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Old 12 January 2015, 09:38   #1
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VHF License for handheld.

As there are a number of instructors on here, I wonder if if I could seek some advice.

At our sailing club we issue the safety boats with Hand Held VHF radios. These are fully functioning standard radios with all the normal channels. For club duties we operate on M1 and M2 only. Previously I have been advised that the Rib driver doesn't require a VHF license to operate a handheld as long as it is 6 watts or less and is being used on the private channels only and comes under the club VHF license. This weekend, I was advised that since it all reverted to Ofcom etc. that this has changed and that anyone operating a handheld on any channel now has to have a VHF license? I wonder whether anybody could shed any light on this?
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Old 12 January 2015, 10:00   #2
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See if this OFCOM FAQ entry helps...

Ofcom | What type of Maritime Licence do I need?
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Old 12 January 2015, 10:12   #3
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Not to sure on that one but,I have a prompt sheet with May Day call procedure on.I would rather get a bollocking for not having lisence than the alternative ,stranded or even dead.Also I would wonder what the coast guard rather you had or not.
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Old 12 January 2015, 10:20   #4
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You can operate a VHF without a licence if under the direct supervision of a licence holder. So on my PB2 courses I get the students using the VHF under my supervision. For a sailing club you would need a licence holder onsite monitoring the radio to make sure the unlicensed operators were using the radios correctly. Also the VHFs themselves would also need licences.
Chris Moody
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Old 12 January 2015, 10:25   #5
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Lots of people have VHF's without licences and use them to listen, and would only transmit in an emergency. I personally don't see a problem with that, and I doubt that OFCOM or the coastguard would have a problem with that either.

What does annoy me is the people transmitting that obviously have no idea how to use the VHF properly.
Chris Moody
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Old 12 January 2015, 11:00   #6
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VHF License for handheld.

Originally Posted by chris.moody View Post
You can operate a VHF without a licence if under the direct supervision of a licence holder. So on my PB2 courses I get the students using the VHF under my supervision. For a sailing club you would need a licence holder onsite monitoring the radio to make sure the unlicensed operators were using the radios correctly. Also the VHFs themselves would also need licences.

Sailing Clubs - Ch M & M2 is your friend - you don't need operators licence to use these two channels - these are private channels although found on UK bought radios

still need radio licence for radio ,

in emergency use only ch 16 - no need to worry about anything, although I a well put out mayday might get help to you quicker!

With the online courses - they really are no excuses not to do course !

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Old 12 January 2015, 11:23   #7
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Thankyou for your replies. This is pretty much what we have been advised previously, but had been told that things had changed recently since Ofcom got involved. The club has 14 or so safety boats plus committee boats etc and around 800 PBL2 qualified volunteers who could operate them to help with events. The radios are monitored by the main office and Marine Department in case of an emergency etc and on the bigger events we will also have the race box manned and dedicated to the event via radio as well.
We operate on M1 + 2.
I spoke to Ofcom this morning for advice and their initial reaction was that anyone operating the safety boat etc would automatically be covered by the clubs VHF licenses. They have suggested sending an e mail to them requesting a formal reply that will seal it.
The e mail address they have given me if it helps anyone else on here is

Chris, your point about : "You can operate a VHF without a licence if under the direct supervision of a licence holder". Does this imply the license holder needs to be on the boat supervising or that they simply be monitored by for example the club?

I agree with regards to getting people to at least do the online thing, but getting people to give up time for anything is difficult and if they don't have to, most wont bother.
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Old 12 January 2015, 11:34   #8
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It's a grey area but I would personally be happy monitoring my students use of the radio from the shore or another boat as long as I was in VHF range and scanning any channels they may be using.

I didn't know 37a (M1) was exempt, you learn something every day.
Chris Moody
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Old 12 January 2015, 11:38   #9
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On a PB2 course I like to get the students familiar with using a VHF and get them used to identifying themselves on each transmission and the correct use of "over" and "out". If they say "over and out" they have to buy the coffees or tea at tea break time
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Old 12 January 2015, 11:42   #10
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direct supervision means standing beside the person on boat !
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Old 12 January 2015, 12:30   #11
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As far as Ofcom are concerned you apply for the free ship portable licence. This makes your handheld VHF legal to own and use.

The conditions of the licence state that it may then be used without further qualification on channels M1 & M2, or on the international channels in case of emergency.

