Well, boat went to henshaws yesterday for some non slip wear patches and
a few other bits and pieces, droped the boat off early so work could be competed in the day.
After a breakfast at the local morrisons, we descided to have a browse round the huge henshaw factory, 50+ workers hard at it tubing everthing from 13m
ring ribs, revenger 29s and all types of millitary tubes from around the world and the tubes for goldfish ribs, it was fascinating watching the different processes from pattern making to cutting and makeing of the finnished project. it took eight guys to lift and fit the rubbing strake to a 13m ring rib
everone had a set job to make the process look effortless as they worked around the boat.
Then after lunch we had a trip to ribcraft, and were given the full guided tour of rib building, with tea in hand we were shown each stage from gelcoat to
laminating of the hulls and final fit out. after seeing the attention to detail
ribcraft offer its easy to see how they are still building on a great reputation.
So all in all i had a great job done on the rib and in the process learned loads
about tubing and rib building process. All in all top day