10 April 2011, 16:05
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VHF - On or Off
I have finally got round to fitting the antenna for my VHF to my boat this past week, it was freestanding in the wheelhouse for the past 2 years.
We had a pleasant day today onboard but I HAD to turn the VHF off due to the constant traffic and DSC alerts. None of which were close or we could do anything about with divers in the water.
I know I should monitor it but if it continues like today all summer it will either be OFF or the handheld will be on Ch 16 and the main set OFF.
10 April 2011, 18:06
Country: UK - Scotland
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Shouldn't switching to low power cut out a lot of them?
10 April 2011, 18:08
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Originally Posted by free
Shouldn't switching to low power cut out a lot of them?
Err NO low power only works on TRANSMIT!!! as should have been explained on yor VHF course !!!
10 April 2011, 18:57
Country: UK - Scotland
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Lol, it's been a long day! Lucky I stuck a question mark at the end, it was a question, honest. What's the answer then, a second antenna in the wheelhouse?
10 April 2011, 19:12
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by free
What's the answer then, a second antenna in the wheelhouse?
Well, seeing as they're not close - I'd dial the squelsh down a touch to remove the non-local chit chat (not a precise science mind)
The DSC stuff will probably come through anyway.
Personally, I'd just turn the volume down a touch.
As divers seems to account for a large proportion of emergencies (and I am one too  ) I try to keep a listen out. In fairness, there's not much happening on the VHF here though...
10 April 2011, 19:57
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Where abouts were you? I don't normally get bothered with random dsc's these days. Maybe you were getting more than normal due to atmospheric conditions? My receiver at work has been getting Brixham, Falmouth, Solent etc all weekend, reception has been particularly good.
10 April 2011, 20:53
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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North / Northwest
Also getting Brixham et al on 16 - my soldering can't of been too bad. Had 3 DSC's yesterday and 4 today. Did not look at details just cleared them. Even with volume down the alarm was loud.
Also, on my previous boat I used to get numerous position requests from someone who obviously wanted to know where I was (maybe trying to track a wreck down) I had fun sending my position back as 200 miles west of lands end. I don't have my GPS connected on the Icom as I have not yet found where to turn off auto position report when answering a request. I know this may cause issues in an emergency but I would be able to send the DSC then back it up with a call, even on the handheld if I have abandoned the vessel.
10 April 2011, 20:59
Country: UK - England
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Volume does not work on the DSC alarm !! the auto Pos request is swithable from the Menu ... where depends on the ICOM Model tis adviseabe to have the radio and GPA connected tho, aftyer all Press the distres button sends the lot, you can the "Get off" and wait !!!
10 April 2011, 21:20
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by karlT
Had 3 DSC's yesterday and 4 today. Did not look at details just cleared them. Even with volume down the alarm was loud.
Hopefully you weren't troubled by pesky flares on the horizon either!
I hope I never become that jaded.
10 April 2011, 23:32
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Originally Posted by willk
As divers seems to account for a large proportion of emergencies (and I am one too  ) I try to keep a listen out. In fairness, there's not much happening on the VHF here though...
You think yours is quiet
I was away for about four hours today and it was quite busy, I saw my old rib (twice), an Interceptor 42 and a Seaward 35, like Piccadilly Circus it was
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
Sent from my Computer, using a keyboard and mouse
11 April 2011, 12:19
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Originally Posted by willk
Hopefully you weren't troubled by pesky flares on the horizon either!
I hope I never become that jaded.
Dust creation specialist
11 April 2011, 12:31
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just turn down and adjust the squelch
11 April 2011, 21:25
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Originally Posted by martini
My receiver at work has been getting Brixham, Falmouth, Solent etc all weekend, reception has been particularly good.
think i can beat that, had my set on after fixing it in place, picking up Liverpool CG and others, and i am 80 odd mile inland................. LOL
11 April 2011, 23:06
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by martini
My receiver at work has been getting Brixham, Falmouth, Solent etc all weekend, reception has been particularly good.
Why no Portland (my favourite)?
All were transmitting regularly throughout the weekend and (apart from Solent) not telling anybody off that I heard!
It's the line of sight over open water that does it: coming back from CI, it's good to hear the communication when there's no land in view.
Radio atmospherics have enabled me to speak to Italy on CB radio (VHF) from the car in the past - and unusual conditions (hot weather after cool temperatures combined with sunspot activity which can promote as well as destroy radio performance) will help this.
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