As has been said, in order to routinely operate on other channels one needs to hold an operators' certificate or be supervised by someone who holds one.

If you only operate your handhelds on M1 & M2 then you don't require an operators' certificate.

I can't promise what anyone at the RYA will tell you, but that's what Ofcom say, and after all they 'own' the licensing.

*I'm new to boating, but old hat with radio comms.
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Old 12 January 2015, 12:34   #12
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I take it your club has a Coastal Radio Station Licence - if it does it covers all the radios on the site / operated by club.

But only m & m 2 and ch. 80 (duplex).

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Old 12 January 2015, 12:43   #13
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A Coastal Licence only covers other vessels if they are operating on a private channel.
Even with a Coastal Licence, if you're operating on Ch 80 (an international channel) you require an individual Ship or Ship Portable licence for each radio and the requirement for an Operators' Certificate (or to be supervised by someone who has one) still remains.
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Old 12 January 2015, 12:50   #14
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yes - m & m2 are you only non operators licence !

Ch 80 is a "grown" up channel and needs operators licence.

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Old 12 January 2015, 13:20   #15
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Thanks for all the useful input. I will ask Ofcom to confirm everything in writing, but from what is being said here, it sounds as though we are covered. I will report back once I actually have it from the horses mouth.
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Old 12 January 2015, 13:42   #16
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Your Coastal Licence may not cover 'full channel' mobiles. The details are sketchy for CSR (Marina) licences because I can't find the specific terms online; but for example a CSR (UK) wouldn't cover them.

What I have found hints that a 'full channel' set would require it's own licence, whereas a 'private channels only' would be covered.
(This is certainly the case for CSR (UK) licences)

The worst case scenario is you may need to spend a bit of time online to apply for individual ship portable licences for them.
At least there's no financial cost.

Either way, you won't require an operators' certificate for M & M2.
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Old 12 January 2015, 18:11   #17
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VHF License for handheld.

Your radios each require a ships portable license.
It used to be the case that if you only operated on private channels with out an operators license then you needed to have all the other channels programmed out so it couldn't be used on grown up channels by people without a license. Not sure if this is still the case but in reality as long as you stick to the private channels you should be ok.
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Old 12 January 2015, 20:29   #18
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Extracted from:

Ofcom | What type of Maritime Licence do I need?

Coastal Station Radio (Marina)
This licence is available to those who operate sailing or yacht clubs, marinas and similar organisations and covers communication concerning the movement and berthing of pleasure crafts and the control of races.

Three channels are available.
Channels M and M2 (157.850 and 161.425 MHz) are simplex channels. As these channels are not international channels, users need not hold a Maritime Radio Operators' Certificate of Competence and Authority to Operate
Channel 80 is a duplex channel (157.025MHz to transmit on ship, 161.625MHz to transmit on coastal station). Channel 80 is an international channel and its use must be by, or under the supervision of a holder of a Maritime Radio Operator's Certificate and Authority to Operate.

If you wish to transmit from a ship on Channel 80, you must be covered by a Ship Radio Licence or Ship Portable Radio Licence and hold a Maritime Radio Operators Certificate (or be under the direct supervision of someone who does).
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Old 12 January 2015, 20:47   #19
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Originally Posted by SPR View Post
Extracted from:

Ofcom | What type of Maritime Licence do I need?

Coastal Station Radio (Marina)
This licence is available to those who operate sailing or yacht clubs, marinas and similar organisations and covers communication concerning the movement and berthing of pleasure crafts and the control of races.

Three channels are available.
Channels M and M2 (157.850 and 161.425 MHz) are simplex channels. As these channels are not international channels, users need not hold a Maritime Radio Operators' Certificate of Competence and Authority to Operate
Channel 80 is a duplex channel (157.025MHz to transmit on ship, 161.625MHz to transmit on coastal station). Channel 80 is an international channel and its use must be by, or under the supervision of a holder of a Maritime Radio Operator's Certificate and Authority to Operate.

If you wish to transmit from a ship on Channel 80, you must be covered by a Ship Radio Licence or Ship Portable Radio Licence and hold a Maritime Radio Operators Certificate (or be under the direct supervision of someone who does).
That all seems fairly clear! Thank you for posting this.
I just did a search on the Ofcom website using your link and it still didn't show up in a search!
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Old 12 January 2015, 20:53   #20
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no problem - I did all the licensing for my old sailing club ! and SRC Assessor and Geek!

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