05 July 2006, 15:25
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Waterproof Binoculars
Does any one know where to get a decent set of waterproof binoculars or a monocular i am thinking it would be good to have one on the boat.
Does any one else carry them on board
05 July 2006, 15:36
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Binocs very usefull to carry on board. 7x50 traditional porro prism types are the best - optimum light gathering and you don't want over 7x mag as you will never hold them still.
I have a lovely pair of Steiners with a built in compass - never use them though cos they are so expensive!!! Tend to use my cheapies instead - no compass but then again I have my Raymarine.....
05 July 2006, 15:46
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these are good value for money, stay on the boat all the time and so for no probs, had them for three years  Des
05 July 2006, 16:10
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Thanks Des they look good Reasonable price too. What does everyone think to these. I like the look of the ones with a built in compasses as i have not got one on my boat yet. http://www.force4.co.uk/ProductDetai...b-08b3973bad9e
I really like the colour
05 July 2006, 16:12
Country: UK - Wales
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All gadgets are great to deal with - had my steiners from them.
05 July 2006, 16:14
Country: UK - Wales
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Look rather exspensive to me - would go for the ones Des has suggested.
if you are paying that sort of money you may as well get these.
05 July 2006, 16:38
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I have these:
was given them as a present (after destroying a set of non waterproof ones), they do the job, and are about the cheapest you can get that are waterproof and float.
to be honest was a little sceptical about the need for bins - but have used them several times to work out what that bouy in the distance is!
wasn't convinced they needed to be waterproof - but destroyed a perfectly good set of bins the first trip out when salt crystalised on the inside of the lenses.
05 July 2006, 16:47
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Originally Posted by Scary Des
these are good value for money, stay on the boat all the time and so for no probs, had them for three years  Des
Plenty in stock - go on support another RibNet member!
Also have the yellow ones that Polwart suggested: here
Also stock the Bynolyt SearRangers as used by RNLI.
Whatever you get, I strongly recommend you get a float strap if there's not one included in the box.
05 July 2006, 16:48
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if you 7x50 and cheep and don't mind yellow
don't float but use the neck strap and you should be fine
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
05 July 2006, 17:18
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05 July 2006, 18:43
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Originally Posted by MikeCC
Plenty in stock - go on support another RibNet member!
Also have the yellow ones that Polwart suggested: here
Also stock the Bynolyt SearRangers as used by RNLI.
Whatever you get, I strongly recommend you get a float strap if there's not one included in the box.
Ok Mike, does this mean that you might sell a float strap separately, as your website says that you only sell it with a pair of bins!
I've seen something similar for handheld VHF as well, do you stock them?
05 July 2006, 19:59
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Which Binoculars
Originally Posted by MikeCC
Also stock the Bynolyt SearRangers as used by RNLI.
Whatever you get, I strongly recommend you get a float strap if there's not one included in the box.
Go along with that. Bynolyt SeaRanger. Nice bright image, inbuilt compass, rangerfinder (probably will never use this bit), waterproof, rubber armoured & plastic caps for both ends. Mine came with a float strap.
05 July 2006, 21:52
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Northern Tim
Ok Mike, does this mean that you might sell a float strap separately, as your website says that you only sell it with a pair of bins!
I've seen something similar for handheld VHF as well, do you stock them?
Generally don't sell the Steiner straps separately but can do. There's 2 types - one is a standard loop through and the other is a clic-loc plug-in thingy.
I do have a couple of non-Steiner ones knocking around - drop me a line if you need one for a modest sum!
06 July 2006, 15:31
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Originally Posted by MikeCC
Generally don't sell the Steiner straps separately but can do. There's 2 types - one is a standard loop through and the other is a clic-loc plug-in thingy.
I do have a couple of non-Steiner ones knocking around - drop me a line if you need one for a modest sum!
I could do with a flotation strap for my Steiner 111 if you are OK to sell me one please?
08 July 2006, 06:45
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 33
I bought a pair of Plastimo 7x50 self-focusing binoculars and I can honestly say they are fantastic. You see them around in chandlers, boat-shows, websites and they are incredible value at around £30. Sounds too good to be true but they are amazingly good. Rubberised construction so very tough. I find the self-focusing feature really handy. It means that subjects closer than around 30m can be a bit out of focus but binoculars are generally used for a lot longer distances than that. Really excellent product. I bought a padded case for mine for £5 from a binocular stand at an agricultural show.
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