Originally Posted by treerat
Only has the manual trim, no powered one
Me too
It is a bit of an experimental game. My old SR was a touch on the low power side (25HP) and I ended up puting the pin in a different hole depending what I was doing (playing rescue boat or cruising)
Also remember that where you sit relative to the bow will give you a different perception of "way out the water" - the console on my Humber is a similar distance form the transom as my SR4 was - the result being the extra metre or so of boat ahead of my seat means the bow seems sky high when travelling - but a photo taken by a friend shows it's the same sort of angle as the SR was!
A smaller rib will also seem a lot more "bouncy" than a larger one. I can blast through stuff flat out sat down with the Humber (5.3) where I would be crouching & playing the throttle on the 4m.
If you're playing with the trim pin, good idea is to attatch it at the handle end with a bit of 3mm nylon (dinghy flag halliard string) - then you won't need the dive kit to recover it!