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Old 17 November 2007, 20:34   #21
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Originally Posted by davidmanning View Post
p.s. It was Jon Fuller.
damn good it is to have him back.

Matt Just for the record people that do voluntary work and then carp on about it really dissapoint me, people that help others and keep it to themselves are heroes in my opinion. So I guess you guys know which category I'd fit you in to and are as such fair game for me to take the piss out of.

Having said that to compare th RNLI fund raising efforts to those employed by the Third Reich in their concentration camps was, on reflection. unacceptable, They are not quite that bad hence the apology.
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Old 17 November 2007, 20:38   #22
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Originally Posted by davidmanning View Post
p.s. It was Jon Fuller.

woz he the chinscratcher that cahnaged my signature as well
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Old 19 November 2007, 20:49   #23
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Donating to others??

Sorry but this has gone on long enough and I can't keep quiet any longer.

I was involed in a rescue, whilst out at the weekend enjoying my boat on the solent. I wasn't working at all and we had a mayday over the radio. Normally we'd just see where it was and let the SAR people do their stuff but this was just 2 mins away from us.

We headed over to see if we could do something and in the end all we did was help drive the safety boat being used by the group involved back to the hamble with the remaining of the unaffected group. Without going too much into the details somebody had been racing zapcats and another boat landed on top of him knocking him out of the boat in the middle of the Solent.

The Cowes inshore lifeboat was there in ten mins but it felt like an eternity! They decided a helicopter was the order of the day and whilst waiting the Venturers turned up.

Unfortunately they did not get off to a good start when they drove straight into the side of my boat and then he bellowed at me "You don't tell me what to do, I tell YOU what to do".

Now personally I'd fail him for a level 2 powerboat at that and let his car tyres down for being a rude old sod. No apology was forthcoming for the attitude or the driving all because I waved at him not to drive over the people in the water when he came barreling in!

Without question the Venturers boat did nothing whatsoever to help the situation except be a boat in the way.

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Also why not check out the Ribcraft Owners Group?
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Old 20 November 2007, 11:34   #24
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Hmm....Matt's gone quiet!

Wasn't an old ... with a beard was it by any chance?

I trust you informed Solent CG of the collision, they can add it to the list...
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Old 20 November 2007, 12:29   #25
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how can you drive into somebody with a jet drive boat! They stop in their own length or less!
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Old 20 November 2007, 13:34   #26
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Interesting to read this,

What year was it, were in the Solent did it happen, description of the rescue boat so we can help trace a year etc etc?

Thankyou for bringing it to my attention though

I have no knowledge of this incident, please enlighten me with some more facts as would like to check our log books and records.

Rouge wave, correct about jet boats, one of many fantastic tricks they can do
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Old 20 November 2007, 14:39   #27
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Old 20 November 2007, 15:12   #28
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November 20th? 2004
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 20 November 2007, 15:29   #29
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
thanks for that,

i believe that CJL may have had the rescue boat confused, we do not normally operate that late in the year, havnt gone past october each year (apart from this season) since i joined in 2003, we do not have a plaque with ILB on our boats....anywere..

I do not recall this incident, i do not believe it was our boat.

Interesting to read though!

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Old 20 November 2007, 16:09   #30
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hmm sar, rescue boat, but non declared facility/doesnt go out in the cold weather???? Sounds more like sponsored powerboating to me which is not a bad thing in itself for keeping kids off the street. Unfortunately this parent had to use his own money to give his kids a life and a sea going experience. Gave the daughter too much really as she is away in europe skippering 50ft jet drive catamarans and not helping the old man launch his boats and do the teaching. As for teenagers doing rescue work she was rnli crew at 17 and an ALB navigator at 18. And I mean proper rescue work inc at night in winter in some grim weather-not picking up broken down boats in the summer months as any passing, right minded boat owner would do anyway.
We run courses for a number of non rnli rescue boats (only one of which actually terms itself "lifeboat"), they are all declared facilities so will even go out when it becomes a little chilly!!!!!!! I have a deal of respect for these lads with declared facility status (often tucked away in remote areas not in the civilized solent) which they have worked hard to achieve with funds raised from local communities and by rattling the tin whilst packing the xmas shopping at supermarket checkouts etc for a penny or two here and there. So not all "private" lifeboats are playing at it and they do need your support.
Dave M
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Old 20 November 2007, 16:15   #31
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Originally Posted by wavelength View Post
hmm sar, rescue boat, but non declared facility/doesnt go out in the cold weather???? Sounds more like sponsored powerboating to me which is not a bad thing in itself for keeping kids off the street. Unfortunately this parent had to use his own money to give his kids a life and a sea going experience. Gave the daughter too much really as she is away in europe skippering 50ft jet drive catamarans and not helping the old man launch his boats and do the teaching. As for teenagers doing rescue work she was rnli crew at 17 and an ALB navigator at 18. And I mean proper rescue work inc at night in winter in some grim weather-not picking up broken down boats in the summer months as any passing, right minded boat owner would do anyway.
We run courses for a number of non rnli rescue boats (only one of which actually terms itself "lifeboat"), they are all declared facilities so will even go out when it becomes a little chilly!!!!!!! I have a deal of respect for these lads with declared facility status (often tucked away in remote areas not in the civilized solent) which they have worked hard to achieve with funds raised from local communities and by rattling the tin whilst packing the xmas shopping at supermarket checkouts etc for a penny or two here and there. So not all "private" lifeboats are playing at it and they do need your support.
Thanks for your views, i appreciate them.

