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Old 25 January 2007, 12:45   #1
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Hi Folks,

Anybody ever used ultraseal for their trailer. I don't have a spare wheel which i was about to do something about but come across ultraseal on the net, which in principle seems a lot less hassle. Anybody have a case study?!

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Old 25 January 2007, 15:49   #2
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Not used ultra seal but have used similar. Problem I found was that it is great as long as the tyre keeps moving - left overnight and the tyre goes flat - you need to pump it up and then keep driving and it's fine until you park up again overnight!!!
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Old 27 January 2007, 11:15   #3
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Not used ultra seal but have used similar. Problem I found was that it is great as long as the tyre keeps moving - left overnight and the tyre goes flat - you need to pump it up and then keep driving and it's fine until you park up again overnight!!!
Ultraseal claim that their products are different from the competitors. No surprise there- but actually some of their differntiating "science" on their website at least sounds feasible. And claims to overcome the need to keep moving issue.

However, I remain sceptical about any magic liquid (or thixotropic gel) being able to fix most punctures before I even notice they have happened. I have accumulated about 10 punctures in my time on the roads. Of those only 1 has been "repairable" by normal garages. A couple of them have destroyed the tyre by the time I was able to stop safely - perhaps ultraseal would have prevented that becoming so serious? I have been carrying a can of the "magic get you home at 50 mph" aerosol stuff for the last 5 years (4 punctures in that time) and NONE of them could be fixed with it.

IMHO their is no substitute for a spare tyre. However having read the blurb on ultraseals website I am tempted to put it in all my tyres (including the trailer) - if it is cheap.
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Old 27 January 2007, 11:25   #4
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Hi Polwart,

I have ordered enough for 2 wheels (my trailer) so I will stick it in and see what happens. It does sound convincing on their website, so i'll be a guinea pig and see how it goes.

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Old 27 January 2007, 16:23   #5
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Ultraseal claim that their products are different from the competitors. No surprise there- but actually some of their differntiating "science" on their website at least sounds feasible. And claims to overcome the need to keep moving issue.

However, I remain sceptical about any magic liquid (or thixotropic gel) being able to fix most punctures before I even notice they have happened. I have accumulated about 10 punctures in my time on the roads. Of those only 1 has been "repairable" by normal garages. A couple of them have destroyed the tyre by the time I was able to stop safely - perhaps ultraseal would have prevented that becoming so serious? I have been carrying a can of the "magic get you home at 50 mph" aerosol stuff for the last 5 years (4 punctures in that time) and NONE of them could be fixed with it.

IMHO their is no substitute for a spare tyre. However having read the blurb on ultraseals website I am tempted to put it in all my tyres (including the trailer) - if it is cheap.

I have never had any success with tyre weld either. In tyre sealants are a bit different though. I deliberately stuck a 6" nail through an old tyre about 5 times and it did seal back up again - as I said the trouble was when the cat was parked up overnight the stuff just congeals at the bottom till it starts turning again.

On my mates farm they fill the tractor tyres with a mix of water and sealant to give more traction and stoip any punctures - seems to work for them but I suspect that's cos the whole tyre is completely full.
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Old 27 January 2007, 16:46   #6
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Tyre sealent is great for a get you home fix, the only problem is once you've used it, the tyre is almost certainly scrap.

None of the major tyre repaires/retailers will now attempt to repair a punture on a tyre that has had sealant in it!
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Old 27 January 2007, 16:57   #7
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler View Post
Tyre sealent is great for a get you home fix, the only problem is once you've used it, the tyre is almost certainly scrap.

None of the major tyre repaires/retailers will now attempt to repair a punture on a tyre that has had sealant in it!
Absolutelty but since only 1/10 punctures I have had is repairable anyway (e.g. too close to side wall) this is not as big an issue as it could be.

The ultraseal mentioned above - does appear to be different from the others in that it is water soluble so you can wash it away if you need to do a proper repair.
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Old 28 January 2007, 06:06   #8
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Slightly different I know,but I have "slime" in the tyres of my ride to work pushbike,the front tyre has at least one puncture in it probably more and just needs a pump up to 65 psi from around 30psi every week or two, but the reason I havent mended the puncture conventially is the mess.
Also when you come to blow up the tyre,the liquid trys to escape through the valve as you attach the pump.
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Old 28 January 2007, 08:53   #9
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It's probably good stuff and id probably give it a try, however I would not trail without a spare! Get a spare or trailer recovery insurance. The side of a motorway with a one wheeled trailer is no place to regret taking my advice
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Old 28 January 2007, 12:53   #10
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I have used Ultraseal in the tyres of my ride-on lawn mower. It has been a fantastic success! Before almost every time I used the mower I had to inflate the tyres, small punctures were caused by thorns. Since using Ultraseal 4 years ago I have not had a problem.

I have been told that the new BMW Mini's have it fitted as standard as they dont carry a spare wheel.
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