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Old 29 October 2017, 06:26   #1
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Value of 5.4 Seariders

I have purchased this 5.4 searider, and plan to refurb it over Winter.
Few questions:
is it worth it to be begin with?
What upgrades / additions to a boat increase the value to the boat,(what do people want from a boat, more seats etc???)

Thanks in advance
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Old 29 October 2017, 17:21   #2
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Originally Posted by k12smy View Post
is it worth it to be begin with?
Did you pay £1.5k.
If so - £1.5k for a seemingly working if tatty RIB on a trailer is nothing to be sniffed at.

With a bit of spit and polish, and a decent listing you should be able to resell it for at least that much, but probably a bit more.
What upgrades / additions to a boat increase the value to the boat,(what do people want from a boat, more seats etc???)
Lots of things will increase the value. But I suspect what you mean is what can I do to a boat that costs £1.5k that say costs 2k and lets me sell it for at least £4k... ...that is MUCH MUCH harder.

The OB is old. So re-engining will increase the resale value. But unless you have a bargain engine (75-90HP I thinks is what people say is best for a SR5.4) you aren't going to recover the cost on it!

There is a seat back missing.

An a frame on that boat would make it more functional (nav lights, aerial mounts etc) - but again unless you have one I'm not sure it increases the resale value beyond what you'd have to pay for it.

The tubes look good on top (new wear patches) - so it depends how much you can clean up down below and can you tell people more than "holds air" - like holds air for at least 3 months.

Console looks crap.

Not sure people expect double jockeys on a SR5.4...
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Old 29 October 2017, 19:43   #3
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Side by side jockeys don't fit unless you're going to sell it to an Oompa Loompa.

The most cost effective/least labour intensive thing you can do with that boat is play with it for a season and do as little as possible to it then to make it worth more,sell it in big lumps. Engine , trailer and hull separately.

If you really did pay £1.5k, it'll sell for £2.5k when parted out without any issue as long as the transom is OK. You'll struggle to get £1k profit from it on a refurb, just because refurbs cost far more than you'll ever expect.
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Old 29 October 2017, 21:14   #4
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Yep as above. Not wanting to pee on your fire but....I wouldn’t give more than 750 tops for that.. weeks and weeks of hard work and will still be a 20 + year old boat that looks like its had a hard life. And bodged up.
Looks like it has garage rubber floor matting on the tubes
The engine is likely on its last legs being 25 + years old. This is how i see it.

Tidy tubes up.£1250
Yam 90/75 £2000/2500 or equivalent size unit
New steering as prob knackered. £150.00
A frame etc £350/500
Electrics n sundries £350/500
Nice fuel tanks and lines £150

Just to give you an idea.. as said. Clean it -drive it - sell it but would not value it at 1500.

There have been a couple of my old SR’s recently on flea bay. Both less than half of what i let them go for . There isnt much of a call for them now as ive found out. Too labour intensive and too old.
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Old 30 October 2017, 06:54   #5
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i sold my 5.4 with an evinrude 70 for £3300
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Old 30 October 2017, 06:58   #6
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there's also a couple on ebay now for over 10k not saying they will sell but someone obviously thinks they still have value
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Old 30 October 2017, 07:02   #7
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Thanks for information guys,
Yes i did see the black one on ebay for 13k [emoji15].
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Old 30 October 2017, 07:58   #8
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Very nice 4.7. Tidy genuine rib and a genuine advert generally more sought after as can be stored in a standard garage.

Still a market for them but due to the cost of them new ,we are not seeing late model versions hence all the available ones are much older with the normal age related issues. This 4.7 would have been snapped up within minutes a couple of years back.
The holy grail of Seariders was for sale recently.. seller could not shift it. After a large price reduction, and months later it did sell eventually .
However they are without doubt the most fun and best seakeeping rib in their time and even to this day would run rings around some of the new craft out there.
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Old 30 October 2017, 10:19   #9
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Thanks for the sales pitch Matt!!!
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