27 September 2011, 10:48
Country: UK - England
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What on earth...?
...is this?
This is the best picture I could do in the circumstances. Just to help the question along...it looks like an old speedboat hull, there's an 'oil drum' perched on the back with the words "HOT" written on it, the prop is the size of a small egg whisk (just above the number plate), the exhaust (poking out the lhs) is the size of Jack-The-Lad's Subaru Imprezza.
27 September 2011, 11:10
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
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It's a Little Yellow Racing Boat.
It's obvious really
27 September 2011, 13:00
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I'm gonna follow Nasher's offering with another take entirely...
That's not the exhaust. It's a flue/funnel. I reckon she's a steamboat.
Really, I do.
I think.
27 September 2011, 13:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Sheepy Parva
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Posts: 1,731
Originally Posted by willk
I reckon she's a steamboat
That was my first thought too...but then I looked at the hull and noticed it wasn't clinkered and varnished and guy driving the pick-em-up truck wasn't wearing a flat cap
Later, all I could think of was the JetSkiGull put up by NOS and the bbq A Level project from gotchiguy. Can't think why...
27 September 2011, 18:47
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
Seriously, I believe there is a class of race boat that uses very small engines, very similar to moped racing for bikes. Its all about weight, and making the most of what little of everything the rules allow.
The exhaust is probably an expansion chamber tuned to work at a very high RPM and probably sound like a very large Bee.
27 September 2011, 18:51
Country: UK - England
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It it some sort of ducted fan on the back?
27 September 2011, 20:35
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Originally Posted by thomas
It it some sort of ducted fan on the back?
Are you sure that's not the spare wheel on the back of the car?
I thought for a split second that it might be a pulse jet, but on more detail inspection reckon it's an exhaust sticking out the top.
I think I can see a small prop on the bottom of the transom, so that would suggest an inboard. Nasher's suggestion is the favorite.
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27 September 2011, 21:21
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Its a small air boat!

'Carpe Diem'
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28 September 2011, 06:09
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this sort of thing...
28 September 2011, 07:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Sheepy Parva
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Posts: 1,731
Originally Posted by jambo
Its a small air boat!

Could be...if only it had a fan and didn't have a propellor
When I said in the OP it had an oil drum on the back (which wasn't the spare wheel of the truck  ), I'll expand...it had a stainless steel fabrication similar in size and shape to an oil drum. The word 'HOT' was written on the back of the 'drum' and the steel was tarnished as in kin-HOT. The 'drum' had two letter box sized cut outs in the top. The propellor egg whisk was smaller than on my Suzuki 5hp. There was a cable driven rudder system to the right of the egg whisk. The Jack-The-Lad Subaru exhaust/funnel/chimney looked like it was made from flexible aluminium air con ducting. The V shaped hull had chines and was fibreglass.
Odd and intriguing it was, an air boat it wasn't  Nasher sounds like he's there or thereabouts but I still don't understand how it produces power
28 September 2011, 09:37
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Hot means hot then. If it was that hot, it had flames in it. Firebox.
Steam, I tells ya.
28 September 2011, 19:33
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That exhaustlooks a bit like it belongs on a small turbine.
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28 September 2011, 21:03
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Originally Posted by Leapy
The propellor egg whisk was smaller than on my Suzuki 5hp.
Hydroplane racing props are quite small, they turn really fast though, like 10,000 rpm. 190mph boats like these have props not much bigger than that: » The Boat
So its actually somewhat proportional to that little boat's size.
I'm guessing the "hot" item is dry exhaust, exhaust into the water would slow her down.
28 September 2011, 21:04
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
That exhaustlooks a bit like it belongs on a small turbine.
Yes, turbine engines are common on hydro racers.
28 September 2011, 21:38
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Whatever it is looks to me like he needs to sort out the trailer offside brake light
28 September 2011, 21:56
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
Whatever it is looks to me like he needs to sort out the trailer offside brake light 
oooh .. timw will be around shortly with his ribnet clipboard patrol award  now why didnt I spot it
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