into faded tubes i found was best done with a green nylon pad and cheap cream cleaner, lots of rubbing and washing off until eventually the colour comes back through, i did this with my faded avon and its now back from a nasty salmon pink colour to a bright orange colour, then you can polish or do whatever you want to keep it sparkling.

One other point though, its bl...y hard work and knackers your arms and fingers, but is worth it when you see the colour comming back, would suggest having a boat cleaning party with lots of beers and a bbq, then just get every one there to scrub a panel each and it will be done in no time at all, then everyone gets drunk and the more drunk everyone gets the better the boat will look.

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Old 19 May 2003, 17:13   #7
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Re: Tube Polish/ Upholstery

Originally posted by taitharris
1. Can anyone recommend a product that will bring the red colour of my tubes back to life. The boat has been standing (under cover) for some time and has acquired that chalky hue that boats seem to obtain with age. I have tried something by "Star Brite" but it is nothing more than the equivalent of car wax - as far as I can tell. Is there a marine equivalent of T-CUT?

2. The seat on my new old boat is u/s and needs recovering. Can anyone suggest a firm that will recover the seat if I posted it to them.

I've used a liquid called Revival (sold by the local agent for Zodiac) for my Eagle (light grey tubes) and it worked out well. It says to blend it 1:4 with water but they suggested 1:1, and I went with that!

Good Luck!
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Old 19 May 2003, 18:23   #8
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Here we go once again!!
Use Fairy washing up liquid soap (not any other make!!) in luke- warm water. Wash the boat well and rinse it.
After the boat is dried use ARMORALL spray (not mat but the shine version) and a damp cloth to wipe it over.
Try it, it costs very little and you will be surprised with the results.
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Old 19 May 2003, 19:57   #9
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Fairy Liquid's OK for cleaning your RIB (although there are better products), but it won't restore the colour of faded tubes.

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Old 19 May 2003, 20:02   #10
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JK, I agree with you 100%. FAIRY Liquid will not restore the colour.
Is only to get all the dirt and grime off the tubes using a mild detergent which has also some short of a polishing agent in it.
However, the ARMORALL will though.
Something whioch I forgot. With the above method shine or colour restoration does not last (only for 5-7 days the very max). Is a cheap cheap way to polish your boat if you don't want to change the tubes. I have tested it and worked for me in the past
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Old 20 May 2003, 06:49   #11
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Your seat can be reupholstered by any upholster really but a car/bus upholsterer would be more likely to have the material to hand. Lookin your yellow pages.....if you are really stuck then there is a company near us which fixes buses. but it's a long way from the Nederlands

cheers Stuart
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