01 July 2011, 15:00
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Originally Posted by rarms
You cannot condone that surely????
I was under the impression that everyone contributing to this thread agreed that the practice of whaling is reprehensible, but that the Sea Shephard lot are a bunch of glory seeking numpties; who by sheer blind luck have achieved something they set out to do.
01 July 2011, 15:18
Country: Ireland
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This is getting good
01 July 2011, 19:57
Country: UK - England
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I only watch it to see what goes wrong next.....
There are other things...... I particularly like the woman who is a deckhand this year having been the cook last year - what does next year have her doing?
Its like watching motor racing - I only do that for the crashes.
For the record I sympathise with the sentiments of the sea shepherd and believe the Japanese should be outlawed. However, I also think that the ecomentalists should all be arrested and have their keys thrown away. In particular the idiot who is/was captain of the Ady Gill is a certifiable nutcase who could easily be sectioned!
01 July 2011, 20:08
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by rarms
I did not compare fish to whales. I compared the action of Fishing to that of Whaling. Fish netted commercially are left to essentially drown in air. This has to be more inhumane than an explosive harpoon to the head and a few minutes of pain. But no one out there seems to care about the fish!
I agree that mammals are probably more intelligent than fish, but we eat other mammals, why not eat whales? Pigs are mean't to be intelligent, but we rear them in tiny pens and then kill them at a young age, and what about rats? Another intelligent animal and we leave poison out for them to die a horrible death just because they intrude on our living space. Whales are not livestock, they are wild animals in an uncontrolled environment, you can't really compare them to farmed animals.
I would rather spend 20 odd years free in an ocean and die with 5 mins of pain, than 10 months kept in a cage eating pig nuts and die in 30 seconds.
These guys are terrorists, plain and simple, hiding behind the fascade of animal rights. Look at the pillock trying to get underwater and use an oxygen lance to cut through their propellor. Or the others using a giant catapult to whang bottles of acid onto another boat. You cannot condone that surely????
It won't be long before they kill either one of their own or one of the whalers!
hmmm.... why not eat whales?
Japan lacks the ability to feed its population. It stockpiles food to guarantee the food supply. It has stockpiled 1.2 million tons of seafood, of which there are 5000 tons of whale meat. Whale meat from supposed research.
In an attempt to reduce the whale meat stockpile the Japanese government started introducing it to school menus, but has been heavily criticised due to allegations of toxic methyl mercury levels.
As whale meat is in general heavily contaminated by Mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls, it constitutes a health risk. Thus children and pregnant women are advised to refrain from eating whale meat.
Estimated number of pigs in the world... 2,000,000,000.
Estimated number of humpback whales in the world 20,000.
Estimated number of the most numerous whale species - Minke 900,000?
Time for a pig to reach maturity 6 months
Time for a Minke whale to reach maturity 7 years
Time for a Sperm whale to reach maturity 9 years
02 July 2011, 14:15
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by MustRib
hmmm.... why not eat whales?
Japan lacks the ability to feed its population. It stockpiles food to guarantee the food supply. It has stockpiled 1.2 million tons of seafood, of which there are 5000 tons of whale meat. Whale meat from supposed research.
In an attempt to reduce the whale meat stockpile the Japanese government started introducing it to school menus, but has been heavily criticised due to allegations of toxic methyl mercury levels.
As whale meat is in general heavily contaminated by Mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls, it constitutes a health risk. Thus children and pregnant women are advised to refrain from eating whale meat.
Estimated number of pigs in the world... 2,000,000,000.
Estimated number of humpback whales in the world 20,000.
Estimated number of the most numerous whale species - Minke 900,000?
Time for a pig to reach maturity 6 months
Time for a Minke whale to reach maturity 7 years
Time for a Sperm whale to reach maturity 9 years
    well said.
Hard or Soft it's never BIG enough
02 July 2011, 14:43
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by MustRib
hmmm.... why not eat whales?
Japan lacks the ability to feed its population. It stockpiles food to guarantee the food supply. It has stockpiled 1.2 million tons of seafood, of which there are 5000 tons of whale meat. Whale meat from supposed research.
In an attempt to reduce the whale meat stockpile the Japanese government started introducing it to school menus, but has been heavily criticised due to allegations of toxic methyl mercury levels.
As whale meat is in general heavily contaminated by Mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls, it constitutes a health risk. Thus children and pregnant women are advised to refrain from eating whale meat.
Estimated number of pigs in the world... 2,000,000,000.
Estimated number of humpback whales in the world 20,000.
Estimated number of the most numerous whale species - Minke 900,000?
