Originally Posted by dougal_22
hi there please excuse me not being up to speed with this forum as i am new. i have just purchased a valiant 380d sport as a tender to my river cruiser i know its small at only 3.8m but its the biggest small rib i could get. i have just purchased a 20hp mercury 4 stroke to go on her but my question is how should i have my center console secured in as the company that i have purchased the boat off has screwed down the console and placed a bead of sealant around the outside for cosmetics. my question is should i take the console out and place sikaflex down before screwing it back in and if i do how much of a pain is it going to be to clean the sealant that the company i shall not mention has placed on,off.
and also can i ask peoples opinions on the merc 20 4 stroke with regards to my choice for this boat. its rated to a max 55kgs and 25hp.
Hi Dougal,
I too have a valiant D380 but a 2002 version. I have a 30hp two stroke on the back which is 5hp over rated but within the weight limit. (insurance company aware and happy). The 30 really pushes it along well but due to it only really being designed as a tender i have to be careful as they are not the strongest boats out there but any means. so no real wave jumping
I would say your 20 will be fine and will certainly give you some fun and push the boat along nicely. I take the 20 fourstroke is within the 55kg wieght limit? as my old 4stroke 8hp weighed about 38kg
In terms of the console there is bound to be some great advice from others coming your way, but for me, when i purchased mine it too was just screwed down and had pulled up on one side (i got mine 2nd hand). A boat builder ended up bolting and fibreglassing it in to ensure that whatever happened it wouldnt come out and everything was watertight.
Hope this helps a little. Matt.