23 February 2008, 08:24
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
Valiant or Humber ?
I am after a bit of help
I own a 380 Bombard Aerotex 15hp combo, dead light, easy to launch, tiller steering, great fun
I live in Northampton so really only use it a 2 or 3 of holidays a year mainly around Purbeck / Poole area, although last year went up to Benerloch (Oban)
What I really want is something with a bit more poke that I can use to whizz over to Isle of Wight, maybe also have a bash at water skiing
I have found a 4.3M Humber assault with a 40Hp Honda and a 4.9m Valiant with 70Hp.
I don’t much at all about RIB’s but any advice welcome.
The Valiant looks pretty, and is clearly more powerful. The Humber is (I am told) a better make, but less power. The Humber also has lots of electrics Garmin GPS Map chart plotter with external mushroom antenna, VHF Marine DSC Transceiver Radio with GMDSS, Garmin Fishfinder 120 (depth indicator)
The Valiant is clearly heavier so will be harder to launch and recover (I have little experience)
So any views gratefully received
23 February 2008, 14:29
Country: France
Town: Côte d'Azur
Boat name: Beaver Patrol
Make: Avon Searider SR4
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Thats a tricky one. The Humber is a better made boat, and will probably be a lot more comfortable than a similar sized Valient. I think I would probably go for that over the Valient. Valient's tend to be designed for cruising round the med with a couple of lovely girls lying on the sunpad at the front. You might struggle to ski with a 40 though.
That said, a lot depends on the price and the layout of the boats. Are they around the same sort of price? Do you have any photos?
23 February 2008, 14:49
Country: UK - England
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But they are not a similar size are they , also depends what model humber , some have a flatter v than the valiant .
Don't worry about wieght for launching they are both very light . However i would consider 4.9m would outwiegh the sea keeping of the 4.3 whatever the make .
Humber are stronger boats , but the valiant won't give you any problems for family fun use , ours was still solid as a rock at 6 years old
23 February 2008, 14:59
Country: UK - England
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Depends on the hull on both counts.
I think from memory the Assault is quite a shallow vee, which would be comparable to a Valiant Vanguard. If its a Valiant Patrol (PT) however (these are usually orange) that is a completely different situation and I would take the Valiant as that is the deep vee model.
23 February 2008, 17:18
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
[Good points
I think the Humber is a deep Vee Hull but as I say I am not really sure
I did a bit of research and 50HP seems to be the biggets I can put on it
23 February 2008, 17:19
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
I am told it is a Vangard
23 February 2008, 17:21
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
[At the end of the day I am not really going to be taking the boat out in the real rough, but on the other hand you never know do you !
23 February 2008, 17:29
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
All replies
I really do appreciate your help
Its a question of where to stop, isn't it
I just found a brilliant looking Yamaha 500 R 90HP and Humber Assualt both at circa 6K
"get behind me satan"
23 February 2008, 18:38
Country: UK - England
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Probably neither of those then!
That Humber looks quite a shallow vee and as mentioned above by Tim the Valiants are more of a med style boat. I have a few seasons experience with a brand new Vanguard V520/ 75hp Mariner 2 stroke. For what it was it did the job very well and was a very sociable boat, we only used it for towing wakeboards/ ringo's/ skiers, messing about off the beach and you could cram loads of people on it. I took it accross to Yarmouth (IOW) a few times no problem. It all depends on what you planned to do with it, it wasn't particularly well put together a few bits fell off but nothing serious, I could see the console coming adrift though in the future. In terms of rough weather it slammed abit and wasn't a patch on my current 4m Searider.
I assume your budget is £6k?
23 February 2008, 19:41
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The Valiant PT-520 has not much deck space compared to to most 5mtr ribs, because of the forward locker and engine well.
23 February 2008, 21:09
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
Wow they all look great
I really have a budget of 5.5 K max so will have to go for the one of the orgional two I think
The Valiant seems to have the deepest keel by the look of it so I guess its a balance of
a) The deepest keel is going to better against waves (and has more power)
b) The better "make"
23 February 2008, 21:18
Country: UK - England
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Out of the two original ones I would probably have the Humber, the 'rude on the Valiant is also ex-rnli so may be high hours.
You could of course always consider a trusty 5.4m Searider, would leave you some spare cash for a few toys on it too.
These two look tasty:
This ones even got a 4 stroke on it, and looks to have been retubed.
23 February 2008, 21:52
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jon H
I am told it is a Vangard
They all seem to have the same hull in the 4.9 whatever they call the model . the colours changed . over the years , they are now blue , mine was red .
How much is that one selling for , I would guess its a fairly old boat and motor worth about 4k ish depending on the trailer . 6k should get something a lot newer with an up to date more economical motor
24 February 2008, 05:41
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
THis one is £5,499
Originally Posted by ian parkes
They all seem to have the same hull in the 4.9 whatever they call the model . the colours changed . over the years , they are now blue , mine was red .
How much is that one selling for , I would guess its a fairly old boat and motor worth about 4k ish depending on the trailer . 6k should get something a lot newer with an up to date more economical motor
24 February 2008, 05:42
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
"flooded hull design with Chinnook Tubes"
I guess the chinook tubes are non avon ie new
But flooded hull ?
24 February 2008, 05:43
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Chubby Rain 2
Make: Valiant
Length: 4m +
Engine: Evinrude 70 (RNLI)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 107
Ex Mili ?
Starngley it is ex RNLI but how did you know ?
24 February 2008, 08:39
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Originally Posted by Jon H
"flooded hull design with Chinnook Tubes"
I guess the chinook tubes are non avon ie new
But flooded hull ?
Some boats (it may be the exclusive preserve of seariders?) have holes at the front and back of the hull. So when you stop the void under the deck fills with water, and the boat sits lower in the water which makes it more stable at rest and easier for divers, skiers, or anyone else to get out of the water and into the boat. The whole at the back is relatively big so as soon as you apply power and start to lift onto the plane the void drains and you can go fast. Main draw back is presumably time to get on the plane (carrying the extra weight initially).
24 February 2008, 11:07
Country: France
Town: Côte d'Azur
Boat name: Beaver Patrol
Make: Avon Searider SR4
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 5,934
Out of all those boats I would go for that searider at £4995. Very nice looking and it'll be a lot more capable than the two original boats. Like ADS I wouldn't buy either of them. The trailer under that Humber is far too small for starters!
24 February 2008, 13:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 1,410
Originally Posted by Jon H
"flooded hull design with Chinnook Tubes"
I guess the chinook tubes are non avon ie new
But flooded hull ?
Looks like its been retubed which is a good thing, Avon Searider tubes are usually grey but I guess they probably wanted it to look abit less commercial.
Its quite common to retube older ribs, theres a number of retubed Avons on the market at the moment.
All Seariders have a flooding hull, its basically an under deck void that floods through too small holes at the bow and then shoots out of a big hole at the back when you get on the plane.
Advantages: Very stable at rest, ideal for fishing and rescue boat work.
Disadvantages: Takes a little longer to plane (No great problem though, ive left mine as flooding and I tow wake boarders), may actually draw a little more water as it will set lower, and I guess you could argue it uses more fuel getting onto the plane.
However, there is an off the shelf kit you can buy to block up the flooding hull if its not what you want but in my eyes the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, its hardly noticeable on my boat and makes low speed manouevering more positive.
The 5.4 at £4995 is a very good price and would be my choice.
Originally Posted by Jon H
Starngley it is ex RNLI but how did you know ?
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