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Old 10 December 2013, 20:42   #1
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Website feedback

After a fairly rocky start on the forums (I think I have made amends!), I'm wondering if anyone would mind taking a look at the web site I have made to facilitate co-ownership of all things marine. I'd be very grateful for any advice and feedback. We hope to do this "properly" and take care of all the concerns associated with shared ownership. A couple of companies are now starting to work with us but the site can be used with any rib, yours or any new purchase.

Any feedback very welcome and more than gratefully received!
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Old 11 December 2013, 07:58   #2
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First thoughts
I entered Hows does it work pages- I then found I did not have a "home" page button to exit and maybe I am missing it but is there a charge for web services?
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Old 11 December 2013, 08:19   #3
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Looks OK, but some of the links didnt work - you may want to check them all.

For example the link to "specialist solicitor" on the FAQ page did not work.
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Old 11 December 2013, 09:00   #4
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Hi there. Thanks very very much for your time and efforts!

There is no home button. The idea is just to select the Indulgeon logo to return home. A few web sites do that but I will install a home button as I agree some might not know. Everything on the site is completely free from listing an advert to using the basic specialist management software. We only charge for the advanced features such as the finance and usage tracking. That charge is £2per user per month. More on that here....

The solicitor for example will charge for their services but we don't.

Thanks also for the heads up on the links not working. That sounds like a job for me today!!
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Old 11 December 2013, 09:15   #5
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You may want to make that clear on the site.

If its confusing, unclear or difficult it puts people off. Also, with anything on the internet, if its more than a click away you have lost them.

Also, you need to assume users know nothing, or less than nothing.
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Old 11 December 2013, 10:45   #6
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I think you need to spend alot of time on the site checking every area and with different browsers and use some diagnostic tools to check sppeds etc, it seems rather slow, some links dont work, some links dont take you where they say, one of the videos when played seems like it has two voice dialogues going at the same time.

So it has some teething problems in a nutshell.
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Old 11 December 2013, 22:03   #7
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Thanks very much again for your feedback. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to have a look. I have taken on board your feedback and will strive to continue to improve the site. It is a huge and very complex site with quite powerful capabilities to be able to be a marketplace and management tool and information resource for co-ownership (as well as forums etc). It's taken quite some time to get into it's current format. We will continue to improve it and this feedback is invaluable. We are currently supplying Lasham Gliding Society (Largest gliding club in the world apparently!) with our management software to run their gliders so I can assure that it all functions and does what it says. The aesthetics do however need tidying up it seems!

If anyone has any feedback on the concept and how we can improve how we are getting the message across about what we do, I would be very grateful to hear it.
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Old 11 December 2013, 23:48   #8
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Seems to me you keep trying to promote the site in these posts. As to improving the site, i will be very candid, if i were looking for the service your offering and had a look at your site i would go elsewhere. The experience is bad in a nutshell, it doesnt just need improvement it needs a lot of improvement. In my previous post i was holdimg back as to not to offend.

Still not tryimg to offend, if your idea is going to work its gotta be a great site, it has to be quick to use and easy to navigate.
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Old 12 December 2013, 06:29   #9
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I'm sorry you feel I am just promoting the site. My intention was to use the wealth of experience and knowledge on these forums to get some "candid" feedback. I genuinely accept your feedback and thank you for being so honest. It is exactly what I hoped to achieve and need to hear. Reception has been erm... rocky thou with accusations of shameless promotion so I'll pipe down. Thanks for your time everyone.
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Old 12 December 2013, 07:40   #10
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Originally Posted by bigjarv View Post
I'm sorry you feel I am just promoting the site. My intention was to use the wealth of experience and knowledge on these forums to get some "candid" feedback. I genuinely accept your feedback and thank you for being so honest. It is exactly what I hoped to achieve and need to hear. Reception has been erm... rocky thou with accusations of shameless promotion so I'll pipe down. Thanks for your time everyone.
Dont pipedown just for me, candid feedback is all good, I am happy to look at your site from time to time and give feedback as you improve it, and many people would be interested in how the business idea progresses, maybe we just need not hear the promoting angle so much but for one I would be interested in the progress as its an interesting angle to boat ownership. Probably interested in success and failure stories in equal measure, the angles and pitfalls.
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Old 12 December 2013, 13:13   #11
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Great! I'll keep going and let you know when improvements are made. It's a constant process of evolution! Welcome anyone else's comments if anyone has the time.
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Old 12 December 2013, 18:51   #12
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Originally Posted by bigjarv View Post
Great! I'll keep going and let you know when improvements are made. It's a constant process of evolution! Welcome anyone else's comments if anyone has the time.
Boris is probably being a bit melodramatic!

