02 May 2003, 06:05
Country: UK - Scotland
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Also new ribs should come with Digipics of everything that is under floor inc wiring
What a ruddy good idea, and cheap to introduce too. Manufacturers please note!
Keith (did I mention the Orkney trip?) Hart
02 May 2003, 08:03
Country: Greece
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Originally posted by kitten
Manos not too sure about the SS rope, Knots are a problem
You know what I mean LOLOL 
02 May 2003, 13:19
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 89
Not that I have a boat at this time, but why don't new boats come with cleats.
You have to order decent large cleats at the bow and Port & Starboard stern, which I think is a basic requirement, even Fletchers have cleats (not that they are any good as so small!).
Why don't they come as standard.
02 May 2003, 14:10
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Sunny Ynys Môn
Boat name: Windchill 2
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Attention to detail - boring I know, but it makes all the difference.
"Glove box" space on the console - I haven't got any on my Humber, but recently bought two stud fitting cordura "cockpit tidies" from a local chandlery to put things like shades, emergency knife, spare kill cord etc.
02 May 2003, 15:24
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Also forgot to mention for us Medditeranean people a cooler box designated space (or something like it)!!! Very important also when you are cruising at 35+ deg C. Dehydration is a major factor.
PS What I have said that I would have liked on a RIB I have fitted on my boat. And so far I am happy with it.
02 May 2003, 22:08
Country: UK - Wales
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Places to put things:
The navy blue pouch on the port side of the console (which is actually the best bit about the little Humber - big enough for everything, secure, comfy etc - shame about the attention to detail!)
Same thing on the for'ard face of the "settee" (which was a bad idea!! - the seat, not the pouch)
02 May 2003, 22:23
Country: UK - Wales
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Sorry, tried to attach a picture, but the files were too big! I've asked JK for expert advice.
Watch this space.
03 May 2003, 00:11
Country: UK - England
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Here's the one on the console
03 May 2003, 00:13
Country: UK - England
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And here's the other one. I think that sofas on RIBs are great by the way -- often the most comfortable seat on the boat. Several people have been to sleep on the aft seat on Phoenix over the years, and I had a very comfy ride in a bucket sofa on the back of a Ribcraft 585 in Scotland a few years ago!
03 May 2003, 07:38
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Sunny Ynys Môn
Boat name: Windchill 2
Make: Ring Powercraft 685
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Posts: 150
Thanks!! How did you do it?
The "cockpit tidies" are my bargain of the year so far - £1.00 each from the oddments bin at local chandlers.Pretty esential too on this boat, otherwise you have to either open the console hatches whilst under way, or lift the sofa.
03 May 2003, 08:23
Country: UK - England
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getting down to the nitty gritty
that's the stuff, the diagrams,cabling, cockpit tidies for use on the move, all the little things you actualy use rather than just looks good. But keep it comming there must be more things that niggle you.
03 May 2003, 08:43
Country: Greece
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Hi Kitten,
As the thread starter, you should summarise all points in a nice table.
Why not to continue with a vote in order to give them importance ?
03 May 2003, 08:59
Country: UK - England
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Put it to the vote
Good idea when we seam to be running out of ideas, I'll collate all the info and put it to a vote.
One for the best things you want to see on your boat,  and one for the features you wish would sink to the bottem of Hermes deep never to be seen again.
Lets see if we can't come up with some new inovation.
03 May 2003, 10:11
RIBnet supporter
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For me please......
1/ Higher transoms with either a splash well or good size sump.
2/ Rubber warp tunnels on bow and each side of rear for mooring warps so they don't chafe the tubes.
3/ More rubber protection on top of tubes where the squids like to sit.
4/ Wider beams in sub 6m boats.
Thank you
03 May 2003, 13:43
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
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My little boat (3.4m) has a ruddy wide beam in it - mine!
Keith (fat a*se) Hart
03 May 2003, 18:57
Country: UK - England
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Whiteshoozes new boat had a clever feature on it. The front locker had a couple of seats built on to it but he had had a stainless steel bar made to go in front of it which allowed the kids to stand up and grab on to the bar....almost as if they were on a Jetski
03 May 2003, 20:26
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Posts: 3,339
any photos??
04 May 2003, 07:12
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Sunny Ynys Môn
Boat name: Windchill 2
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Posts: 150
Kitten whose market research are we contributing to? What was the thinking behind the thread?
Splashwell Idea is good, and high transomes - fits my point about auxiliary o/b s. On which tack, an "A" frame ought to be at least strong enough to rig lifting gear to help putting an auxiliary in place at sea - if you've tried it you'll know that even a little 3.3 hp 2 stroke is difficult to handle dangling over the stern in a swell. They are somewhat expensive to loose!!
Ocean RIBs seem to have a tidy splashwell arrangement, and high transomes to boot.
04 May 2003, 14:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon. uk
Boat name: bananashark
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Posts: 325
You are kind of right. If you look at our web page, you will see the race boat and what we as a team are all about, what you won’t see is the leisure boat we are developing which as it stands is 99% finalised. It’s very different to any RIB out there at the moment with what we think are some unusual features, and some that we know are totally new.
Due to the small size of our workforce (Cookee and Myself) progress is relatively slow, as it is a totally new build, with nothing nicked from previous models apart from the hullform.
Market research is not the term I would have used. That implies research were the results are private, any one, manufacturer, or end user can glean info from this thread, and maybe build a better boat as a result. But basically it’s mere curiosity on my part to see if what others find important is the same as we do.
If any one is interested in what we are doing I could bring some photos to the meet in Plymouth, though I would not want to post them on the forum as it is very much work in progress at the moment.
04 May 2003, 15:24
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
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Originally posted by Keith Hart
....... has a ruddy wide beam in it - mine!
I'd already considered this so I've ordered a bigger engine for the IOM cribbage run.......
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