Wow, blow the expence I thought, I'll damn well telephone the blighters! (Actually I'm on Telewest Phone Unlimited so I pay a flat rate fee no matter how many calls I make)
So telephone I did. Three transfers later and I was beginning to get a bit brassed off. BUT, then I end up speaking to Ashley Hall, the very chappie who has developed the searchable database, the very man who is doing the whole thing. This guy is the big cheese of UKHO serchable databases.
The reason that the temporary page has gone is that.....wait for it.....they are about to upload the DATABASE. Hip hip hooray!
It will take some time to do this but the database will be ready in the next few days. Great news indeed. AND it's a totaly FREE service.

(I'm soooo excited that I've used far to many emoticons) [I'm getting a bit carried away with the brackets as well]
So folks, watch this space:
Keith Hart