04 July 2018, 21:31
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unreasonable boat yard
following on from my recent rib theft on its mooring
the boat yard are insisting i continue to pay for the mooring for the full season even though i have no boat.
PETER CLARKES on mersea island.
i feel they just rubbing salt in.
"but we are a small friendly yard"
ha !
04 July 2018, 21:43
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by crui05
following on from my recent rib theft on its mooring
the boat yard are insisting i continue to pay for the mooring for the full season even though i have no boat.
PETER CLARKES on mersea island.
i feel they just rubbing salt in.
"but we are a small friendly yard"
ha !
So long as your mooring remains empty, that seems fair to me. Is it their fault that your RIB got pinched? If they re-let your mooring then I'd suggest setting a very nasty solicitor on them....
04 July 2018, 21:55
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Sorry to hear about the theft.
Can you sub-let the mooring to recoup the fees?
Member of the Macmillan Round the Isle of Wight Club
04 July 2018, 22:00
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Originally Posted by lakelandterrier
Can you sub-let the mooring to recoup the fees?
I bet not - but if I were him, I'd introduce the new guy and ask to get out.
I know someone in this situation and it sucks. But marinas and mooring don't pay for themselves. A deal is a deal. Imagine if someone had a paid mooring and the owner approached them saying another boat was prepared to pay double in mid-season.
Boaters are squeaky tight, IMO!
04 July 2018, 22:29
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I think you are looking at this in the light of the distress of losing your boat.
To be practical about the mooring... you might have replaced your boat within a week and would expect "your" mooring still to be available.
04 July 2018, 22:29
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peter clarks
hi guys
they said if they can find someone to take over the mooring they would let me off.
not heard anything from them.
what sucks is the way they come over as all caring when in reality. they just want their money.
but thank you for your input
04 July 2018, 22:40
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by crui05
what sucks is the way they come over as all caring when in reality. they just want their money.
You should consider a puppy, they're less mercenary
04 July 2018, 22:47
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Should use LH Morgan’s and sons when you get a new rib! They are great very accommodating and first class service can’t recommend them enough.
04 July 2018, 22:49
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Originally Posted by Bigo
Should use LH Morgan’s and sons when you get a new rib! They are great very accommodating and first class service can’t recommend them enough.
Do they have a policy of refunding money mid season when a client no longer has a boat to keep on the mooring?
04 July 2018, 22:56
Country: UK - England
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unreasonable boat yard
they wont entertain any sort of refund or cancel the contract.
but they are " onll a small FRIENDLY firm"
cold as ice is the way i see it.
what happened to good will ? is the loss of income from my stolen boat going to cripple them ?
05 July 2018, 05:42
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by crui05
they wont entertain any sort of refund or cancel the contract.
but they are " onll a small FRIENDLY firm"
cold as ice is the way i see it.
what happened to good will ? is the loss of income from my stolen boat going to cripple them ?
You could just stop paying[emoji57] Does your insurance cover the mooring fee? Also consider, you might replace the boat and need a mooring in the future.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
05 July 2018, 05:50
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I’m afraid I stand with the boat yard on this one. If you sign a contract for. Year then that’s it. Just like a mobile phone company, if your phone gets stolen they won’t cancel your contract. At least they said they will try to re sell it.
Cant you pass the cost on to your insurance company?
You Can't cross an Ocean unless you have lost site of shore.
05 July 2018, 07:46
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If you signed an annual contract then why should they lose out. Perhaps you should have arranged the mooring on an ad hoc basis and then if they had someone wanting to pay more for a few weeks they could kick you off. Next, you will be expecting them to pay your insurance excess. Man up and swallow the pill.
05 July 2018, 08:35
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Seems to me the OP is not just unhappy with the result (no refund), but the way in which he is being dealt with - which does sound unsympathetic at best.
If you give a commitment to rent a mooring for a given period and they undertake to provide that service; then contractually both sides know whwere they stand. They are just insisting that you fulfil your commitments. They don't have to take that approach and a smaller familly business will generally have greater "flexibility" - but not always.
If it were me, I would like to understand your future palns and make a decision based on that. For instance if you plan to buy another boat and keep it with me, I would at least suspend your contract and recommence it when your new boat arrives. That way, You're happy and I keep a client
You get what you settle for!
05 July 2018, 08:54
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Originally Posted by Dry Run
For instance if you plan to buy another boat and keep it with me, I would at least suspend your contract and recommence it when your new boat arrives. 
But how about the "new" occupant of the berth. Does he have to leave??
"Ribbing-the most expensive way of travelling third class"
05 July 2018, 09:23
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This why contracts exist. Without it the minute one side sees an opportunity they take it and leave the other party in the cold. Happens with everything where there is room to make profit. Contract is for a mooring. There will be nothing in there about a boat having to be in it. So you have to pay. I suspect if you make it clear you no longer want the service ever they may not enforce the contract. But without some give on both sides why would you
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
05 July 2018, 10:37
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it is a business they are running after all
05 July 2018, 10:57
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Market forces might dictate the outcome. If he struggles to fill the moorings you are in the stronger position but if each year there is a waiting list he will move on to the next customer
05 July 2018, 12:30
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unreasonable boat yard
i will not be using a swinging mooring again and made it clear to the boat yard.
yes of course i understand i am in a contract and have to keep my part of it.
a no brainer.
i do intend to get another boat but not using a mooring anymore.
it was just the way it has been handled that got me.
the only contact the yard made to me was to make sure i am aware of the contarct.
even just a few words of kindness would of gone a long way.
05 July 2018, 16:53
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Perhaps a little harsh on the OP, mans just lost his boat to some scumbag off his swinging mooring.
I guess I wouldn't have named and shamed the yard on an open forum, perhaps used a little more restraint and talked contracts with a view to either finding another punter to take over your fee's or trying to sort out another boat, keeping a mooring but perhaps one more secure.
Any word from the Police/yard as to who may have had it away?
Anyway, sorry to hear of your loss.
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