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Old 13 June 2011, 15:28   #1
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Whale wars

I was watching fridays edition of WW. In this show the zepplin rib broke away and was recoveredthe following day. Thr rib was on a lea shore (rocky). The cox drove the rib off the shore and in the process distroyed the gearbox and prop a very sad sight for a nice looking rib. the moter looked to be a merc verado.

what was the cost of this recovery method?

The sad part was that the rib could have been pulled off the lea shore by another boath which was there at the time. what a waste

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Old 13 June 2011, 16:11   #2
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Ahhh... dont get me started on Whale Wars, ive been watching that series since it started, the amount of avoidable 'incidences' they get into is amazing. I am all for the work they do I just wish they had more people who had experience of boats etc etc to help them. That particular incident made me cringe, I was shouting at the TV set 'dont do it, dont do it' but they did not listen. So far in the series one boat has one Rib left, the other boat is on way home. the Ady Gill a fast intercept wave piercing boat has been sunk after being sliced in two by a harpoon boat, the hellicopter is out of action due to rotor bearing failures, they have had to carve ice of an ice burg for fresh water .... the list goes on... I wish them the best luck for the rest of the series.
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Old 13 June 2011, 17:08   #3
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Ran out of lube oil, capsized the Delta etc etc etc

The amount/severity of the cock ups seem to be going from bad to worse

I pretty much echo the sentiments of Boris, all for the work they do and hate those jap savages with a passion but jesus christ get a brain cell you bunch of hippies

They'd be much better off recruiting professionals who are passionate about the environment instead of that bunch of tree huggers who don't know one end of a ship from the other.

Last weeks has to be about the worst show of incompetence yet, purely due to it all being so easily avoidable. What were they doing while their ribs were getting totalled? Eating lentils & having a singsong with the guitar no doubt. Did they not notice the 30 summat knot wind building up? Obviously had no one on watch at the time. The Delta must have been tied stern to the weather to fill up like that, net result 2 knackered optimax's. Why didn't they lift the boats once they finished loading?

As for that fool who tried to drive the Zep off the rocks while everyone's screaming at him not to, he well did a number on that gearbox Not even a prop shaft left after he was done just a big hole where it used to be
If I was one of their rich, generous benefactors, they wouldn't get another penny out of me until they sorted their sh!t out.

Looking forward to this weeks when they purposely head straight into a 50 kn southern ocean storm, it only needs another engine breakdown and that old tub's going straight to the bottom

Hmm think I'll leave it there before this starts to sound like a rant
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Old 13 June 2011, 18:48   #4
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I only keep watching to see what the numpties get up to next !!

Although I do admire them for getting out there and doing somthing that they obviously believe very strongly in, so good on em for that !!
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Old 13 June 2011, 19:22   #5
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It's probably a good thing that the helicopter is U/S,that crash landing on deck would be carnage. Their poor abilities may yet be the death of someone, now I'm sounding like an old Granny - thought to be fair she was rather preferential to the odd spin in a sopwith camel.
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Old 13 June 2011, 20:34   #6
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This really made me laugh

Originally Posted by martini View Post
Ran out of lube oil, capsized the Delta etc etc etc

The amount/severity of the cock ups seem to be going from bad to worse

I pretty much echo the sentiments of Boris, all for the work they do and hate those jap savages with a passion but jesus christ get a brain cell you bunch of hippies

They'd be much better off recruiting professionals who are passionate about the environment instead of that bunch of tree huggers who don't know one end of a ship from the other.

Last weeks has to be about the worst show of incompetence yet, purely due to it all being so easily avoidable. What were they doing while their ribs were getting totalled? Eating lentils & having a singsong with the guitar no doubt. Did they not notice the 30 summat knot wind building up? Obviously had no one on watch at the time. The Delta must have been tied stern to the weather to fill up like that, net result 2 knackered optimax's. Why didn't they lift the boats once they finished loading?

As for that fool who tried to drive the Zep off the rocks while everyone's screaming at him not to, he well did a number on that gearbox Not even a prop shaft left after he was done just a big hole where it used to be
If I was one of their rich, generous benefactors, they wouldn't get another penny out of me until they sorted their sh!t out.