Time for a pig to reach maturity 6 months
Time for a Minke whale to reach maturity 7 years
Time for a Sperm whale to reach maturity 9 years
I can see logic in both sides of the story, but in the end I side with the whale huggers.
Silent but deaf-lee
02 July 2011, 17:11
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Originally Posted by diverdad
I can see logic in both sides of the story, but in the end I side with the whale huggers.
me too .. and I dont hug many things  and I have been blessed with the mammoth (and scary) sights of fully grown minky's placidly buzzing my boat and surfacing right alongside on other occasions, and that isnt something you ever forget
03 July 2011, 15:29
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 506
Ribmust Bang on.
Pigs cows and most other large mamals are not on the endangered species list.
if pigs and cows were then we would not be eating them.( yes I know some are like rhino, elephant etc)
and you can garantee we would not be hunting down wide ones in the name or research then eating them.
but I do agree the methods the seasheperds use do make them look like a bunch of numpties. but they are trying. and doing what they feel they can do.
If I had the time and could cope wth the loss of earnings I probably would be down there driving the ribs and showing them how its done. :-)
Addy Gils captain is way out there. but what they did to him is terrible. 4months in a jap max security prison for jus boarding a research boat. Bang out of order.
and getting sentenced for trespass, damage to property ( a net he cut through ) and disrupting commerce.. hmm hang on arnt these ships research ships and not commercial whalers. whoops Japan. you have sated by a judge that what your doing is commercial.
03 July 2011, 17:03
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by jezza2011
Ribmust Bang on.
Pigs cows and most other large mamals are not on the endangered species list.
if pigs and cows were then we would not be eating them.( yes I know some are like rhino, elephant etc)
and you can garantee we would not be hunting down wide ones in the name or research then eating them.
but I do agree the methods the seasheperds use do make them look like a bunch of numpties. but they are trying. and doing what they feel they can do.
If I had the time and could cope wth the loss of earnings I probably would be down there driving the ribs and showing them how its done. :-)
Addy Gils captain is way out there. but what they did to him is terrible. 4months in a jap max security prison for jus boarding a research boat. Bang out of order.
and getting sentenced for trespass, damage to property ( a net he cut through ) and disrupting commerce.. hmm hang on arnt these ships research ships and not commercial whalers. whoops Japan. you have sated by a judge that what your doing is commercial.
Japan cliams it is not commercial whaling, but merely following the letter of the articles of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, namely their exploitation of article 7, allowing the Japanese Government to allocate permits to its own citizens to kill, take and treat whales for the purpose of scientific research, and the whales that are taken should be processed in a way that the issuing Government sees fit.
Therefore the Japanese Government grants itself its own licences to go whaling and more importnatly sets its own quotas. Definitely not in the spirit that the articles were drafted, and Japan is aware of all the protests from the US, UK and Australia, and as pressure from the influential countries of the whaling comission grew, Japan allegedly! exploited its links with developing third world countries that were being newly admitted to the IWC.
The Sunday Times published an article revealing how officials of many developing countries accepted financial compensation from Japan for support in the IWC. Separate from millions in overseas development aid, membership fees, paid flights, hotel stays and spending money was all provided, by Japan, to gain the support of IWC delegates. Even the good old bung - cash in envelopes handed over by Japanese officials. Its all very seedy.
Sea Shepherds methods may well be amateurish and we find them amusing, but they have continued to keep a contentious issue in the publc eye, when Japan would much rather we ignore what they get up to in the North Pacific and Antarctic waters.
The fact that the whalng fleet went home early this year must count as a victory for SeaShepherd, but be warned that if this also signifes the end of Japanses whaling for the forseeable future, the Sea Shepherd crew will be returned to society  
Does this mean that while they continue to hunt whales we will all be showing our displeasure by only using Evinrude or Mariner engines on our boats?
03 July 2011, 17:19
Country: Other
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Not Merc's?
03 July 2011, 18:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Northampton
Make: RibTec
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Engine: Outbaord mariner 75
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Posts: 506
I have a Mariner :-)
good news form mustrib
"The fact that the whalng fleet went home early this year must count as a victory for SeaShepherd, but be warned that if this also signifes the end of Japanses whaling for the forseeable future, the Sea Shepherd crew will be returned to society" :-)
04 July 2011, 12:48
Country: Australia
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Posts: 4
Not all are numpies? Dont know what that means cause I'm a Yankee. Presently a volunteer on the Bob Barker. Been around boats my whole life and I have to agree some of the kids I've seen as coxswains I would'nt let row my dinghy. Need some help designing a transom support for our 730 Gemini w twin Merc 200's. Anyone know where I can find a mechanical drawing of the 730?
