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Old 02 August 2004, 11:31   #21
Country: UK - England
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Any one else forgotten to release the tilt lock and then wonder what is wrong with the PTT?
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
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Old 02 August 2004, 18:03   #22
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Originally Posted by Mark Halliday
Any one else forgotten to release the tilt lock and then wonder what is wrong with the PTT?
Only briefly, but the nasty sound says somthing is wrong

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Old 02 August 2004, 19:07   #23
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http://www.brixhambsac.pwp.blueyonde...gone_wrong.htm Posted this before in another thread I think. Still funny though
Brixham BSAC
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Old 02 August 2004, 21:29   #24
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Loved your stories about the parting polyprop and the Pikie's jetski.

Please never watch us launch, as it seems there's a helluva lot goes on around you....


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Old 08 August 2004, 20:47   #25
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[QUOTE=codprawn] Given the potential dangers of a slip why do so many members of Joe Pubic insist in larking around at the end of the slip?

Yesterday went around looking at some suitable launching points for my boat(When I find one). Hobbs point in Pembroke is a brilliant launch site - steep concrete slip straight into deep sheltered water - pontoons so you don't even need to get wet.

If you want any help or advice about Pembrokeshire Launches give me a shout, Alex Brown is also worth speaking to, I was on the water the weekend you were talking about after launching at Gellyswick. Alex tends to use either Milford dock or the slip at Neyland.
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Old 09 August 2004, 07:08   #26
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This happened quite a few years a go now (16 or 17)
A lot of boats were getting ready near the top of the slipway at Herne Bay & waiting for the tide to come in to the bottom of the slip. Then with about half hour to go someone pulled up with a large speed boat with 2 very large engines, being pulled behind a new VW crew cab thingy. As soon as they arrived they started to rant & shout at everyone, saying everyone was in their way & if they weren’t going to launch they should move. No one could believe their attitude but they moved out of the way so these two jokers could drive down the slip onto the beach. All was going well until they tried to reverse the boat into the sea, at this point their back wheels started spinning and digging nice deep holes. They didn’t take the trailer off the truck they just kept spinning the wheels more & more, digging deeper holes.
Everyone they had upset earlier when they arrived were very sympathetic, they gave them a nice big cheer & a round of applause. Within 10mins the sea had reached their back wheels, this was where some people started to sorry for them and went down to try & help. Within 2mins there were about 30 people trying to push the truck out, but with no luck & within another 10mins the water was at the top of their wheels & they were going nowhere.
At this point everyone else started to launch their own boats, & the couple run off to phone for a recovery vehicle. By time this arrived (large enough to tow a lorry) you could only see about 2 inches of the roof sticking out of the water, the recovery driver said “well here is the cable I’m not getting wet” neither of these 2 could swim so they didn’t want to pull the cable to the truck let alone try to connect it to something solid. I took the cable out to the truck and after feeling my way round the bottom, decided the most solid thing to attach it to was the towbar. The funniest thing to see was when it was when they had pulled it clear of he water to the top of the slipway, one of these two went and opened the door. Gallons of water came rushing out sweeping him off his feet, and sliding back down the slip towards the sea (good job there ware a few of us to stop him or else he would have to learn to swim very quickly)
To give you some insight it to what type of people they were, they couldn’t swim, they were going out in a very fast speedboat & they didn’t have any lifejackets, flair’s or a radio. Oh well perhaps it was a good job they didn’t actually go out on the boat.
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Old 09 August 2004, 10:02   #27
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I never get to see any of this exitement as the boatyard I keep mine is very quiet and there is a waiting pontoon - not much chance of drama.

Can anyone suggest a nice pub that overlooks a busy public slipway to while away a few hrs with free entertainment? Not that I am sadistic or anything!

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Old 31 August 2004, 20:11   #28
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Me too!

Came back from our annual Scillies holiday last week and did the lighting board trick while recovering the rib at Penzance slip.

I was mortified when I was attaching the lanyard and saw the cable running under the rib. The lighting board would have been about 2 feet under the surface at the back of the trailer and the slip was busy with other ribs, a dinghy and loads of holiday makers milling around. Muttered several obscenities to myself and got on with the recovery.

Having pulled up to the top of the slip, I got out to see what might still be working and what had fused. I was gobsmacked to find it all okay. Brake, side and indicators all still working on the trailer and no effect on the car lights! Immediate prayers were offered to those that were smiling on me, a smart crack to the bloke next to me about "these new waterproof lighting boards" and I was on my way, older, wiser and convinced that slipways are trouble!

Now looking forward to stripping it down to sort out the almost certain corrosion.

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Old 31 August 2004, 20:28   #29
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Originally Posted by ashbypower
"Should it (the boat) still be fastened to the trailer?
What have you seen?
And how many of us haven't done this at least once or even 2-ice?
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