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Old 14 August 2002, 22:37   #1
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tube pressure

can anyone tell me the normal working pressure for the tubes on my rib, they are 1200gsm hypalon tubes fitted by henshaw. I have to ask as I took my dad out today and he asked me how much pressure are the tubes supposed to be inflated to. I was stumped! This is only my second rib, the first was a small avon 3.4m which I was too busy having fun in to really worry about things like that. This is the first year I have started to use the boat properly having just made it seaworthy after a couple of years of neglect by the previous owner. Also is there a guage or something you can buy to check the tube pressure with? Is it really that critical?


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Old 14 August 2002, 22:45   #2
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You can get guages - either that fit into the valve on the tube - or I have a pump with a guage built in

But... I just do it by feel - You don't want the tube to dip too much if you stand on it (getting in or out) - but also not too hard that it will cause damage.

REMEMBER - If you blow it up when its cool and then take the rib out in the sun (on the trailer for example) then the tubes will get hot causing the air to expand and increase the pressure - possibly causing damage.

Some tubes are fitted with pressure release valves for this reason.

You can always top them up if you feel they need it - you should always keep a pump in the boat anyway.
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Old 15 August 2002, 01:47   #3
Jizm's Avatar
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 3,804
tube pressure

Thanks for your help, I have basically been using the not too hard or soft rule as you describe, and yes I am aware that air expands when heated up and yes Icary a pump all the time! Thanks for the tips and a great web-site by the way! No pictures for your hamble trip though! Shame as that is my neck of the woods!


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