04 July 2011, 13:05
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Alderney
Length: no boat
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Posts: 3,047
Welcome Jetwash, I am sure you will get lots of help finding the specs you need.
You guys must be seriously celebrating the success of closing down the whalers early?
Edit: Numpty - reckless/unwise person.
05 July 2011, 06:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Northampton
Make: RibTec
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outbaord mariner 75
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Posts: 506
Welcome jetwash.
keep up the good work.
18 July 2011, 22:06
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Sea Shepherds in Jersey
Sea Shepherd :: Report from the International Whaling Commission
Capt. Paul Watson and the gang were over last week for the IWC conference being held here, grabbing plenty of column inches in the local rag.
The hotel/conference centre which hosted the event refused to honour a booking for a room that Watson had made and kicked him off the premises, in fact the whole event was a complete farce.
Half the member countries had their membership fees paid in cash by the japs in return for their vote, the yanks tried doing a deal with them through the back door, in the end the japs and norwegians walked out in "protest", which caused a vote on whaling restrictions to collapse so nothing got done anyway.
We all like to take the piss out of the sea shepherds cos they can't drive a rib but I urge people to take the time to read a bit more about the goings on, the more I learn the more strongly I believe in what they are doing, especially as they are the only ones actually doing anything!
For some reason I had it in mind that the japs were taking circa 25-50 whales every season which is pretty horrific as well as possibly unsustainable.
Their "quota" for 2011 is over 1000...
And if that wasn't shocking enough, the norwegians will be helping themselves to another 1300...
19 July 2011, 07:08
Country: Finland
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Here a nice video about rescuing a whale badly trapped into a net. Litle long but worth watching, especilly the end when the whale is celebrating freedom.
‪Saving a Whale in California‬‏ - YouTube
Think its incredibly sad that even a single Whale is killed just for Gourmet food, just don't get it.
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
19 July 2011, 09:13
Country: Australia
Town: kellyville
Boat name: gemini 1
Make: gemini
Length: 7m +
Engine: outboard,petrol,400
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 4
Your fogetting...
Seems there is a common thread here. Alot of you are "ribbing" the Sea Shepherds. How many of you would leave your home and family, fly 1/2 way around the world for no pay, and volunteer your time for a simple cause to stop the practise of commercial whaling?
I doubt any of you believe that the Whaling fleet is doing "Research" and even if they were, killing 1000 whales ( their self imposed quota ) is just a tad excessive.
Remember that everything Sea Shepherd does is only supported through donations. The ship's, the Rib's, the food,fuel,tools,etc...and believe me when I say most of the equipment is not new, hence the breakdowns. They are operating in the southern ocean, ask any fisherman from New Zealand if he would like to go down there with a bunch of used equipment ans I think you know the answer. Mistakes happen, shit breaks, storms come up quickly. How about the fact they have operated there for 5 seasons and no-one has been hurt or killed, yet they have progressively cut the Whalers catch by 10-80% over those years.
Obviously there will always be a moron or two that will laugh and joke about them while choking on his burger never putting the big picture together that removing any spieces from the planet is going to have grave consequences down the road. No problem mate, you'll be long dead before that happends. Just hope your children, or grandchildren dont have to see a planet without these majestic creatures. Do some research, volunteer your time, or even make a donation to an organization that is doing something other than waving banners.
19 July 2011, 09:25
Country: UK - England
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Dont know how much control they have over the editorial side of the series, the producers did seem to be hamming up smaller things to dramatise it in the series I saw, can't remember which one it was now.
I'd heard about the conference debacle but did not know the embarrassing detail-other than the BBC reporting that whales were not discussed or something. The IWC's time might be over but you some dodgy quango's go on for decades past their sell by date.
New boat is here, very happy!
19 July 2011, 09:37
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Boat name: Martini II
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Length: 8m +
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Originally Posted by Simon B
the producers did seem to be hamming up smaller things to dramatise it
In the last series, every time they took a rib out the editors/dubbers/whoever kept sticking a soundtrack of a V8 NASCAR or similar over the noise of the 2 stroke outboards 
If they considered the noise of an outboard important enough to fake it then I have to assume almost nothing else on the programme is as it seems...
19 July 2011, 09:39
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by jetwash
Alot of you are "ribbing" the Sea Shepherds. How many of you would leave your home and family, fly 1/2 way around the world for no pay, and volunteer your time for a simple cause to stop the practise
Please do not proceed from the assumption that you are the only person ever to give there time and make sacrifices in the name of a good cause.
That none of the Sea Shepherds have been hurt in five years is, from what I can see, is due to luck and not preparation.
Cutting the whaler's catch by such a factor is good work, I repeat my applause for that.
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