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Old 21 March 2010, 05:27   #1
Country: USA
Town: Santa Barbara, CA
Boat name: "Spear Rib"
Make: Avon
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Engine: Evinrude 30hp O/B
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Posts: 24
What model Avon is this???

Hello all - new guy here. Just bought my first RIB this afternoon and am busy doing research.. Yes, I have used the search function, and extensive use of Google, but can't seem to figure out which model of Avon I managed to get myself into today. Any anyone ID it by the picture below? It is a 1990 model according to the title, and I have the serial number handy if that is useful (though my search has been inconclusive about how to determine model & year from serial number.) It is about 11.5' (3.5m) long from bow to tips of cones. It has a fiberglass "dashboard" that has been laid in with what looks like original rubber, and has a leather-wrapped steering wheel (odd for a boat!) with OMC controls for the motor. The seat unit is a two-way (front and rear facing) with a storage compartment in between and some storage under the forward bench, along with space for the starting battery under the rear seat. Max hp rating is 30 hp (which is what it has mounted!)

I bought the boat as a way to allow me to spend more time in the water spearfishing and less time paddling a kayak, which has been my primary method up to now.

I got a very nice deal on the boat, motor, and trailer, but it need a bit of work, as it has been sitting in a side yard with a canvas cover over it for the last few years. The tubes appear in reasonably good shape, with some "crazing" (cracking) of the white coloring, but there is no evidence of any patches anywhere that I can find. I suspect that it may have some slow leaks (tomorrow will tell, as I pumped it up completely tonight).

Before I go off searching for all the things I need to know about this boat, can anyone point me to an FAQ or sticky somewhere that will tell me things like how much to inflate the tubes, what to use (and not use) to clean/renew the tubes, etc..?

Also, I'm considering removing all the seating and helm controls and just putting back in a long-handled tiller. To me this seems so much simpler, and would allow for a lot more "deck space". Any thoughts on this? (I'm sure it would reduce resale value for non-spearos/divers...)

Any other help would be greatly appreciated; I'm a babe in the woods when it comes to inflatables...

Hope to be posting some nice pics soon of the boat on the water and some nice fish in the back!


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Old 21 March 2010, 05:58   #2
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Have you got a pic of the hull from the side, and has the transom been extended?

It looks like what gets described as an Avon Supersport, though you'd have to ask Avon themselves on that.
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Old 21 March 2010, 06:54   #3
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looks very much like it
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	avon345.jpg
Views:	1520
Size:	31.9 KB
ID:	49937  
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Old 21 March 2010, 09:49   #4
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No help with naming it but I wouldn't run the straps across the tubes like that, won't do it much good if it is your boat?
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Old 21 March 2010, 12:02   #5
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Avon Supersport S3.45
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Old 21 March 2010, 16:55   #6
Country: USA
Town: Santa Barbara, CA
Boat name: "Spear Rib"
Make: Avon
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Engine: Evinrude 30hp O/B
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Thanks all! Couple of things:

1. The straps over the tubes were done at the insistence of the PO before I drove off. The boat was partially deflated, which accounts for the deflection of the tubes. Good to know for the future though. It only stayed that way for about 30 minutes until I got home. In the future, how should I best anchor her to the trailer to keep her from flopping around while moving down the highway? I don't see any good anchor points other than the grab handles...?

2. While cleaning her this morning, I came across the actual model # tag, and yes, it is indeed a SuperSport S3.45, so props to Downhilldai on that one.

3. The transom does not look like anything has been done to it. In fact other than the addition of a volt meter and lighted compass (both shoddily wired, need to be redone properly) the boat looks remarkably stock. In fact the original Avon pump and unopened repair kit are still in the center console.

I removed the console to clean her out and to also see if I can remove the rear-facing bench in order to create more room.

Does anyone know of a way to store the fuel inside or under this center console unit? (did Avon make any sort of fuel cell that fit in there?). Everything looks nice and tidy until I put in the ugly 6 gal plastic red fuel tank in the rear....

Here are more pictures. I see a lot of negative comments on painting, but the bottoms of the tubes have been painted black and the tops are unpainted. The hull has also been painted, but it is pretty chalky and perhaps in need of a re-do. That being said, my total investment in this boat, motor, and trailer is about $1,000 USD, so I'm not looking to create a restoration project out of it. I just want to make sure it is as seaworthy and utilitarian as possible for making jaunts a mile or so off the coast and 5-10 miles up and down the coast on nice days.

Should I just ignore the small cracks in the white paint, and the oxidized bottom paint?

Is there a good product that will restore a bit of shine/luster and also protect from further UV damage? I know there is a LOT of snake oil sold in Marine supply stores, so I thought I'd check in first and see about peoples' opinions.

Thanks again in advance for the help. Lots to learn about this particular subject!

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Old 21 March 2010, 20:26   #7
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I have one too

I have one of these a 1995 model, ran a 30hp on it last summer and it was good for 30 knots, would pull a watertoy ringo etc.

Have taken out the rear seats on mine over winter, also got a new windscreen to fit. You need the windscreen as they get wet when you stop if in any ways as you sit so far forward.

Is like driving a gocart! Good fun.

PS mine is for sale if anyone else wants one!
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Old 21 March 2010, 22:51   #8
Country: USA
Town: Santa Barbara, CA
Boat name: "Spear Rib"
Make: Avon
Length: 3m +
Engine: Evinrude 30hp O/B
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 24
Where does one find a wind screen in the US? Is it an Avon-only part, or is there an aftermarket supplier?

80% of the time using this, I'll be in a wetsuit so getting wet is no big deal, but on those occasions with the family it might be nice to deflect some spray.
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Old 21 March 2010, 23:09   #9
Country: UK - England
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I went to my local Avon dealer and he gave me a searider screen that I cut down, but to be honest any bit fo clear perspex would do..

They struggle to get on the plane with two adults up front and children at the back. Would recommend doel fins to help with that issue..
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