Must be over here ! was bang on as usual for Dublin, Lough Ree in the Midlands and Galway Bay all weekend. We had crews in all 3 locations and the debriefs confirmed the expected and experienced weather in all 3 locations.
We now have an inland lakes forecast from the Irish Met Office for the large Shannon Lakes. We find that their forecasts are always quite pessimistic!!
I tried one of the other sites mentioned ( windguru ) and found that the direction quoted at 1500 today was out by 180 degrees!!!!!!
I'll have a more careful look at it during the week !
I did see some registered users on the windguru site who I recognised as fellow marine professionals here in Ireland. I'll chat to them during the week and see what they think.
As I said, We have found theyr to be uncannily accurate for Irish waters (Dublin Bay, Sligo Bay, Galway Bay, Shannon Estruary and the Shannon Lakes) over weekly and daily use in recent years !!
As always, a given forecast is just one set of information inputs into a decision process. The decision rests ultimately with the Skipper!
Best wishes,
Originally Posted by jwalker
Powerboat, they must be good at your bit of the country. The charts are impressive as are the facilities but theyr (  ) as bad as the rest. At the moment, 19.00hrs, they have the whole area as a force 4 and just a bit of light cloud. It's been grey and stormy looking all day and at most a force 2 but mainly a 1 to calm.
Forcasters can't do it. Too much reliance on computer models, I don't doubt.