Originally Posted by craig_c
Last night myself and Jen decided to go for a small fish just outside the marina. It was after 9.30 allready quite dark and within 30 secs I had a fish on the line.
I reeled the line in to find 2 decent mackerel. I lifted them out the water and one jumped off the hook.....and decided to go straight down the elephants trunk!
Now with a normal boat it would have probably got away however ours being diesel there is a grp tube for about 1.5m to the transom.
With around half an hour of filling the boat up with water and emptying again hopefully Steve McQueen the mackerel escaped but I think time and smell will tell!
Which raises the question, if you were in a boat full of water "oh! sh1t" situation & were relying on the bailers to empty the boat, could a stray piece of debris, mug, pop can, sunglasses case etc do the same & block the tube? Might be worth putting a coarse grid over the inboard end to stop anything big enough to block the tube from going down.
PS. we once lost a tidy lobster out of the boat, we never knew how it escaped, but the only way out was down the bailer.