Originally Posted by jefflee2k
When I opened the can the base glue (part A) looked like snot. Is this normal?
Yes, unforunately, it is normal. It seems like it will be way too thick to do anything with, but it actually works well. I would avoid thinning it out until you've done a few repairs and get a feel for how the bond thickness is supposed to be.
And what is the working life of each batch? Do I need to mix a new batch for each coat (15 - 20 minutes between coats)? Or if my first batch is still snotty after 20 minutes can a cut it with a little tolune before applying the second coat?
Pot life should be at least an hour, probably more. It helps to seal up your mixing container with foil to prevent too much solvent from evaporating. Remember that the solvent has to get out of the stuff to complete the bond, so don't go overboard if you do thin it out.