We are not tucking ourselves away because we afraid of the cold, we have a commitment to land rescue as well as sea rescue and as it is generaly a little less active around these months at Sea, we concentrate our efforts to our land rescue providing Search and Rescue for the police in the new forest with Landrovers and 4x4 Ambulances. sometimes with these incedents we go out in the night, early hours of the morning in the cold etc etc etc..

as said before, we are not SAR declared as we have crews under 17/18.

We have our fair share of incidents both at sea and on land.

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Old 20 November 2007, 16:33   #32
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My word. How do these land facilities cope without your undivided attention in summer when there is an influx of visitors?
we are not SAR declared as we have crews under 17/18.
and you dont go out in winter!
Must remember to only break down in summer when passing that patch on boat deliveries etc-unless of course the Solent is already particularly well served by by various declared facilities -helicopters/rnli boats/independent lifeboats etc etc who are there all the year round?
Dave M
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Old 20 November 2007, 18:08   #33
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I understand what you are saying, the Solent is well covered by declared facilities, helicopters etc, ok so we may not deal with the worst incidents, but we do tow boats to safety, do pull the occasional windsufer from danger and our 46 year history speaks for itself that we have had many incidents were lives have been saved!

My word. How do these land facilities cope without your undivided attention in summer when there is an influx of visitors?
We generaly are more focused on the boats, however the landrover and ambulances vehicles can be called upon by the Police 24/7 365 days a year, so there is still commitment to the Land rescue side of the Venturers.

Must remember to only break down in summer when passing that patch on boat deliveries etc
no need for that was there!

hope i have helped answer your questions?

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Old 20 November 2007, 18:25   #34
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Originally Posted by Matt-V-SAR View Post
no need for that was there!

dats orl yew cann ikspect fromm grummpy owld norvern gitts hoo havunt gott de sennse too cum inn owt ov de rayn

seenier tawpeedo fyrer
www.sowlint serch an
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
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Old 20 November 2007, 21:43   #35
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It's a shame you weren't around on 12th August 06.
You couldn't have done a worse job than the hamble boat whose coxswain's boat handling was utterly shit.

Originally Posted by Matt-V-SAR View Post
I understand what you are saying, the Solent is well covered by declared facilities, helicopters etc, ok so we may not deal with the worst incidents, but we do tow boats to safety, do pull the occasional windsufer from danger and our 46 year history speaks for itself that we have had many incidents were lives have been saved!

We generaly are more focused on the boats, however the landrover and ambulances vehicles can be called upon by the Police 24/7 365 days a year, so there is still commitment to the Land rescue side of the Venturers.

no need for that was there!

hope i have helped answer your questions?

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Old 20 November 2007, 23:02   #36
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
It's a shame you weren't around on 12th August 06.
You couldn't have done a worse job than the hamble boat whose coxswain's boat handling was utterly shit.

If not top secret, can i ask what happened?


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Old 21 November 2007, 10:51   #37
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dats orl yew cann ikspect fromm grummpy owld norvern gitts hoo havunt gott de sennse too cum inn owt ov de rayn
Dave M
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Old 21 November 2007, 11:19   #38
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Interesting thread. This is how it is. Venturers are not a declared facility and not recognised as a resource for Coastguard. However in todays day and age it is a good organisation to keep youngsters off the streets.

Venturers will trawl around the Solent listening to CH16 waiting for someone to make a call to C/C requesting help. They will then make there way to the casualty, like any other vessel would do. In the meantime C/C would call a declared unit and instruct that unit to take over and be on scene command.

Their are many stories about where Venturers have made a mess of things on the water, and I have certainly heard a few from my crews, but this is not the place to broadcast them.

All I can say is that if you do get in trouble in the solent and they come along dont to be alarmed as a SAR unit will be with you within ten minutes.

Simon Hawkins
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Old 21 November 2007, 12:30   #39
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Ventures Search & Rescue


Their seems to be a bit of animosity here, and I know very litle about your organisation so can not comment on much of what has been said

However I do know that you recently became accredioted by IYT (International Yachtmaster Training) to run their courses.

I wonder if you could explain what made you seek recognition with an American company rather than use the RYA training scheme, which is widely accepted as the recognised training route in this part of the world. CILB and RNLI both use it.

In the same way as you ask us to support what you do the RYA asks Brits to support them. The RYA represents British sailing and powerboating (Olympics, legislation, training, governing body etc.) and does so with great success

I for one will not support an organisation who has chosen a US company over our own governing body unless their is some reason I have missed. You may think this sounds like politics but I think the RYA do a lot for us (British boating public) and should be supported.
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Old 21 November 2007, 12:32   #40
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce View Post

Their seems to be a bit of animosity here, and I know very litle about your organisation so can not comment on much of what has been said

However I do know that you recently became accredioted by IYT (International Yachtmaster Training) to run their courses.

I wonder if you could explain what made you seek recognition with an American company rather than use the RYA training scheme, which is widely accepted as the recognised training route in this part of the world. CILB and RNLI both use it.

In the same way as you ask us to support what you do the RYA asks Brits to support them. The RYA represents British sailing and powerboating (Olympics, legislation, training, governing body etc.) and does so with great success

I for one will not support an organisation who has chosen a US company over our own governing body unless their is some reason I have missed. You may think this sounds like politics but I think the RYA do a lot for us (British boating public) and should be supported.

I will pm you later with the reasons.

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