Here's my views:

1. Loading graphic is frustrating. Is it really needed? Everytime I go?
2. There is no compelling call to action. There are some 'buttons' but I'm not sure what you are 'wanting' me to do.
3. I'm not sure you want all the sharing in one giant site. I can see why its easier from your perspective, but if I want to share a boat i want case studies and examples specific to my needs if I want to buy a share in a plane I don't want distracted by camper vans. You may find it easier to maximise your SEO by having separate sites (all running on the same server and underlying system) with specialist content.
4. I don't really believe your pricing model. It makes me sceptical - if its free how are you paying for the site etc. There is a phrase in the software services world that if it is free YOU are the product. That is fine, people accept that - so be upfront.
5. I think I would look at moving the registered users to a separate site. If I share my boat with you I want quick, clean function not to fight through the sales stuff.
6. I'm not sure if members and assets is the language people normally use to describe their playthings.
7. I'm not clear if you actually manage the payments etc for the group (that would seem useful, and using something like GoCardless wouldn't be too hard).
8. I like the idea but think most of your potential group members won't be bothered to use it properly and will get frustrated (ask anyone who has tried to introduce this sort of 'productivity' tool into a workplace and you will find 80% don't use it fully, and 20% virtually don't use it at all).
9. Do you have an App. I suspect most people will be keen to book time etc via their phone.
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Old 13 December 2013, 12:36   #13
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Hi Poly! Thank you very much for taking the time to look and put your thoughts down. Massively appreciated. I take on all the feedback you have given. I'll work through the list and give you my thought process. I'm not right necessarily and I will honestly take on your thoughts but will try to explain why it's made the way it is....

1. It's a really big web site. Generally current mainstream computers couldn't handle anything larger or more complex than what Indulgeon is. It loads into your browser once so that once in the site, everything works instantly, all bookings, calendars, messages etc. Thats the idea. We could reduce the initial loading time but the site would be slower. I will look into this.

2. I agree. Nothing else to say. Need to work on the home page. Once you are using indulgeon day to day for bookings etc its very easy as you only need the silver bar. To get people interested and understanding the concept, we need to work on. Thank you.

3. I agree. One size does not fit all. We will review this as we find our feet in a market.

4. We do NOT NOT NOT use peoples data or are dishonest. Let me be clear here. We make money through commission on the collection items we sell on behalf of retailers and from people using the iPlus (advanced) management functions where there is a subscription model. There may be opportunities for advertising revenue as things progress. We DO NOT use peoples data. I hate that.

5. If you use our online software to manage your boat you only ever need the silver bar. All functionality is there and drops down from it overlaying whatever page is below it. Login, click bookings, make your booking on the calendar, done! Indulgeon is designed to be one single page in essence which we think is quite clever!!!

6. I agree. Any suggestions? We have struggled with this.

7. iPlus tracks member usage based on bookings etc and once a month automatically bills each member for what they have used. Completely fair and automatic. We are not a bank however or linked to a bank. Maybe in the future?!

8. The system was designed for aviation (my background) where the same issues apply. Short season, expensive purchase and running costs, multiple owners (it's the norm), single under-utilised asset (tech term... high idling capacity!!), hence my belief it could work for ribs. A system like this or variation of, is the ONLY way to run a shared aircraft. Otherwise there are arguments etc. The best system, in our experience, is one where no one has to talk to each other. It's good to talk, but for pleasure not bookings! With high value purchases come egos. We personally (at this stage) help set each group up with iPlus and explain the features of the software. After set up, it is completely automatic. Having said all that, you might be right in the marine world!

9. It's on the way! Booking from your phone. Basically the silver bar in an app.

Once again thank you very much for your time and effort. Greatly and sincerely appreciated. I will take on board all you say and welcome any further thoughts.
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Old 13 December 2013, 13:43   #14
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Originally Posted by bigjarv View Post
1. It's a really big web site. Generally current mainstream computers couldn't handle anything larger or more complex than what Indulgeon is. It loads into your browser once so that once in the site, everything works instantly, all bookings, calendars, messages etc. Thats the idea. We could reduce the initial loading time but the site would be slower. I will look into this.
give the web developer a smack! Its OK for me to take a few seconds to "load" clever functionality when I log in, but the site is also a marketing site - not sure if you analytics can tell you this but I bet there are people who never even get the whole page to load before leaving.

