27 April 2009, 20:28
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Whale Wars
I appreciate what they stand for but...
What a bunch of fecking lunatics 
I think Garfish may have been driving that Delta
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
27 April 2009, 20:37
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hehehe you beat me to this post.
they will give rib owners a bad name
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
27 April 2009, 20:52
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Total Monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!
Shame they wrecked a nice boat.
28 April 2009, 08:10
Country: Ireland
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Lads lads lads my jaw hit the floor wen i saw the delta dig in ! the jaw is still on the floor ! How do these guys function in life ? and more to the point, where do they get the money ?
28 April 2009, 08:29
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Originally Posted by Patches
Lads lads lads my jaw hit the floor wen i saw the delta dig in ! the jaw is still on the floor
I switched it on just after it flipped. And I saw a big rib upside down in what looked like a calm sea and about 200 yards from the “mother ship”.
I was thinking how the hell did that happened in conditions like that. Thank goodness for Sky+
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
28 April 2009, 20:41
RIBnet admin team
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28 April 2009, 21:26
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It takes a lot to make somebody start sympathising with the Japanese whaling fleet but these guys should be locked up.
28 April 2009, 22:07
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~Those guys just are not sane! What the hell happened? Did they not let go? Absolute head cases!
28 April 2009, 22:18
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by BruceB
but these guys should be locked up.
Yeah, for their own safety perhaps. They're a bunch of hopeless numpties and it's to our collective shame (IMVHO) that they're the only people doing anything much about an activity that VERY few of us approve of...
 Ideally someone would give the Green Light for some serious live fire exercises from the Silent Service - it's a big quiet ocean.....
28 April 2009, 23:08
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For their own safety and everyone elses. Some of the antics they have been involved in are downright foolhardy and dangerous to themselves and the whaling ships.
I don't agree with what the whalers are doing but it isn't actually techically illegal and while I would be quite happy if forceful action was taken by the authorities these idiots are going to kill either themselves or others eventually. The whalers are not exactly covering themselves in glory but they don't deserve to have enviro-maniacs ramming them in the southern ocean.
I always remember a comment on nuclear subs from a Tom Clancy book saying that they could follow the whalers around broadcasting the alarm call of a whale being gang raped, the idea being all the actual whales wouldn't be within 50 miles of the sounds. That, if practicable, would be an excellent method of stopping whaling and could be done from a surface ship tailing them. And it wouldn't even be illegal!
29 April 2009, 10:43
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29 April 2009, 11:53
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The group had a vessel siezed by the Canadian Government and it is to be sold. The Group has publicly said that whom ever ends up with it "BEWARE we will take back what was wrongfully taken from us".
29 April 2009, 15:16
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Well intentioned, naive idiots.
29 April 2009, 15:44
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I think I now know why whales end up beaching themselves they obviously watch whale wars and realise that if that is what is being sent to save them there is no hope.
29 April 2009, 16:04
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I had to watch this a few times just to realise how daft they were in a pretty flat sea with no pressure to launch etc - good intentions , but not at all professional from someone the narrater quoted as being an experianced helm ! Maybe he should have been in the controls of the crane !
29 April 2009, 16:10
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that was hilarious!
that is what happens when you dont have a painter attached!
what do they think they are doing? as good of intentions that they have, they're certainly not making a difference!
29 April 2009, 19:48
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And who was in charge of the bow line?
I find it scary that any ship of any size should have a first mate with so little understanding of the basics.
But I may be talking Rubbish.
Expurt is a drip under pressure, and the difference between an Amateur and a proffesional is getting paid.
29 April 2009, 20:05
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 What channel was this on?
Did they all come out ok? Jesus!
29 April 2009, 20:48
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it's on one of the discovery channels, possibly animal planet (where these idiots belong!)
turns out they did have a painter, the guy just wasn't holding it!
29 April 2009, 21:18
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And they are suposed to be out there protecting animals, jesus!! Animals be afraid they are rank and certainly not professional!!
'Carpe Diem'
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