I'm just wondering.. how large could a RIB be and still be effective? (Open design rib, not with cabin)
What is the largest one they have built so far?
Any pictures of huuge ones, i'd love to see them
Also, not sure but think it may well have a cabin! A link later in the same thread suggests Crompton may be able to supply an even bigger one - but again I'm not sure if it's open. http://www.cromptonmarine.com/list_uk.html
Humm, that first one interesting that its not pictured on the water or trailer - is it built or just a modified image?
As for crompton's beast you would need sponsership from BP with your own tanker I would guess, any idea on just how much fuel per hr WOT it drinks?
I thought some ofr the USA's spec ops ribs were up in this size range also.