Looking forward to this weeks when they purposely head straight into a 50 kn southern ocean storm, it only needs another engine breakdown and that old tub's going straight to the bottom

Hmm think I'll leave it there before this starts to sound like a rant
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Old 14 June 2011, 16:14   #7
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I haven't watched the show, but it does my heart good to read that these hippy ecoterrorists are having a miserable time of it due to their own incompetence.
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Old 15 June 2011, 08:36   #8
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All makes good telly though. Without the numpties it would would be rather dull.
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Old 15 June 2011, 08:53   #9
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Originally Posted by martini View Post
they wouldn't get another penny out of me until they sorted their sh!t out.
They don't want to be well trained and effective, they like to seem desperate and on the edge. The people they get just want to get out there and put themselves at risk, good causes often attract bad people.
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Old 15 June 2011, 10:32   #10
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paul watson is no fool and he knows mistakes make good tv, it wouldn't be as fun to watch if the guys doing it were pros now would it. his ONLY concern is publicity for the cause and mishaps bring that for TV shows.

in series 1 he claimed he was shot..............ummmmm............right at that point you could see his game.

with that said i still love the show and you can download season 4 episodes right now if you wish to see the latest action.

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Old 15 June 2011, 13:56   #11
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It was horrific watching the school teacher needlessly destroy the verado gearbox last Friday night but hey, it made a good watch so I could sit there calling them w*****s!
As has been said, it's good TV and some of the RIB footage from the last series was fantastic...
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Old 30 June 2011, 10:23   #12
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The dangerous ineptitude might be achieving something...

WDCS International - Whale and Dolphin News - Coast Guard Asked To Protect Japan's Whalers
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Old 30 June 2011, 16:50   #13
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the latest season 4 is worth a watch folks, there is some very dangerous rib action. the ribs end up 70 miles away from the main ship in a tussle. one of them was trying to prop foul and forgot to un-tie the rope,when they spotted it was tied round the A frame it was too late. A frame bent to hell and rib dragged under ripping the toob clean off 2/3rds of one side.

result=spend 10 hours hiding behind an iceberg in evere freezing conditions in 2 open ribs...erm.....not ideal!

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Old 30 June 2011, 17:14   #14
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I have to agree with martini .. seems like a waste of good cash .. good tv or not .. I'm sure they must be able to achieve their admirable objectives without trashing so much kit ?
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Old 30 June 2011, 17:19   #15
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yep ... it does echo what others have said on here about them...
if they had some better boat handling (rope handling) skills they would have probably cut the amount of whales taken down to less than 5%.
Still... the hack amateur nature of it wouldnt make for such good TV would it.
Sympathy for them with the public is guaranteed as they look like hapless amateurs trying to stop the professional and clinical whalers....if they suddenly started working more ruthlessly in an SBS style, it would never get beyond a one hour show!
The French government can get away with limpet mines on a Greenpeace boat (allegedly)!!
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Old 30 June 2011, 19:45   #16
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They are complete pilllocks

Why is whaling any different to fishing? They catapult bottles of acid onto the decks of the other ships! Just waiting to twot some Japanese fisherman round the head and kill them!

Hope their boats sink!

I did feel a bit sorry for that Verado though when that plum put the leg down and gave it the gas!!! Then after a moment of sadness I laughed hysterically!
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Old 01 July 2011, 10:57   #17
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A little harsh rarms.
Whales are completley different to fish.
Whales are mamals and intelegent. almost every other country in the world has agreed not to whale for that reason.

and Research does not mean taking 50 or 60 whales in a very in humane way.
When researching in the uk we tend to go for the dead washed up ones or monitor live animans in their natural surrondings. not fire a grenade tipped harpppon into a live animals spine and not kill it out right but let it die slowly clearly in pain.
if we killed our livestock in the way Japan kills whales the governemts would shut down the abotours down.( spelling)
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Old 01 July 2011, 13:58   #18
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I have to say I completely agree with you Jezza! No comparison.
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Old 01 July 2011, 14:18   #19
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Originally Posted by jezza2011 View Post
....Whales are completley different to fish.
I did not compare fish to whales. I compared the action of Fishing to that of Whaling. Fish netted commercially are left to essentially drown in air. This has to be more inhumane than an explosive harpoon to the head and a few minutes of pain. But no one out there seems to care about the fish!

Originally Posted by jezza2011 View Post
....Whales are mamals and intelegent. almost every other country in the world has agreed not to whale for that reason.
I agree that mammals are probably more intelligent than fish, but we eat other mammals, why not eat whales? Pigs are mean't to be intelligent, but we rear them in tiny pens and then kill them at a young age, and what about rats? Another intelligent animal and we leave poison out for them to die a horrible death just because they intrude on our living space. Whales are not livestock, they are wild animals in an uncontrolled environment, you can't really compare them to farmed animals.

I would rather spend 20 odd years free in an ocean and die with 5 mins of pain, than 10 months kept in a cage eating pig nuts and die in 30 seconds.

These guys are terrorists, plain and simple, hiding behind the fascade of animal rights. Look at the pillock trying to get underwater and use an oxygen lance to cut through their propellor. Or the others using a giant catapult to whang bottles of acid onto another boat. You cannot condone that surely????

It won't be long before they kill either one of their own or one of the whalers!
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Old 01 July 2011, 14:27   #20
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