Water stream down side of anchor locker?
First time rib owner here so please excuse if this is a basic question!
On my ribcraft 5.85 at the weekend I noticed a small trickle of water running down the starboard wall of the inside of my anchor locker when doing about 9 knots.
The leak is not through the locker hatch for sure, but appears to be coming from right at the top middle side wall of the locker. I think it is roughly inline with where the lifting eye in the deck is.
Is it possible that the water is seeping through the exposed part of the lifting eye bolts on the bottom of the hull?
If so, how does one go about fixing this issue? Is it a common issue and could it have/be causing more damage (i.e water between hull and deck molding? Also is this something I could try fix or does it need to go to a specialist shop. I assume if it is the lifting eye bolts leaking, that bodging it with marine sealant is not the best idea...?
Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!