Originally Posted by bigjarv View Post
8. The system was designed for aviation (my background) where the same issues apply. Short season, expensive purchase and running costs, multiple owners (it's the norm), single under-utilised asset (tech term... high idling capacity!!), hence my belief it could work for ribs. A system like this or variation of, is the ONLY way to run a shared aircraft. Otherwise there are arguments etc. The best system, in our experience, is one where no one has to talk to each other. It's good to talk, but for pleasure not bookings! With high value purchases come egos. We personally (at this stage) help set each group up with iPlus and explain the features of the software. After set up, it is completely automatic. Having said all that, you might be right in the marine world!
I can see how similar it is. But you really need to think like a typical punter not someone who understands the system. Punters are stupid / lazy. It is fascinating how little imagination people can have, especially if they aren't reasonably IT savvy. I really believe that a marine version which referred to boats and an aircraft version which referred to planes and a campervan version which referred to vehicles etc - all with the same functions would make be more successful. PM me if you want to discuss my thinking further as I can give you some real life examples of similar levels of craziness.

I also think you are potentially "leaving some money on the table". All these guys need insurance, all these guys need servicing, all these guys need legal work, all these guys could use valeting services, all these guys need storage or berthing, as LTD co's they probably need some basic accounting. Don't force them to use your facilities but if they use your introduction you should be getting some sort of fee for that. Be up front about it - nobody minds.

We DO NOT use peoples data. I hate that.
remember you are not the customer though!
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Old 13 December 2013, 14:08   #15
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Smacking the web developer is a regular occurrence!! Occasionally we do let him out thou, sometimes even been know to feed him!!! I agree with all (almost all!) you say and will PM you shortly to find out more. I'm intrigued and delighted to learn from other peoples experiences!

With regards "Leaving money on the table", in the next few weeks magically a "Resources" icon will appear for this very purpose. At this point revenue generation is second to "getting it right" and moving the concept into new markets. I would like the site to be a centre of best practice and resources. Money is however the ultimate motivator but all in good time!
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Old 18 December 2013, 18:39   #16
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I've just had a quick glance, simply in the nature of an average punter, not in an attempt to analyse the project.
My initial reaction is that, unless I'm missing something, the 'tasters' on the opening page describe the item but don't say where it's located.
I'm sorry, but unless I know it's located within my reach I'm not interested, and I really don't want to bother registering on yet another website, create yet another password etc. etc. just to find out.
Am I being unreasonable? I would just move on.
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Old 18 December 2013, 20:30   #17
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Ok..deep breath...I agree with poly!

The sort of people who want to do this stuff can be staggeringly daft...

If it doesn't jump up smack me in the face shouting I'M BRILLIANT I get bored and loose intere.........

I used to fly at lasham so know shared ownership in gliders is fairly common....also seen some huge fall outs when it goes wrong.
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Old 19 December 2013, 07:52   #18
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Keep it simple and clear.

People are stupid and in a hurry when it comes to the internet.

We recently spent time and money making our website fast, clear and simple. As a result we increased the number of lookers to buyers by almost 10%, and got feedback from customers telling us it was better.

The fewer clicks the better.
Or better still, a big phone number to a person who can explain and help.
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Old 19 December 2013, 13:35   #19
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Once again thank you all very much for taking the time to leave feedback. I am so grateful to all. This forum is really an amazing resource of very kind people.

All comments have been taken on board and I think are all very relevant. Again, to answer with our perhaps incorrect thought process....

The location on the "Collection" items is not listed as they are all new, supported by us and can be located wherever you want it to be. If you express an interest in one of the listed items, we will then find people in your area who are after the very same thing. As such, these listings are non geographic. Your point is quite valid however as this is not explained or naturally clear. Thank you for the feedback.

I agree a big phone number might be the way forward as well as spending some time and effort on making the sites landing page (home page) more of a simple proposition.

As to huge fallouts... I hope our system and set up process will reduce the possibilities of a fallout. So far so good!

Really appreciate everyone taking the time to respond to the thread.
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Old 19 December 2013, 14:14   #20
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Originally Posted by bigjarv View Post
The location on the "Collection" items is not listed as they are all new, supported by us and can be located wherever you want it to be.
So does that mean they don't actually exist?

You emailed me a few months ago when I was advertising a share in a boat on behalf of one of our syndicate members. I looked at your site, and it just looked like a start up site selling fractional ownership, but without actually having anything to sell.

Maybe separating actual shares for sale from possible shares in yet-to-be-formed syndicates? Maybe also feature the syndicates you are involved in that don't currently have shares for sale. Assuming that you do actually have some customers at the moment?

For the record I think that shared ownership is great, and I'd actually like to put a syndicate together to own and run a largish diesel RIB. I'll try to find some time to have another look at the site and see if I can come up with some slightly more constructive suggestions.
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