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Old 04 July 2011, 14:57   #61
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I never saw this reply... I got the boat back by getting my uncle to pay the original price for the work he was quoted for and then my boat was released.

I'm very happy with where the boat is now, its kept out of the water, and gets launched by crane when I want to use it.
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Old 05 July 2011, 07:36   #62
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I've typed this a few times now. I can't get my head around him holding your boat for somebody else's debt. I think I would still go down the route of finding out where your old engines went and what money they made

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Old 05 July 2011, 07:43   #63
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Originally Posted by biffer View Post
I've typed this a few times now. I can't get my head around him holding your boat for somebody else's debt. I think I would still go down the route of finding out where your old engines went and what money they made

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It was all sorted in the end and I think all parties were happy with the outcome.

(Biff - it was Rich's boat that was held)
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Old 05 July 2011, 09:35   #64
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Originally Posted by biffer
I've typed this a few times now. I can't get my head around him holding your boat for somebody else's debt. I think I would still go down the route of finding out where your old engines went and what money they made

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I know it's all done and dusted but from what I read the guy was holding the boat claiming the boat owner owed money for work carried out. The boat owner claimed that this debt was paid by the sale of the motors. The guy "forgot" that until the boat owners uncle settled his own unrelated debt. Once this had been done the guy "remembered receiving payment for the original job in lieu by way of selling the motors so released the boat he had impounded, which directly related to the customer who apparently owed the outstanding money (although as we know he never did based on the sale of the motors covering that debt)

Sounds complicated but it all boils down to the uncle paying his own debt. The yard used the leverage of the boat they had and dealings he had with it's owner to force payment from the uncle for an un-related debt.

Disgusting but it worked for him this time.... At what cost (ie loss of future trade) remains to be seen

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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Old 05 July 2011, 09:45   #65
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The issue was though, that the "debt" my uncle had, wasnt what was agreed, which was why he never paid... a job was quoted for "£x", when the job was done, it was 3x "£x".. and for no reason, it was only swapping a skylight cover thing (not sure what they're called on boats). There was another issue with mooring, where my uncle paid for a wet berth... and a lot of the time the boat was moved up, and dried out
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Old 05 July 2011, 11:45   #66
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Originally Posted by benc
The issue was though, that the "debt" my uncle had, wasnt what was agreed, which was why he never paid... a job was quoted for "£x", when the job was done, it was 3x "£x".. and for no reason, it was only swapping a skylight cover thing (not sure what they're called on boats). There was another issue with mooring, where my uncle paid for a wet berth... and a lot of the time the boat was moved up, and dried out
Sorry forgot to add that bit, didn't want to over complicate things even more than I did.

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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Old 05 July 2011, 12:35   #67
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i don't see how i could be accountable for one of my brothers for instance, it's not fair and it ain't right, the beef was with the uncle, what's it got to do with the other party
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Old 05 July 2011, 15:36   #68
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Originally Posted by biffer
i don't see how i could be accountable for one of my brothers for instance, it's not fair and it ain't right, the beef was with the uncle, what's it got to do with the other party
Nothing, that's the point. The problem seems to be though that to recover the funds disputed from the uncle (which was only left unpaid due to dispute over the work/charge) this guy thought he would use the leverage of the nephew and the work they carried out with him to force the uncle' hand. I'm guessing he did that as the uncle had already moved his own boat. Sly.

It's not right by any means but I guess the fact he got his money would suggest he thinks it worth it. I think different.

If the nephew had not had any work done or put any money through the yard then he could not have done it as it would then have been theft but as he claimed the service he had done for the nephew was still outstanding payment (ie by saying he does not recall selling the motors to cover the balance) it was lawful based on the info he supplied to the solictor but unlawful in the fact he knew he had in fact been paid. That's clear by "remembering" only after the uncle had settled the debt.

Clear as mud. Resolved now by all accounts.

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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